İngiliz Kolonisi Bengal’in yazılı metinlerinde Atatürk
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Atatürk Üniversitesi
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Hilafetle birlikte Müslümanlığın koruyucusu olarak görülen Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve akabinde çetin mücadeleler sonucu cumhuriyet rejimi ile birlikte Mustafa Kemal Paşa sayesinde tekrar küllerinden doğan Türkiye, anti-emperyalist duruşu nedeniyle bir zamanlar sömürgeciliğin altında mücadele eden Bengal bölgesi ve günümüz bağımsız Bangladeş halkı için hep ilham kaynağı olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, Bengal tarihinin önde gelen aydınlarından Rabindranath Tagore, Ramnath Biswas ve Kazi Nazrul İslam’ın Kemal Atatürk hakkında yazdığı seçkin eserler incelenmiş ve bu eserlerin yazıldığı dönemde Bengal’de Atatürk ve Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı’nın nasıl anlaşıldığı ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Belgesel tarama yöntemi kullanılarak bu çalışmada, bu üç Bengalli yazarın Türkiye literatüründe hiç değinilmemiş seçkin eserlerinin Türkçe çevirilerine yer verilmiş ve metin analizi yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada ele alınan Rabindranath, Ramnath ve Nazrul’un çeşitli eserlerinde, her üç yazarın da Atatürk taraftarı olduğu ve eserlerinde Mustafa Kemal Paşa liderliğindeki Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı’nı ve modern laik Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ni destekledikleri görülmüştür.
Türkiye, which emerged victoriously under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, historically recognized as the guardian of Islam through the caliphate, and subsequently transitioned into the Republican regime after enduring struggles, has consistently served as a source of inspiration for the people of Bengal and the contemporary sovereign state of Bangladesh. This admiration stems from the Bengal region's historical confrontation against colonial powers, with Türkiye embodying an anti-imperialist standpoint. In this study, selected written texts about Kemal Atatürk by leading intellectuals of Bengal's history, Rabindranath Tagore, Ramnath Biswas, and Kazi Nazrul Islam, have been examined to understand how Atatürk and the Turkish War of Independence were perceived in Bengal during the period these works were written. Using documentary analysis, this study presents Turkish translations of selected works by these three Bengali writers that have not been previously discussed in Turkish literature, and conducts text analysis. In various works by Rabindranath, Ramnath, and Nazrul examined in this study, it is observed that all three writers were supporters of Kemal Atatürk and endorsed the Turkish War of Independence under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, as well as the modern secular Republic of Türkiye.
Türkiye, which emerged victoriously under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, historically recognized as the guardian of Islam through the caliphate, and subsequently transitioned into the Republican regime after enduring struggles, has consistently served as a source of inspiration for the people of Bengal and the contemporary sovereign state of Bangladesh. This admiration stems from the Bengal region's historical confrontation against colonial powers, with Türkiye embodying an anti-imperialist standpoint. In this study, selected written texts about Kemal Atatürk by leading intellectuals of Bengal's history, Rabindranath Tagore, Ramnath Biswas, and Kazi Nazrul Islam, have been examined to understand how Atatürk and the Turkish War of Independence were perceived in Bengal during the period these works were written. Using documentary analysis, this study presents Turkish translations of selected works by these three Bengali writers that have not been previously discussed in Turkish literature, and conducts text analysis. In various works by Rabindranath, Ramnath, and Nazrul examined in this study, it is observed that all three writers were supporters of Kemal Atatürk and endorsed the Turkish War of Independence under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, as well as the modern secular Republic of Türkiye.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Atatürk, Bengal, Rabindranath Tagore, Ramnath Biswas, Kazi Nazrul İslam, Atatürk, Bengal, Rabindranath Tagore, Ramnath Biswas, Kazi Nazrul Islam
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