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Öğe Efficacy of ursodeoxycholic acid in reducing the necessity of cholecystectomy due to pre-existing and subsequently formed gallstones in patients who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy(BMC, 2025) Demirpolat, Muhammed Taha; Çelikkaya, Muhammet Oğuz; Ertekin, Süleyman Çağlar; Başak, Fatih; Şişik, AbdullahBackgroundIn this study, we aimed to investigate whether ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) would reduce the necessity of cholecystectomy in patients diagnosed with asymptomatic gallstones after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) and in patients diagnosed with asymptomatic gallstones before LSG.MethodsBetween July 2020 and November 2022, at least 2-year follow-ups of patients who underwent LSG for obesity were retrospectively analyzed. Patients with pre-existing asymptomatic gallstones during preoperative evaluation, those with UDCA treatment (group 1), and observation group (group 2). Patients with newly formed gallstones in postoperative outpatient clinic follow-up, those with UDCA treatment (group A), and those without UDCA treatment (group B).ResultsA total of 425 patients included. At the end of the first year, patients who had newly formed gallstones after LSG had a higher total weight loss percentages (TWL%) (39.8 +/- 6.1) compared to those who did not develop gallstones (37.9 +/- 7.4), which were statistically significant (p = 0.004). Among patients who developed gallstones postoperatively, UDCA treatment was associated with a significantly lower cholecystectomy rate in patients with newly formed gallstones postoperatively (p = 0.025), while no significant difference was shown in patients with preoperative gallstones (p = 0.631).ConclusionUDCA is a promising option for reducing the need for cholecystectomy in patients with post-LSG gallstones, but it appears ineffective for pre-existing gallstones.Öğe Distinctive delta and theta responses in deductive and probabilistic reasoning(Wiley, 2025) Sevim, Emir Faruk; Yıldırım, Yasin; Ünsal, Esra; Dalmızrak, Esra; Güntekin, BaharIntroductionThe neural substrates of reasoning, a cognitive ability we use constantly in daily life, are still unclear. Reasoning can be divided into two types according to how the inference process works and the certainty of the conclusions. In deductive reasoning, certain conclusions are drawn from premises by applying the rules of logic. On the other hand, in probabilistic reasoning, possible conclusions are drawn by interpreting the semantic content of arguments.MethodsWe examined event-related oscillations associated with deductive and probabilistic reasoning. To better represent the natural use of reasoning, we adopted a design that required participants to choose what type of reasoning they would use. Twenty healthy participants judged the truth values of alternative conclusion propositions following two premises while the EEG was being recorded. We then analyzed event-related delta and theta power and phase-locking induced under two different conditions.ResultsWe found that the reaction time was shorter and the accuracy rate was higher in deductive reasoning than in probabilistic reasoning. High delta and theta power in the temporoparietal, parietal, and occipital regions of the brain were observed in deductive reasoning. As for the probabilistic reasoning, prolonged delta response in the right hemisphere and high frontal theta phase-locking were noted.ConclusionOur results suggest that the electrophysiological signatures of the two types of reasoning have distinct characteristics. There are significant differences in the delta and theta responses that are associated with deductive and probabilistic reasoning. Although our findings suggest that deductive and probabilistic reasoning have different neural substrates, consistent with most of the studies in the literature, there is not yet enough evidence to make a comprehensive claim on the subject. There is a need to diversify the growing literature on deductive and probabilistic reasoning with different methods and experimental paradigms.Öğe Could DTI unlock the mystery of subjective tinnitus: it's time for parameters that go a little out of the routine(Springer, 2024) Yılmaz, Eren; Yıldırım, Düzgün; Tekcan Şanlı, Deniz Esin; Elpen, Pınar; Gösterişli Tüzüner, Filiz; Gökmen İnan, Neslihan; Şirin, Ahmet; Yağımlı, Mustafa; Tozan, Hakan; Şanlı, Ahmet Necati; Kandemirli, Sedat GirayIn this study, it was aimed to assess the microstructural changes in the main central auditory pathway in cases with subjective tinnitus. In total, 101 subjects (52 cases with bilateral subjective non-pulsatile tinnitus and 49 healthy cases as the control group) were included in the study. Participants underwent pure tone audiogram and Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DTI-MRI) examination with a 3 Tesla MRI device. The number of tracts, tract length, volume, and quantitative anisotropy (QA) and normalized quantitative anisotropy' (nQA) values were calculated by plotting cochleocortical pathways from the cochlear nerve to ipsilateral and contralateral Heschl's gyrus (HG). In pure tone audiometry, the control group had lower hearing thresholds than cases with tinnitus. Fibres and nQA values from the right cochlear nerve to the right HG were significantly lower in the tinnitus group than in the control group. Cochlear nuclei voxel counts were significantly decreased in the tinnitus group. Both cochlear nucleus volumes were higher in the tinnitus group than in the control group. nQA values in both cochlear nuclei were decreased in the tinnitus group. This study showed that the most commonly affected part in subjective non-pulsatile tinnitus cases is the cochlear nucleus. Therefore, the cochlear nucleus should be evaluated more carefully in cases presenting with subjective tinnitus.Öğe Reduced resting and task-related alpha activity in mine workers: implications for occupational health and neurodegenerative risk(Elsevier B.V., 2024) Çelik, Samet; Yıldırım, Ebru; Güntekin, BaharUnderground mine workers face many risk factors at work sites that are known to affect the neural system. Observational studies report that these risk factors precede neuromuscular and neurodegenerative disorders, especially in old-age miners. Neurodegenerative disorders have electrophysiological, anatomical, and functional changes long before symptoms are seen in older adults. Therefore, this study investigated whether risks faced by miners at young ages were reflected in electrophysiological signals. Twenty-one underground miners and twenty-two above-ground workers matched with them in terms of age, education, and working duration were included in this study. Participants were recorded with a 20-channel EEG during the resting-state (eyes open and closed; EO-EC) and the perception of the International Affective Picture System Paradigm (IAPS). Time-frequency analyses were performed for alpha frequency. Rs-EEG results showed a statistically significant difference in alpha power between the EO and EC states in the control group. However, there was no statistical difference in alpha power between these two conditions in the miners. Additionally, we noted a more pronounced decrease in alpha responses in the posterior region during EC in the miners. The group's main effects were statistically significant in event-related alpha responses during emotional responses. Accordingly, event-related alpha responses of the miner group were lower than the control group in terms of both power spectrum and phase-locking. Underground mine workers are cognitively and emotionally affected by risks in the work environment. Electrophysiological changes seen in young underground workers may be a harbinger of neurodegenerative disorders in miners' old age. Our research findings may lead to the development of occupational neuroscience, social policies, and worker health, which are necessary to improve working conditions for mineworkers.Öğe The effect of stretching exercises applied to caregivers of children with development disabilities on musculoskeletal muscle mobility and respiratory function(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024) Ataç, Amine; Atak, EbrarWe aimed to investigate the effect of stretching exercises applied to the hamstring, one of the posterior muscle chains, on musculoskeletal flexibility, chest mobility, and respiratory function. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and static stretching exercises were applied to 30 healthcare personnel caring for children with developmental delays using a crossover randomized study design. Posterior muscle chain mobility was assessed using the popliteal angle test (PAT) for the hamstring muscle, the mobility of the lumbar muscles was assessed using the Schober test (ST), and the mobility of the posterior chain muscles as a whole was assessed using the finger-to-floor distance test. Chest mobility was measured using chest circumference measurements and lung volumes were measured using the pulmonary function test (PFT). The results showed that stretching exercises applied to the hamstrings led to significant improvements in PAT, ST, and chest mobility in the direction of maximal expiration (p < 0.05), without being superior to each other. Ten males (33.3%) and twenty females (66.7%) who met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. The mean age of the participants was 26.6 ± 5.9 years, the mean height was 169.53 ± 8.67 cm, the mean weight was 65.26 ± 12.03 kg, and the mean body mass index was 22.58 ± 3 kg/m2. Chest inspiratory mechanics also showed a low positive correlation with posterior muscle mobility (r = 0.381; p = 0.038). There was no significant change in PAT. Within the framework of the myofascial theory, stretching exercises that can contribute positively to the musculoskeletal and respiratory system structures of healthcare professionals can be recommended and encouraged to healthcare professionals.Öğe The relationship between sleep quality and posture: a study on university students(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024) Badau, Adela; Badau, Dana; Şarvan Cengiz, Şebnem; Coşkun, Ebrar ŞevvalThe aim of this study is to investigate body posture, physical exercises, head–neck relationship, and sleep quality among university students. A total of 96 students, with an average age of 20.86 ± 1.24 years and an average BMI of 23.41 ± 2.56, voluntarily participated in the study. The REEDCO Posture Evaluation (RPE) was used to assess the participants’ body posture scores. Head and neck measurements were taken using the Apecs-AI Posture Evaluation and Correction System® (Apecs Posture Analysis Pro Plus Version 8.2.6). Sleep quality was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Pearson correlation analysis indicated that increased caffeine consumption was associated with poorer sleep quality (r = 0.267, p < 0.05). Additionally, increased participation in physical activities was associated with improved sleep quality, with those engaging in sports having better sleep quality scores (r = ?0.278, p < 0.05). As physical activity increased, REEDCO scores decreased (r = ?0.423, p < 0.05), while scores for right head (r = 0.210, p < 0.05) and left head (r = 0.247, p < 0.05) increased. Significant negative correlations were found between REEDCO scores and right head (r = ?0.296, p < 0.05) and left head (r = ?0.463, p < 0.05) scores. In conclusion, due to the limited number of studies investigating head–neck relationships and sleep quality, definitive conclusions cannot be drawn; further and more comprehensive research is needed.Öğe Observation of the ϒ(3S) meson and suppression of ϒ states in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV(American Physical Society, 2024) Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Bergauer, Thomas; Chatterjee, S.; Damanakis, Konstantinos; Dragicevic, M.The production of Upsilon(2S) and Upsilon(3S) mesons in lead-lead (Pb-Pb) and proton-proton (pp) collisions is studied in their dimuon decay channel using the CMS detector at the LHC. The Upsilon(3S) meson is observed for the first time in Pb-Pb collisions, with a significance above 5 standard deviations. The ratios of yields measured in Pb-Pb and pp collisions are reported for both the Upsilon(2S) and Upsilon(3S) mesons, as functions of transverse momentum and Pb-Pb collision centrality. These ratios, when appropriately scaled, are significantly less than unity, indicating a suppression of Upsilon yields in Pb-Pb collisions. This suppression increases from peripheral to central Pb-Pb collisions. Furthermore, the suppression is stronger for Upsilon(3S) mesons compared to Upsilon(2S) mesons, extending the pattern of sequential suppression of quarkonium states in nuclear collisions previously seen for the J/psi, psi(2S), Upsilon(1S), and Upsilon(2S) mesons.Öğe Respiratory responses and isocapnic buffering phase in child and youth soccer players during an incremental exercise test(Frontiers Media SA, 2024) Korkmaz Eryılmaz, Selcen; Karakaş, Selçuk; Boyraz, Cumhur; Günaştı, Özgür; Kılcı, Abdullah; Özdemir, Çiğdem; Özgünen, Kerem; Koç, Muhammed; Adaş, Ümit; Kurdak, SadiPurpose: This study investigated the respiratory response and isocapnic buffering (IB) phase during an incremental exercise test to exhaustion in 16 child soccer players (11.9±0.9 years) and 18 youth soccer players (18.2±2.9 years). Methods: The IB phase was calculated as the difference in oxygen uptake (VO2) between the respiratory compensation point (RCP) and metabolic threshold (MT) and expressed in either absolute or relative values. Results: The maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was higher in youth players than in child players. For youth players, VO2max was measured at 55.9 ± 3.6 mL min?1 kg?1 and 74.9 ± 4.8 mL min?1 kg?0.75, while for child players, VO2max was 50.8 ± 4.1 mL min?1 kg?1 and 67.2 ± 6.1 mL min?1 kg?0.75 (p < 0.001). MT and RCP occurred at 69.8 ± 6.7% and 90.9 ± 6.9% of VO2max in child players and at 73.9 ± 5.1% and 91.5 ± 4.5% of VO2max in youth players, respectively. The two groups had no significant difference (p > 0.05). Absolute IB (10.6 ± 2.8 vs 9.7 ± 3.1 mL min?1 kg?1), relative IB (23.1 ± 5.7 vs 19.1 ± 6.1), and the ratio of RCP VO2 to MT VO2 (1.3 ± 0.09 vs 1.24 ± 0.09) were similar in child and youth players (p > 0.05). There was no difference in minute ventilation (V?E, mL min?1 kg?1) and respiratory exchange ratio during exercise between the two groups (p > 0.05). During exercise, respiratory frequency, ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide (VE/VCO2) and oxygen (VE/VO2), VE/VCO2 slope, end-tidal O2 pressure were higher in child players than in youth players, while tidal volume (L kg?1), O2 pulse, and end-tidal CO2 pressure were lower (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Despite differences in aerobic capacity and ventilatory response to exercise, child players showed similar IB phase as youth players. Although child players have lower ventilation efficiency than youth players, the higher ventilation response for a given VCO2 may provide an advantage in regulating acid-base balance during intense exercise.Öğe The impact of different telerehabilitation methods on peripheral muscle strength and aerobic capacity in COPD patients: a randomized controlled trial(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024) Ataç, Amine; Pehlivan, Esra; Karaahmetoğlu, Fulya Senem; Özcan, Zeynep Betül; Çınarka, Halit; Çörtük, Mustafa; Baydili, Kürşad Nuri; Çetinkaya, ErdoğanLung diseases have profound effects on the aging population. We aimed to hypothesize and investigate the effect of remote pulmonary telerehabilitation and motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) methods on the clinical status of elderly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Twenty-six patients were randomly assigned to pulmonary telerehabilitation (PtR) or cognitive telerehabilitation (CtR) groups. The programs were carried out 3 days a week for 8 weeks. The 6-min walk test (6MWT), modified Medical Research Council dyspnea score, blood lactate level (BLL), measurement of peripheral muscle strength (PMS), and electromyography activation levels of accessory respiratory muscles were the main outcomes. There was a statistically significant improvement (p < 0.05) in both groups in the 6MWT distance and in secondary results, except for BLL. Generally, in the mean muscle activity obtained from the electromyography measurement after the program, there were statistically significant increases in the PtR group and decreases in the CtR group (p < 0.05). There was a statistically significant increase in PMS in both groups. An active muscle-strengthening program has the same benefits as applying the muscle-strengthening program to the patient as MI and AO. CtR can be a powerful alternative rehabilitation method in respiratory patients who cannot tolerate active exercise programs.Öğe Proton conductivity and dielectric studies on chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol blend electrolytes: synergistic improvements with ionic liquid and graphene oxide(Elsevier B.V., 2024) Yılmazoğlu, Mesut; Okkay, Hikmet; Abacı, Ufuk; Çoban, OzanThis study investigates the impact of ionic liquid, 1-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (IL) and graphene oxide (GO) on the performance of chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol (CS/PVA)-based composite electrolytes. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirm the successful incorporation of IL and GO, affecting the structural and morphological properties of the electrolytes. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) reveals enhanced thermal stability in GO-doped samples, with increased residual weight at high temperatures, while IL addition leads to higher initial weight loss due to its hygroscopic nature. Ionic conductivity measurements demonstrate that the CS/PVA/IL-GO(4.0) composite achieves the highest proton conductivity of 1.76 × 10?3 S/m at 300 K and 1 MHz, surpassing other samples and aligning with top values reported in literature. Dielectric studies show a significant increase in dielectric constant to 9.55 × 104 at 300 K and 20 Hz for CS/PVA/IL-GO(4.0), attributed to enhanced dipole alignment and polarization effects. The loss tangent analysis indicates the shortest relaxation time of 2.07 × 10?4 s for CS/PVA/IL-GO(4.0), correlating with its superior proton conductivity. These findings highlight the potential of CS/PVA/IL-GO electrolytes for advanced energy storage and conversion applications, suggesting further research into GO dispersion and long-term stability for optimized performance in practical devices.Öğe Normative values and calculation formulas of respiratory muscle strength of adults in Turkish society: a population-based study(AVES, 2024) Pehlivan, Esra; Çınarka, Halit; Baydili, Kürşad Nuri; Uyaroğlu, Mehmet Burak; Baştürk, Pınar; Ataç, AmineOBJECTIVE: This study aimed to establish normative values for maximum inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure in the Turkish population while creating specific equations to calculate these values. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study involved 219 healthy adults, with a minimum of 50 individuals in specific age ranges: 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, and 50–60 years. Each age group comprised at least 25 males and 25 females. Participants were required to be free from health conditions influencing respiratory muscle strength and non-smokers. Measurements of maximum inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure were recorded for all participants. RESULTS: As a result of the regression analysis performed for the maximum inspiratory pressure values, the model P value was <.001, and the R2 value was found to be 0.261. The equation obtained as a result of the model was: 82.583 ? 3.218 × gender ? 0.093 × age + 9.534 × height + 0.343 × weight. As a result of the regression analysis performed for maximal expiratory pressure values, the model P value was <.001, and the R2 value was found to be 0.285. The equation obtained as a result of the model was: 157.165 ? 35.522 × gender ? 0.271 × age–42.036 × height + 0.787 × weight. CONCLUSIONS: The newly developed equations offer valuable tools for evaluating respiratory muscle strength in the Turkish population. These results confirm the importance of using maximum inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure to monitor changes in each patient, while also emphasizing the necessity of reliable reference equations.Öğe Determining the relationship between obesity and problematic internet use among adolescents(Iranian Scientific Society Medical Entomology, 2021) Durmuş, Göksel; Ortabağ, Tülay; Özdemir, SerpilBackground: Obesity has become widespread among adolescents throughout the world. This study aimed to determine the relationship between problematic internet use and obesity among 10-19 yr old adolescents. Methods: The descriptive study was carried out in a private elementary and high school in Gaziantep Province in the Eastern Turkey in 2016-2017. Overall, 474 adolescents and 938 their parents were enrolled. Data collection form consisted of three parts. The first part included questions about sociodemographic characteristics of the adolescent and his/her parents. The second part included data on anthropometrical measurements, dietary habits and physical activity level. Third part of the data collection form included Problematic Internet Usage Scale. First, anthropometrical measurements of the adolescents were recorded. Then, the data collection forms were applied to adolescents and their parents. Results: 34.8% of adolescents were overweight and obese. Approximately four out of ten male adolescents and three out of ten female adolescents were overweight or obese (P<0.05). Girls had less problematic internet use behaviors (P<0.05). There were statistically significant differences between age, sex, socioeconomic status, unhealthy eating habits and problem internet usage (P<0.05). Conclusion: Periodic screening should be done to determine the prevalence of obesity and problematic internet usage. Training programs on regular physical activity and healthy nutrition should be prepared and guidance services should be provided for the reduction of obesity rates and the protection of ideal weight.Öğe Determinants of sleep disturbance and sleep quality in children of mothers with fibromyalgia(Turkish League Against Rheumatism, 2023) Kartaloğlu, Işıl Fazilet; Karagül, Sevil; Arslan, ŞuleObjectives: This study aimed to determine whether maternal diagnosis of Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) affects the sleep quality of children. Patients and methods: This prospective study was conducted with 80 female participants (mean age: 36.2 +/- 5.9 years; range 25 to 50 years) and their 80 children (27 males, 53 females; mean age: 6.6 +/- 2.6 years; range 2 to 12 years) between August 2019 and November 2020. The FMS group included 40 female FMS patients and their children, whereas the control group consisted of 40 healthy females and their children. In addition to sociodemographic variables, functional status was evaluated by the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), which was completed by mothers with FMS, and the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) was used to evaluate the sleep quality of all children. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of demographic characteristics ( p > 0.05). The CSHQ score of the two groups was above 41 points and was at a clinically significant level. The median value for the CSHQ score was 60.5 and 52 in the FMS and control groups, respectively. Sleep time, waking up at night, parasomnias, disrupted breathing during sleep, and sleepiness scores were higher in the FMS group than in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The delayed falling asleep score, which was reversely coded, was lower in the FMS group than in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Conclusion: This pilot study showed that the children of mothers with high Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire scores had sleep disorders. Maternal diagnosis of FMS negatively affects the sleep quality of children.Öğe Effect of administering kefir on the changes in fecal microbiota and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease: a randomized controlled trial(AVES, 2019) Yılmaz, İlkay; Dolar, M. Enver; Özpınar, HaydarBackground/Aims: Kefir is a kind of fermented probiotic dairy product. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of kefir consumption on the fecal microflora and symptoms of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Materials and Methods: Kefir was serially diluted and inoculated into de Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe agar and incubated at 37 degrees C for 48 to 72 h under anaerobic conditions. This was a single-center, prospective, open-label randomized controlled trial. Forty-five patients with IBD were classified into two groups: 25 for treatment and 20 for control. A 400 mL/day kefir was administered to the patients for 4 weeks day and night. Their stool Lactobacillus, Lactobacillus kefiri, content was quantitated by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction before and after consumption. Abdominal pain, bloating, stool frequency, stool consistency, and feeling good scores were recorded in diaries daily by the patients. Results: A 5x10(7) CFU/mL count of lactic acid bacteria colony forming units was found in a kefir sample as the total average count. Lactobacillus bacterial load of feces of all subjects in the treatment group was between 10(4) and 10(9) CFU/g, and the first and last measurements were statistically significant (p=0.001 in ulcerative colitis and p=0.005 in Crohn's disease (CD)). The L. kefiri bacterial load in the stool of 17 subjects was measured as between 10(4) and 10(6) CFU/g. For patients with CD, there was a significant decrease in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein, whereas hemoglobin increased, and for the last 2 weeks, bloating scores were significantly reduced (p=0.012), and feeling good scores increased (p=0.032). Conclusion: According to our data, kefir consumption may modulate gut microbiota, and regular consumption of kefir may improve the patient's quality of life in the short term.Öğe Preventive and therapeutic mental health care after the earthquake-expert opinion from the Psychiatric Association of Turkey 2(Turkish Association of Nervous and Mental Health, 2023) Yıldız, Mevhibe İrem; Başterzi, Ayşe Devrim; Yıldırım, Ejder Akgün; Yüksel, Şahika; Aker, Ahmet Tamer; Semerci, Bengi; Çakıroğlu, Süleyman; Yazgan, Yankı; Sercan, Mustafa; Erim, Burcu RahşanTwo major earthquakes hit Turkey at the Kahramanmaras region on February 6th 2023. The earthquakes affected almost 15 million individuals, resulting in more than forty thousand deaths, thousands of wounded and the destruction of ancient cities of humankind. Immediately after the earthquakes, the Psychiatric Association of Turkey organized an educational event to address the needs for a guidance on how to approach a trauma of such a big scale. The experts in this educational event summarized their presentations and prepared this review to guide the mental health professionals serving victims of this disaster. The review summarizes the early symptoms of trauma, and puts a framework on the principles of psychological first aid, the approach at the initial stages of the disaster, principles of planning, triage, and psychosocial support systems and the proper use of medications. The text covers the evaluation of the impact of trauma, aligning psychiatric practice with psychosocial interventions, the improvement of counseling skills and methods to better understand the mind during the acute post trauma phase. A set of presentations highlight the challenges in child psychiatry, brings a systematic overview to the earthquake and discuss the symptomatology, first aid and intervention principles in children and adolescents. Last, the forensic psychiatric perspective is presented, followed by a piece on the essentials of delivering bad news and the review is concluded with the emphasis on burnout, a syndrome to avoid particularly for field professionals, and possible preventive measures.Öğe Noninvasive ventilation with nursing perspective: impacts on patient tolerance, short-term adverse effects, and nursing workload(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2021) Yaman, Özge; Aygün, Mehmet; Erten, HacerBackground: The success of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) treatment is closely related to high levels of clinical support. Aims: In this study, we sought to analyze patient mask compliance and minor side effects and to evaluate additional nursing workload needed for the NIV care. Materials and Methods: The study was designed as a prospective and observational. The data were collected from an intensive care unit. Clinical and physiological data, patient tolerance and adverse effects, subjects' complaints about their experience, and additional nursing workload associated with NIV treatment were assessed. Results: Statistically significant improvements were obtained in arterial blood gas analysis, respiratory rate, and heart rate during treatment. In the first 2 h, 65% of subjects had poor mask compliance, patients' comfort scores were poor, and incompliance was associated with discomfort. The ratio of skin problems was 15% in the first 24 h and reached 60% at 48 h. The pain rate due to mask ties was 80% and then increased to 90% at 48 h. There was a significant relationship between the problems detected by the nurses and problems described by the subjects. Additional nursing workload was found as 110 min for 0-6 h. Conclusions: We observed that the mask compliance and comfort levels of the subjects were poor. Skin breakdowns increased depending on the duration of treatment. Treatment would require continuous nursing support in seven areas. NIV treatment generated a significant amount of workload for nurses. Additional nursing workforce planning is required for NIV units for successful NIV treatment.Öğe Effects of exercise on periodontal parameters in obese women(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2020) Alkan, Begüm; Güzeldemir Akçakanat, Esra; Odabaş Özgür, Bahar; Özgür, Turgay; Demirdizen Taşkıran, Ayla; Kır, Hale Maral; Alpay, Numan; Çaycı Akkan, EceBackground: Several studies have demonstrated an association between obesity, periodontitis, and exercise. Aims: This study aimed to investigate the effects of regular exercise on obese women with periodontal disease, using serum, saliva, and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples. A before-after study design was adopted to evaluate the effects of 12 weeks of regular exercise on obese women grouped according to periodontal status, without a control group (no exercise). The study sample comprised of 15 patients without periodontitis (NP group) and 10 patients with chronic periodontitis (CP group), from whom periodontal parameters were measured and serum, saliva, and GCF samples were collected. Body mass index (BMI), anthropometric measurements, somatotype-motoric tests, and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) were recorded at baseline and after exercise. Subjects and Methods: Med Calc was used for statistical analysis. Results: After exercise, a significant decrease in BMI and a significant increase in VO2max were observed in both groups. A significant decrease in probing depth and clinical attachment loss, serum leptin, GCF tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-alpha) and leptin, and a significant increase in GCF resistin were observed in the CP group. A significant decrease in serum TNF-alpha and leptin levels and a significant increase in serum resistin and GCF TNF-alpha, leptin, resistin, and adiponectin levels were observed in the NP group. Significant correlations between bleeding on probing and levels of interleukin-1 beta and leptin in GCF were observed in the CP group. Conclusions: This study showed that regular exercise exerts different impacts with respect to clinical and biochemical aspects of periodontal and systemic conditions in obese women.Öğe A comparative study of silver electrodeposition from pyrophosphate-cyanide and high concentration cyanide electrolytes in the presence of brighteners(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2020) Akben, Hatice Kübra; Timur, Servet İbrahimA study of the electrodeposition of silver from 2 different types of electrolytes; (1) neutral pyrophosphatecyanide electrolyte and (2) alkaline high concentrated cyanide electrolyte in the presence of a variety of additives such as 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, potassium selenocyanate, and potassium antimony tartrate was performed. Influence of additives and cyanide concentration on microstructure and kinetics of the cathodic processes were studied. A brightener couple, 2-mercaptobenzothiazole and potassium antimony tartrate, were combined within this investigation and detected to be highly effective for silver electrodeposition. The rapid increase in current density at the same potential interval related to grain refinement effect of potassium antimony tartrate was shown. The cyclic organic compound, 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, polarizes the reduction to high cathodic potential in pyrophosphate electrolyte. However, the sufficient levelling effect required for the mirror-bright appearance seems to be related to the high polarizing effect of the high concentration cyanide content. In the case of pyrophosphate electrolytes, sufficient levelling cannot be achieved, so semigloss coatings are obtained. The low cathodic potential electrodeposition of silver in pyrophosphate electrolyte, which is found to proceed by 3D instantaneous nucleation, is polarized to high cathodic potentials and grows into 3D progressive nucleation and diffusion-controlled growth in high concentration cyanide electrolyte.Öğe Obesity perception survey among youth in Turkey: instrument development and test-retest reliability(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2019) Jayawardene, Wasantha; Pınar, Salih; Torabi, Mohammad; Xun, Pengcheng; Özer, Mustafa KamilBackground/aim: We aimed to develop an instrument that can assess the perceptions and opinions of young people regarding the causes and consequences of obesity and the role of individuals, families, communities, and government in addressing obesity. Materials and methods: A 36-question (101-item) survey was developed by adopting, translating, and revising multiple-choice or Likert-scale questions from existing surveys to assure construct cross-cultural validity. A two-factor mixed-effects model estimated the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to measure the test-retest reliability of questions administered 2 weeks apart to a convenient sample of Istanbul high school and university students, aged 15-25 years (n = 122). Results: The mean ICC for university and high school was 0.70 and 0.63, respectively. University students were more consistent in relating the problem to society and public policy preferences. High school students were more consistent in relating the problem and solution to themselves and their immediate environments. Using a 0.5 cutoff for the ICC's lower 95% confidence limit, followed by reevaluation of the question flow, a 19-question (36-item) survey was retained for adolescents and a 26-question (52-item) survey for young adults. Conclusion: While the survey items have moderate to excellent reliability for high school and university students, it can be administered longitudinally to suggest changes to policies and interventions, and after cross-cultural validation, it can be utilized to compare obesity perceptions across different populations.Öğe An alternative supplemental feeding method for preterm infants: the supplemental feeding tube device(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021) Çalıkuşu İncekar, Müjde; Çağlar, Seda; Kaya Narter, Fatma; Tercan Tarakçı, Emriye; Özpınar, Emine; Demirci Ecevit, EsraBackground/aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the supplemental feeding tube device (SFTD) and bottle methods on weight gain, transition to full breastfeeding, breastfeeding success, and duration of discharge in preterm infants. Materials and methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted with a total of 46 preterm infants including 23 infants in study (SFTD) and control (bottle) groups. An information form, an infant follow-up form for feeding, and LATCH breastfeeding assessment instrument were used to collect the data. Results: The gestation week of the infants in the study group was 31.22 +/- 2.76, and in the control group it was 30.52 +/- 2.47. The birth weight of the infants in the study group was 1586.3 +/- 525.35 g and 1506.09 +/- 454.77 g in the control group. The daily weight gain of the infants was 24.09 +/- 15.21 g in the study group and 27.17 +/- 17.63 g in the control group. The infants in the study group (4.70 +/- 2.44 days) transitioned to full breastfeeding earlier than those in the control group (6.00 +/- 4.10 days). LATCH 2nd measurement scores were significantly higher in both groups than LATCH 1st measurement scores (p < 0.01). Although it was not statistically significant (p > 0.05), the infants in the study group (10.22 +/- 5.20 days) were discharged earlier than those in the control group (13.48 +/- 8.78 days). Conclusion: The SFTD and bottle methods were determined to be similar in terms of daily weight gain, transition to full breastfeeding, breastfeeding success, and duration of hospitalization.