Uçak bakım - onarımlarında tehlike kaynakları ve çözüm önerileri
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasının temel amacı, uçak bakım – onarımlarının yapıldığı alanlarda var olan tehlikeleri tanımlamak ve bu tehlikelere karşı alınması gereken önlemleri belirlemektir. Proje kapsamında, bazı MRO merkezleri ziyaret edilmiş ve çalışma ortamlarında gözlemler yapılmıştır. Mevcut riskler hakkında değerlendirme ve tespitlerde bulunulmuştur. Belirlenen risklere karşı alınması gereken önlemler, yapılan risk analizinde belirtilmiştir. Risk değerlendirmesi yapılmadan önce ve sonraki dönemlere ait kaza sıklık ve ağırlık oranları karşılaştırılmıştır. Risk analizi sonuçlarına göre, sektör genelinde kullanılabilecek bir talimat listesi hazırlanmıştır. Uçak bakım – onarım operasyonlarında temel tehlike kaynakları; gürültü ve titreşim, fiziksel güç kullanımı, yüksekte çalışma, kapalı alanlarda yapılan çalışmalar, kimyasal malzemelerle yapılan çalışmalar, elektrik, yangın, parlama / patlama, radyasyon, iklimsel koşullar, haberleşme ve iletişim eksikliği olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yakıt tankı çalışmalarında purge air, yüksekte yapılan çalışmalarda wingrip, mobilok ve yaşam hattı sistemleri, proaktif önlemler kapsamında değerlendirilerek uygulamaya konulabilir. Yapılan risk analizi çalışması ve talimat listesi, sektörel bazda kılavuz niteliğinde kullanılabilir.
The purpose of this thesis, aircraft maintenance - to identify hazards that exist in areas where the repairs and to determine the measures to be taken against these dangers. Under the project, some of MRO centers were visited and were made observations in the work environment. There have been evaluations and determinations about the existing risks. Measures to be taken are indicated against identified risks at performed risk analysis. The period before the risk assessment and the period after risk assessment have been compared for data of accident frequency rate and accident severity rate. According to the results of risk analysis, a list of instructions that can be used across the industry are prepared. The main source of danger for operation of aircraft maintenance – repair was identified as noise and vibration, use of physical force, working at heights, work in confined areas, work with chemicals, electricity, fire, combustion / explosion, radiation, climatic conditions, lack of communication and correspondence. Purge air in work at fuel tanks, wingrip, mobilok and life line system in performed work at heights, such as techniques may be evaluated within the scope of proactive measures and put into practice. The prepared risk analysis and list of instructions can be used in as a guide on a sectoral basis. Keywords Aircraft maintenance – repair – overhaul (MRO), technician of aircraft, occupational health and safety, risk analysis, list of instructions.
The purpose of this thesis, aircraft maintenance - to identify hazards that exist in areas where the repairs and to determine the measures to be taken against these dangers. Under the project, some of MRO centers were visited and were made observations in the work environment. There have been evaluations and determinations about the existing risks. Measures to be taken are indicated against identified risks at performed risk analysis. The period before the risk assessment and the period after risk assessment have been compared for data of accident frequency rate and accident severity rate. According to the results of risk analysis, a list of instructions that can be used across the industry are prepared. The main source of danger for operation of aircraft maintenance – repair was identified as noise and vibration, use of physical force, working at heights, work in confined areas, work with chemicals, electricity, fire, combustion / explosion, radiation, climatic conditions, lack of communication and correspondence. Purge air in work at fuel tanks, wingrip, mobilok and life line system in performed work at heights, such as techniques may be evaluated within the scope of proactive measures and put into practice. The prepared risk analysis and list of instructions can be used in as a guide on a sectoral basis. Keywords Aircraft maintenance – repair – overhaul (MRO), technician of aircraft, occupational health and safety, risk analysis, list of instructions.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uçak Bakım – Onarım – Revizyon, Uçak Teknisyeni, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Risk Analizi, Talimat Listesi, Aircraft Maintenance – Repair – Overhaul (MRO), Technician of Aircraft, Occupational Health and Safety, Risk Analysis, List of Instructions