Sadık, Evin ŞahinSaraoğlu, Hamdi MelihKabaya, Sibel CanbazKeskinkılıç, Cahit2024-06-132024-06-1320222687-6167 examine our brain's responses to different cognitive activities, the brain signals of 30 volunteers were evaluated in terms of verbal memory, visual memory, verbal attention, visual attention and mental processing speed cognitive activities by using Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The correlation between cognitive activities and EEG signals was analyzed by examining the EEG signals recorded during the resting state of the volunteers and during five different cognitive activities (Öktem Verbal memory test, Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) visual memory subtest, Digit span test, Corsi block test and Stroop test). The spectral features of four EEG subbands (delta, theta, beta and alpha) were extracted from the EEG signals at rest and from the EEG signals during each cognitive activity using the Welch method. When the extracted features were evaluated statistically using the ANOVA test, it was observed that there were changes in the EEG bands of the volunteers who passed from the resting state to the test state. It was observed that the relative beta values of the volunteers' EEG signals decreased in the Öktem verbal memory processes test and Digit span test, while the relative alpha values decreased during the visual memory, Corsi block and Stroop tests.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEVALUATION of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EEG BAND POWERS and COGNITIVE TASKSArticle252512401151909