Enerji Teknolojileri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi
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Öğe Thermal management analysis with different PCMs in Sodium-Ion batteries(Türkiye Enerji Stratejileri ve Politikaları Araştırma Merkezi (TESPAM), 2024) Canci Matur, Utku; Tüysüz, Cansu; Köse, AliThe advent of modern technology has led to a significant increase in the utilisation of rechargeable secondary batteries. Despite the sustainability of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, the limited availability of lithium has driven research into alternative energy storage technologies. Sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries, as a potential alternative to Li-ion batteries, have emerged as a highly promising contender. However, for these batteries to become industrially viable, certain properties such as energy and power density need to be enhanced. To address this issue, batteries have been a focus of research, and battery thermal management systems have been developed. These systems aim to evaluate battery performance, which is strongly influenced by temperature. Effective thermal management ensures that the battery operates within the optimal temperature range. This study models a pouch-type battery and evaluates the effects of phase changing materials (PCM) on battery temperature control. Comparative analysis is conducted using different PCMs to understand their impact. The study analyses the battery's response to specific temperature ranges and assesses how different PCMs affect battery cooling performance. The results provide critical insights for ensuring efficient battery operation. Furthermore, this research supports the broader adoption of Na-ion batteries in industrial applications and contributes to the development of sustainable energy storage systems.Öğe Dielectric and optical properties of Eux(Bi1-x)Sr2CaCu2O6.5 (x=0.3 and 1) samples(Istanbul Gedik University, 2024) Canci Matur, Utku; Aslan Çataltepe, Özden; Tabanlı, SevcanEu-based copper oxide layered ceramics have some interesting dielectric properties depending on its stoichiometric ratios and elements used in ceramics. In this study, optical properties of EuSr2CaCu2O6.5 and Eu0.3Bi0.7Sr2CaCu2O6.5 samples and dielectric property of EuSr2CaCu2O6.5 sample were investigated for the first time. Negative real permittivity for EuSr2CaCu2O6+x sample was observed at temperature with 373 K and higher temperatures and below than the cross over frequency with 14 Hz. Moreover, it is determined that Eu3+ concentration in the material affects the relative emission intensity.Öğe Design today save future(Istanbul Gedik University, 2019) Yahya, Noorhana; Pereira, Carlos Mourão; Canci Matur, Utku; Özbudak, Özgün; Önal, Feride; Tolon, Mart; Karabuga, ArifAlong with the development of technology, industrialization and rapid population growth have increased the energy demand. The awareness of the energy crisis has led researchers to search for new solutions and use new technologies in this area. Renewable energy has an extremely important place in energy requirement of the countries with domestic resources, reducing the external dependency, diversifying the resources and ensuring sustainable energy usage and minimizing the damages to the environment as a result of energy consumption. Today, around 20 percent of the world’s consumed energy is supply from renewable sources. Despite the high level of dependence on fossil fuels in the current situation, the use of renewable energy has been increasing steadily over the years. The conventional energy sources that already supply most of the energy demand. However, it is estimated that fossil fuels, especially petroleum, will be consumed in the next 200-300 years. In order to be able to produce solutions for this situation, it is necessary to carry out many research/development and production/development projects related to both conventional energy sources and alternative energy sources.Öğe Examination of the liquefaction system for the use of different cryogenics in terms of thermodynamic analysis(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2019) Karabuğa, Arif; Utlu, Zafer; Selbaş, ReşatEnergy consumption in the world is increasing day by day. In addition to diversifying energy resources, it is also important to reduce energy consumption. In order to find the actual consumption of a thermodynamic system, energy efficiency as well as exergy efficiency should be done. The purpose of this study is to determine the parameters affecting the exergy efficiency of the cryogenic liquefaction unit integrated into a real cryogenic air separation unit. Cryogenic liquefaction is one of the basic processes between liquefaction methods. In addition to this process, absorption and membrane are used in methods. The main difference in the selection of these methods is the desired purity rates. Cryogenes are defined as fluids used in cryogenic cooling. In this study, five different cryogenes in the air are investigated. The energy and exergy analysis of the liquefaction unit for each cryogen is made. As a result of the study, the highest COPactual value is obtained with 0.3105 hydrogen fluid and the highest COPrev value with 0.8551 oxygen. Exergy of the system is found as 0.48 with hydrogen.Öğe Effect of electron beam improved dielectric function on optical properties of sol-gel derived CuIn1-XGaXSe2 thin-film(Elsevier, 2022) Voss, S. Akyol; Canci Matur, Utku; Çimenoğlu, Hüseyin; Baydoğan, NilgünElectron beam has been applied as a practical posttreatment process for the surface modification at the CuIn1-XGaXSe2 thin film. The rise of the film thickness indicated the advantages of the modified surface-related properties (such as the optical parameters to develop an optimum optical model) via enriching the micro-structure with the negative charged beta particles by using Sr-90 radioisotope. The effect of negatively charged beta particles on dielectric constants was examined at two different dose levels (3 and 9.1 Gy) by using Sr-90 radioisotope. The application of the electron beam to the thin film surface caused the slight changes in refrac-tive index (n), extinction coefficient (k) and optical absorption coefficient. The increase of refractive index and the improvement of absorption coefficient provided to distinguish clearly the decrease in extinction coefficient and the decline in energy band gap as the result of the rise of the beta dose at the thin-film. The slight variations in dielectric constants were performed by encouraging more dense structure to form the optimum crystalline network at the thin film (applied beta dose). The application of beta dose favoured inventive variations in the refractive index. The applied two different beta dose levels were below-3.1 Gy and above-9 Gy. The beta dose level at-9 Gy was-3 times dose value of 3.1 Gy (applied as a security value for the utilization of this thin film at the extreme environments such as international space station orbit). The refractive index stated its importance specifying the rise of the bending of light in the thin film structure.Öğe Thermal neutrons effect on improvement of electrical properties at CIGS thin film derived by sol-gel dip coating technique(Elsevier, 2022) Canci Matur, Utku; Baydoğan, NilgünThe thermal neutron effect on the copper indium gallium (di)selenide thin film synthesized by the sol-gel dip -coating technique has explained the novel use of this film under extreme conditions (such as neutron irradiation fields). The thin film samples were treated by using the reactor neutrons to obtain the optimum neutron treat-ment for the determination of the variations in the structural characteristics. The gamma filter system has provided the evaluation of the high thermal neutron flux effect on the thin film samples by using the tangential beam tube of ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor. The influence of the neutron effect on the electrical and optical features was explained by the rise of selenium amount in the thin film. The neutron-treated thin film samples (at 50 at. % Se) had a significant effect on the lowest electrical resistivity depending on the increase of the film density. The equivalent gamma dose of the neutron-treated thin film was determined as a 0.024 Gy dose level for neutron irradiation. The neutron treatment was significant to evaluate the decrease in the sheet resistivity of the thin film at this dose level. The neutron dose has led to a slight decrease in the optical band gap as the result of the thermal and epithermal neutrons' effects on the thin film.Öğe Tracking optical properties of ZnO:Mg thin films: experimental and first principles calculations(Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022) Canci Matur, Utku; Duru, İzzet Paruğ; Akcan, DoğanAs low-cost transparent conducting oxides (TCO), ZnO based materials have been widely used in flat panels, sensors, glasses and transparent electronic systems. ZnO based thin films are preferable instead of other TCO materials such as Indium Tin Oxides (ITO) due to electrochemical stability, non-toxicity, low cost. The physical and chemical properties of ZnO based devices depend on the stoichiometry, amount of impurity (dopant), and deposition method. In this study Mg doped zinc oxide (MZO) thin films with doping ratio varying from 1% to 5% were deposited by sol-gel dip coating method to improve the physical characters by forming the grain size. Structural and optical properties were investigated by means of XRD analysis, ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Moreover, DFTB + method was preferred to determine electronic properties based on structural information obtained from XRD analysis. Experimentally determined band-gaps were compared with theoretically calculated gap values in which oxygen vacancies are considered.Öğe Swelling modification by electron beam at chalcopyrite copper indium gallium diselenium thin-film controlled optical features(Elsevier, 2023) Voss, S. Akyol; Canci Matur, Utku; Çimenoğlu, Hüseyin; Baydoğan, NilgünElectron beam effect on swelling at the sol-gel derived thin film has been examined for chalcopyrite copper indium gallium diselenium thin-film semiconductor nanolayers with optical pransparent features. The copper indium gallium diselenium layers with the optical transparent features were irradiated by negatively charged electron beam which was emmited from Sr-90 radioisotope with 2.86 mCi activity. The swelling was the important parameters to use this thin film at the optoelectronic layers that have affected the safety and operating life of the equipments and systems in nuclear applications.