Duru, İzzet ParuğAktaş, Şahin2025-02-092025-02-0920243023-437910.61150/ijonfest.2024020206https://hdl.handle.net/11501/1643https://doi.org/10.61150/ijonfest.2024020206https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ijonfest/issue/87321/1462774The quantum entanglement of mixed XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain is examined. We quantify localizable entanglement (LE) in terms of upper/lower bounds through Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Loop algorithm is chosen to numerically calculate thermodynamic quantities including spin-spin correlations. The exchange coupling, Zeeman energy, and dipolar interaction are literally taken into account. Findings summarize that the strength of dipole-dipole interaction (D) and external magnetic field (Bz) are notable in entanglement formation driving creation and extinction of entanglement. The creation and extinction of entanglement depend on D and Bz. Furthermore, strong fields at the critical temperatures lead a non-monotonic/monotonic behavior introducing revival phenomena. Nevertheless, strong D provides the distance-dependent stability of LE values, preserving unity.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMixed Magnetic StateQuantum EntanglementMonte Carlo SimulationSudden DeathCritical TemperatureMonte Carlo simulation of distance dependent quantum entanglement in mixed XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 chainsArticle15121312