Diyabet hastalarının yüksek şeker içerikli ve diyabetik kahvaltılık ürün tüketimlerinin incelenmesi ve düşük şeker içerikli çilek reçeli üretimi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Diabetes Mellitus, tedavi edilmemesi durumunda insan vücuduna ciddi hasarlar verebilen metabolik bir hastalıktır. Bu hastalığa sahip bireylerde yüksek kan şekeri düzeyleri ile karşılaşılmakta, sorunun çözümünde beslenme kritik rol oynamaktadır. Kahvaltı ise hem günün ilk öğünü olması hem de çeşitlilik bakımından çok sayıda yüksek rafine şeker içerikli ürünü bünyesinde barındırmasıyla dikkat çekmektedir. Araştırma kapsamında diyabet hastalarının yüksek şeker içerikli (YŞİ) ve diyabetik kahvaltılık ürün tüketim eğilimleri ile bu ürünleri evde üretme durumlarına dair bilgi edinebilmek maksadıyla yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu uygulanmıştır. Nitel araştırma sonrasında ise kahvaltı öğününün en önemli öğelerinden olan geleneksel reçel üretiminde kullanılabilecek düşük şeker içerikli alternatif reçeteler denenmiş ve ürün formülasyonunda doğal besin unsurlarından yararlanılmıştır. Yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen nitel araştırmada 19 diyabet hastası katılımcının verdiği yanıtlardan diyabet hastalarının günlük diyetlerinde yüksek şeker içerikli ürün tüketebildiği ve diyetlerinde diyabetik ürünlere yer verdikleri saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, öğün bazında yüksek şeker içerikli ürün tüketimleri arasında farklılıklar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kahvaltılık diyabetik ürünlere ilişkin alınan yanıtlarda katılımcıların bu ürünleri satın alma, üretme ve tüketme eğilimleri arasında önemli farklılıklar olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Evde üretilen kahvaltılık diyabetik ürünler ile endüstriyel tip diyabetik ürünler duyusal nitelikler açısından değerlendirildiğinde tat ve kıvam parametreleri ön plana çıkmıştır. Ev ortamında kahvaltılık diyabetik ürün hazırlarken karşılaşılan zorluklar arasında istenen kıvam, renk ve tatlılık derecesinin elde edilmesinin güçlüğü ile hazırlanan ürünün çabuk bozulması yer almıştır. Katılımcıların ev ortamındaki üretimlerinde şeker ikamesi olarak stevya, bal, pekmez, hurma, tatlandırıcı, keçiboynuzu, şeker alkolü ve tarçın gibi ürünler kullandığı; kıvam artırıcı olarak ise pektin, tarçın, kuruyemiş, hurma ürünlerinden ve kaynatma işleminden yararlandıkları belirlenmiştir. İnternet siteleri ile sosyal medya, kahvaltılık diyabetik ürün reçetesine erişimde başvurulan en yaygın ortamlar olmuştur. Ev dışı kahvaltı ortamlarında diyabetik ürün sunumunun yeterli olmadığı görüşü ifade edilmiştir. Araştırmanın ikinci bölümünde kahvaltılık bir sofra ögesi olan geleneksel çilek reçeli üretiminde yapay tatlandırıcı yerine keçiboynuzu unu, stevya bazlı sofralık tatlandırıcı (SBST) ve tarçın üç farklı formülasyonda (keçiboynuzu unu + tarçın; SBST + tarçın; keçiboynuzu unu + SBST + tarçın) kullanılarak düşük şeker içerikli geleneksel çilek reçeli üretimi gerçekleştirilmiş ve elde edilen ürünler duyusal açıdan 10 eğitimli panelist tarafından hedonik tip skala kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Kontrol grubu olarak ise endüstriyel üretim geleneksel çilek reçeli seçilmiştir. Duyusal analiz sonuçlarına göre lezzet, kıvam, renk, koku, tat ve genel kabul edilebilirlik parametreleri açısından en yüksek ortalama değerler p<0,05 önem seviyesinde kontrol grubunda saptanmıştır. Tüm parametreler açısından kontrol grubuna en yakın ortalama değerler ise SBST + tarçın kullanılarak üretilen geleneksel çilek reçelinde belirlenmiş; lezzet, kıvam, renk, koku, tat ve genel kabul edilebilirlik parametreleri açısından en düşük ortalama değerler ise keçiboynuzu unu + tarçın içeren örneklerde tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05).
Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that can cause serious damage to the human body if left untreated. High blood sugar level is among the symptoms of this disease, and nutrition therapy is very important in its treatment. Breakfast, on the other hand, is notable for being the first meal of the day and for containing high-sugar products in terms of variety. Within the scope of the research, a study was carried out using a semi-structured interview form in order to obtain information about the consumption trends of high sugar-containing and/or diabetic breakfast products of diabetic patients and their situation of producing these products at home. Following the qualitative research, alternative recipes with low sugar content that can be used in the production of traditional jam, which is one of the most important elements of the breakfast meal, were tried and natural nutrients were used in product formulation. In the qualitative research conducted with 19 diabetic participants through a semi-structured interview form, it was determined that diabetic patients can consume products with high sugar content in their daily diets and include diabetic products in their diets. In addition, it has been determined that there were differences in the frequency of consumption of products with high sugar content as part as meal basis. It has been observed that there were significant differences between the participants' tendencies to purchase, produce, and consume these products in the responses to diabetic breakfast products. As a result, when homemade diabetic breakfast products were compared with industrial diabetic goods, it has been seen that taste and consistency parameters were outstanding. The rapid deterioration, keeping the consistency, color, and sweetness were among the difficulties encountered while preparing homemade diabetic breakfast products. It was determined that the participants used stevia, honey, molasses, dates, sweetener, carob, sugar alcohol, and cinnamon as sugar substitutes, and pectin, cinnamon, dried nuts, dates, and boiling process for thickening the product when producing diabetic breakfast products at home. Websites and social media were the most common platforms where participants search for diabetic breakfast recipes. Besides, the participants also stated that the diabetic product options were insufficient in breakfast places outside the home. In the second part of the study, traditional strawberry jam with low sugar content, which is a breakfast meal item, was produced and the obtained products were examined in terms of their sensory properties. In the production of strawberry jam, instead of artificial sweetener, carob flour, stevia-based table sweetener (SBST), and cinnamon were used in three different formulations (carob flour + cinnamon; SBST + cinnamon; carob flour + SBST + cinnamon). Industrially produced traditional strawberry jam was chosen as the control group. Sensory analysis results showed that the highest mean values in terms of flavor, consistency, color, odor, taste, and general acceptability parameters were found in the control group (p>0,05). For all parameters, the closest mean values to the control group were determined in strawberry jam produced with SBST + cinnamon (p<0.05). In addition to this, the lowest average values in terms of flavor, consistency, color, odor, taste, and general acceptability parameters were determined in the samples containing carob flour + cinnamon (p<0.05).
Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that can cause serious damage to the human body if left untreated. High blood sugar level is among the symptoms of this disease, and nutrition therapy is very important in its treatment. Breakfast, on the other hand, is notable for being the first meal of the day and for containing high-sugar products in terms of variety. Within the scope of the research, a study was carried out using a semi-structured interview form in order to obtain information about the consumption trends of high sugar-containing and/or diabetic breakfast products of diabetic patients and their situation of producing these products at home. Following the qualitative research, alternative recipes with low sugar content that can be used in the production of traditional jam, which is one of the most important elements of the breakfast meal, were tried and natural nutrients were used in product formulation. In the qualitative research conducted with 19 diabetic participants through a semi-structured interview form, it was determined that diabetic patients can consume products with high sugar content in their daily diets and include diabetic products in their diets. In addition, it has been determined that there were differences in the frequency of consumption of products with high sugar content as part as meal basis. It has been observed that there were significant differences between the participants' tendencies to purchase, produce, and consume these products in the responses to diabetic breakfast products. As a result, when homemade diabetic breakfast products were compared with industrial diabetic goods, it has been seen that taste and consistency parameters were outstanding. The rapid deterioration, keeping the consistency, color, and sweetness were among the difficulties encountered while preparing homemade diabetic breakfast products. It was determined that the participants used stevia, honey, molasses, dates, sweetener, carob, sugar alcohol, and cinnamon as sugar substitutes, and pectin, cinnamon, dried nuts, dates, and boiling process for thickening the product when producing diabetic breakfast products at home. Websites and social media were the most common platforms where participants search for diabetic breakfast recipes. Besides, the participants also stated that the diabetic product options were insufficient in breakfast places outside the home. In the second part of the study, traditional strawberry jam with low sugar content, which is a breakfast meal item, was produced and the obtained products were examined in terms of their sensory properties. In the production of strawberry jam, instead of artificial sweetener, carob flour, stevia-based table sweetener (SBST), and cinnamon were used in three different formulations (carob flour + cinnamon; SBST + cinnamon; carob flour + SBST + cinnamon). Industrially produced traditional strawberry jam was chosen as the control group. Sensory analysis results showed that the highest mean values in terms of flavor, consistency, color, odor, taste, and general acceptability parameters were found in the control group (p>0,05). For all parameters, the closest mean values to the control group were determined in strawberry jam produced with SBST + cinnamon (p<0.05). In addition to this, the lowest average values in terms of flavor, consistency, color, odor, taste, and general acceptability parameters were determined in the samples containing carob flour + cinnamon (p<0.05).
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Ana Bilim Dalı, Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diabetes Mellitus, Diyabetik Reçel, Tarçın, Stevya, Keçiboynuzu Unu, Kahvaltı, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Jam, Cinnamon, Stevia, Carob Flour, Breakfast