Spor lisesi öğrencileri ile diğer lise öğrencilerinin demografik ve kişilik özellikleri bağlamında kariyer kaygılarının incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma spor lisesi öğrencileri ile diğer lise öğrencilerinin demografik ve kişilik özellikleri bağlamında kariyer kaygılarının incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Okul türü, sınıf seviyesi, cinsiyet, okul başarı durumu vb. demografik bilgilere göre kariyer kaygı durumunun farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını tespit etmek amacıyla yapılan çalışmada Beş Faktör Kişilik Ölçeği ve Kariyer Kaygısı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma evreni İstanbul'da bulunan örgün ortaöğretim kurumlarında öğrenim gören lise öğrencileridir. Çalışma grubu ise İstanbul ilinde farklı semtlerde belirlenmiş anadolu lisesi, imam-hatip lisesi, sağlık lisesi, mesleki teknik lisesi, spor lisesi, fen lisesi ve sosyal bilimler lisesinde örgün eğitime katılan 544 kadın 472 erkek lise öğrencilerinden oluşan katılımcılardır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar için SPSS IBM paket programı kullanılarak bağımsız gruplar t-testi, One Away Anowa, Pearson Korelasyon Testi ve Çoklu Regresyon Analizi kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin okul türüne göre kişilik özelliklerine baktığımızda 5FKÖ dışa dönüklük alt boyutunda spor lisesi öğrencilerinin aritmetik ortalaması (X=28.0984; SS=5.01715) diğer lise türü öğrencilerden daha yüksektir. Sorumluluk alt boyutunda spor lisesi öğrencilerinin aritmetik ortalaması (X=33.9841; SS=5.22089) diğer lise türü öğrencilerden yüksektir. Nevrotiklik alt boyutunda (X=20.4698; SS=4.97781) ve yeni deneyimlere açıklık alt boyutunda (X=34.3810; SS=5.82884) ise spor lisesi öğrencilerinin aritmetik ortalamaları diğer lise türünde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin aritmetik ortalamalarından düşüktür. Spor lisesinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin sosyal hayatta daha girişken, sosyal bağ kurmakta ve aldığı sorumlulukları yerine getirmekte daha başarılı olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Diğer lise türlerinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin ise nevrotik bir kişiliğe sahip olduklarını aynı zamanda yeni deneyimlere daha açık oldukları belirtilmelidir. Bağımsız grupları t-testi verilerine baktığımızda aile etkisine yönelik kariyer kaygısına göre spor lisesi öğrencilerinin aritmetik ortalaması (X=9.3333; SS=4.54980), meslek seçimine yönelik kariyer kaygısı aritmetik ortalaması (X=21.9841; SS=8.49671) ve kariyer kaygısı toplam puanına baktığımızda (X=31.3175; SS=11.93350) diğer lise türlerinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin puanlarından düşüktür. Okul türüne ile öğrencilerin kariyer kaygıları arasında anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler ışığında spor lisesinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin aile etkisine yönelik kariyer kaygısı, meslek seçimine yönelik kariyer kaygısı ve kariyer kaygılarının daha düşük olduğunu belirtebiliriz.
This study was conducted to compare the relationship between the personality traits and future anxiety of sports high school students and other high school students. School type, grade level, gender, school success, etc. Five Factor Personality Scale and Career Anxiety Scale were used in the study conducted to determine whether career anxiety varies according to demographic information. The population of the research is high school students studying in formal secondary education institutions in Istanbul. The working group consists of 544 female and 472 male high school students who attended formal education in Anatolian high school, imam-hatip high school, health high school, vocational technical high school, sports high school, science high school and social sciences high school in different districts of Istanbul. Independent groups t-test, One Away Anowa, Pearson Correlation Test and Multiple Regression Analysis were used for the results obtained from the research by using SPSS IBM package program. When we look at the personality traits of the participants according to the school type, the arithmetic mean of the sports high school students (X = 28.0984; SS = 5.01715) is higher than the other high school type students in the 5FPÖ extroversion sub-dimension. In the sub-dimension of responsibility, the arithmetic average of sports high school students (X = 33.9841; SS = 5.22089) is higher than other high school students. In the neuroticism sub-dimension (X = 20.4698; SS = 4.97781) and openness to new experiences sub-dimension (X = 34.3810; SS = 5.82884), the arithmetic mean of the sports high school students is lower than the arithmetic average of the students studying in other high school types. We can say that students studying at sports high schools are more sociable in social life, more successful in establishing social bonds and fulfilling their responsibilities. It should be noted that students studying in other types of high school have a neurotic personality and are more open to new experiences. When we look at the independent groups t-test data, when we look at the arithmetic average of sports high school students (X = 9.3333; SS = 4.54980) according to career anxiety towards family effect, the arithmetic average of career anxiety towards career choice (X = 21.9841; SS = 8.49671) and career anxiety total score (X = 31.3175; SS = 11.93350) is lower than the scores of the participants studying in other high school types. A significant difference was found between the school type and the career anxiety of the participants. In the light of the data obtained, we can state that the career anxiety towards family effect, career anxiety towards career choice and career anxiety of the students studying in sports high school are lower.
This study was conducted to compare the relationship between the personality traits and future anxiety of sports high school students and other high school students. School type, grade level, gender, school success, etc. Five Factor Personality Scale and Career Anxiety Scale were used in the study conducted to determine whether career anxiety varies according to demographic information. The population of the research is high school students studying in formal secondary education institutions in Istanbul. The working group consists of 544 female and 472 male high school students who attended formal education in Anatolian high school, imam-hatip high school, health high school, vocational technical high school, sports high school, science high school and social sciences high school in different districts of Istanbul. Independent groups t-test, One Away Anowa, Pearson Correlation Test and Multiple Regression Analysis were used for the results obtained from the research by using SPSS IBM package program. When we look at the personality traits of the participants according to the school type, the arithmetic mean of the sports high school students (X = 28.0984; SS = 5.01715) is higher than the other high school type students in the 5FPÖ extroversion sub-dimension. In the sub-dimension of responsibility, the arithmetic average of sports high school students (X = 33.9841; SS = 5.22089) is higher than other high school students. In the neuroticism sub-dimension (X = 20.4698; SS = 4.97781) and openness to new experiences sub-dimension (X = 34.3810; SS = 5.82884), the arithmetic mean of the sports high school students is lower than the arithmetic average of the students studying in other high school types. We can say that students studying at sports high schools are more sociable in social life, more successful in establishing social bonds and fulfilling their responsibilities. It should be noted that students studying in other types of high school have a neurotic personality and are more open to new experiences. When we look at the independent groups t-test data, when we look at the arithmetic average of sports high school students (X = 9.3333; SS = 4.54980) according to career anxiety towards family effect, the arithmetic average of career anxiety towards career choice (X = 21.9841; SS = 8.49671) and career anxiety total score (X = 31.3175; SS = 11.93350) is lower than the scores of the participants studying in other high school types. A significant difference was found between the school type and the career anxiety of the participants. In the light of the data obtained, we can state that the career anxiety towards family effect, career anxiety towards career choice and career anxiety of the students studying in sports high school are lower.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Faktör Kişilik Özelliği, Kariyer Kaygısı, Spor Lisesi, Ergenlik Dönemi, Factor Personality Trait, Career Anxiety, Sports High School, Adolescence Period