Futbolcuda iki farklı ısınma protokolünün akut fizyolojik uygunluk yanıtına etkisi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Spor karşılaşmaları sırasında kalite ve yüksek performans koruma yetenekleri, futbolcular için hayati bir endişe kaynağı olarak bilinmektedir. Bu yüzden antrenman ve maç öncesi yapılan ısınma protokolünün sporcuların performans başarısı u?zerı?nde önemli etkisi bulunmaktadır. Literatür çalışmalarında optimal ısınma protokolüne ulaşmak için çok sayıda araştırma yapılmaktadır. Ancak, futbolcular için optimal ısınma stratejisi hala tartışmalı bir konu olup iyi anlaşılmamıştır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın amacı, iki farklı ısınma protokolünün bir futbolcunun fizyolojik uygunluk değişkenleri üzerindeki akut etkisini karşılaştırmaktır. PAP-WU protokolünün, T-WU protokolüne kıyasla futbolcuların fizyolojik değişkenleri u?zerı?nde ne tür bir etki yaratacağı incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda 23-30 yaş arası genç amatör futbolcular rastgele iki gruba (n = 10, T-WU) ve (n = 10, PAP-WU) ayrılmıştır. Futbolculara otur uzan esneklik, el kavrama gücü, bacak-sırt gücü, yön hızı değiştirme ve 20 metre sprint testleri uygulanmıştır. İstatistik sonuçların elde edilmesinde ve yorumlanmasında SPSS 25 paket programı kullanılmıştır. İki farklı ısınma durumuna göre (akut geleneksel ısınma (T-WU) ve aktivasyon sonrası güçlendirme ısınması (PAP-WU)) tüm katılımcıların ölçülen ve test edilen değişkenleri farklı ısınma protokollerine göre frekans (n), aritmetik ortalama (X) ve standart sapma (Ss) hesaplanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin normallik testleri Kolmogorov Smirnov testi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Normallik testi yapılmış ve veriler normal dağılım göstermiştir. Normal dağılım göstermesi nedeniyle, parametrik testlerden Bağımsız Örneklem T-testi uygulanmıştır. İstatistiki açıdan p?0.05 anlamlılık seviyesi kabul edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, futbolcuların farklı ısınma protokolüne göre aktivasyon sonrası güçlendirme ısınması (PAP-WU) kategorisinde olan futbolcuların Otur Uzan Esneklik, El Kavrama Gücü, SAĞ (kg), El Kavrama Gücü, SOL (kg), Bacak Gücü (kg), Sırt Gücü (kg), Yön Hızı Değişimi (sn) ve 20 m Sprint ölçümlerinden aldıkları değerlerin daha yüksek olduğu gözlenmiştir. Aktivasyon sonrası güçlendirme ısınması (PAP-WU) kategorisinde olan futbolcuların söz konusu ısınma protokolü ile fiziksel ve fizyolojik olarak kapasitelilerinin arttığı görülmüştür.
Quality and high-performance preservation abilities during sports matches are known to be a vital concern for football players. Therefore, the warm-up protocol before training and matches has a significant effect on the performance success of the athletes. In the literature, many studies are carried out to reach the optimal warming protocol. However, the optimal warm-up strategy for football players is still controversial and not well understood. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the acute effect of two different warm-up protocols on the physiological fitness variables of a football player. The effect of the PAP-WU protocol on the physiological variables of football players compared to the T-WU protocol was investigated. In this context, young amateur football players aged 23-30 were randomly divided into two groups (n = 10, T-WU) and (n = 10, PAP-WU). Sit and lie down flexibility, hand grip strength, leg-back strength, changing direction speed and 20 meters sprint tests were applied to the football players. SPSS 25 package program was used to obtain and interpret statistical results. According to two different warm-up conditions (acute traditional warm-up (T-WU) and post-activation reinforcement warm-up (PAP-WU)), all participants measured and tested variables were frequency (n), arithmetic mean (X), and standard deviation ( Ss) was calculated. The normality tests of the data obtained in the research were carried out with the Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Normality test was performed and the data showed normal distribution. Because of its normal distribution, the Independent Sample T-test was applied from parametric tests. A statistical significance level of p?0.05 was accepted. As a result of the research, according to the different warm-up protocols of the football players in the post-activation strengthening warm-up (PAP-WU) category, Sit Reach Flexibility, Hand Grip Strength, RIGHT (kg), Hand Grip Strength, LEFT (kg), Leg Strength (kg), Back Strength. (kg), Direction Speed Change (sec) and 20 m Sprint measurements were observed to have higher values. It was observed that the physical and physiological capacities of the football players in the post-activation strengthening warm-up (PAP-WU) category increased with the said warm-up protocol.
Quality and high-performance preservation abilities during sports matches are known to be a vital concern for football players. Therefore, the warm-up protocol before training and matches has a significant effect on the performance success of the athletes. In the literature, many studies are carried out to reach the optimal warming protocol. However, the optimal warm-up strategy for football players is still controversial and not well understood. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the acute effect of two different warm-up protocols on the physiological fitness variables of a football player. The effect of the PAP-WU protocol on the physiological variables of football players compared to the T-WU protocol was investigated. In this context, young amateur football players aged 23-30 were randomly divided into two groups (n = 10, T-WU) and (n = 10, PAP-WU). Sit and lie down flexibility, hand grip strength, leg-back strength, changing direction speed and 20 meters sprint tests were applied to the football players. SPSS 25 package program was used to obtain and interpret statistical results. According to two different warm-up conditions (acute traditional warm-up (T-WU) and post-activation reinforcement warm-up (PAP-WU)), all participants measured and tested variables were frequency (n), arithmetic mean (X), and standard deviation ( Ss) was calculated. The normality tests of the data obtained in the research were carried out with the Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Normality test was performed and the data showed normal distribution. Because of its normal distribution, the Independent Sample T-test was applied from parametric tests. A statistical significance level of p?0.05 was accepted. As a result of the research, according to the different warm-up protocols of the football players in the post-activation strengthening warm-up (PAP-WU) category, Sit Reach Flexibility, Hand Grip Strength, RIGHT (kg), Hand Grip Strength, LEFT (kg), Leg Strength (kg), Back Strength. (kg), Direction Speed Change (sec) and 20 m Sprint measurements were observed to have higher values. It was observed that the physical and physiological capacities of the football players in the post-activation strengthening warm-up (PAP-WU) category increased with the said warm-up protocol.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Akut Fizyolojik Etki, Isınma Protokolü, PAP-WU, T-WU, Acute Physiological Effect, Warm-up Protocol, PAP-WU, T-WU