Erken Cumhuriyet dönemi modernleşmenin mimarlığa yansımaları: Seyfi Arkan'ın İzmit Halkevi binası örneği
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, erken Cumhuriyet dönemi modernleşme sürecinde yaşanan kurumsallaşmanın ve değişen devlet ideolojisinin mimarlığa yansımalarını ortaya koymak ve bu sürecin mimarlık faaliyetlerini ne ölçüde etkilediğini açıklamak hedeflenmiştir. 1930'larda Türk mimarlığında ulus-devlet ideolojisi çerçevesinde gerçekleşen modernleşme projesinin en önemli örneklerinden biri halkevi binaları olmuştur. Bu bağlamda konu halkevi binaları ve Seyfi Arkan'ın projelendirdiği İzmit Halkevi binası örneği ile irdelenmiştir. Erken Cumhuriyet dönemi olarak adlandırılan sürecin Türk mimarlığı için bir geçiş dönemi olduğu söylenebilir. Modernleşme süreciyle birlikte her alanda değişimler yaşanmış ve mimarlık alanında yeni ideolojiye uygun yapıların inşa sürecine girilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, yapılanma sürecinde gerçekleşen değişimlerin mimarlık ortamına yansımalarına hızlı bir bakış gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu dönem dünyada "Modern Mimarlık" hareketleri hâkimdi ve giderek etkisi artmaktaydı. Toplumların bakış açısının bir temsili olan modern mimarlık, yeni kurulmuş Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ideolojileriyle ve ilkeleriyle bağdaşmıştır. Böylelikle 1930'lu yıllarda Osmanlı mimarlığı biçimlemelerinden batılı tarzda modern mimarlık anlayışına geçildiği görülmektedir. Erken Cumhuriyet dönemi modernleşmenin mimarlığa yansımaları olan halkevi binalarının ve İzmit Halkevi binasının mimari özellikleriyle irdelenmesini amaçlayan bu çalışma altı ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın amaç, kapsam ve yönteminin tanıtıldığı giriş bölümünden sonra, modernleşme ve mimarlık, Seyfi Arkan'ın modernist çizgisi, halkevleri, İzmit Halkevi binası, sonuç ve çıkarım bölümleri yer almaktadır. Birinci bölümde, konunun önemi ve ele alınış yöntemi anlatılarak, araştırma kapsamı ve araştırma yöntemleri açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümde, çalışmanın konusunu belirleyen modern, modernlik ve modernleşme kavramlarının erken Cumhuriyet döneminde mimarlık ortamına yansımaları ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda, batıda yaşanan modernleşme süreci, ülkedeki mimarlık eğitimi ve uygulamalarda yaşanan değişim ve gelişimlerin üzerine durulmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde, modern, modernlik ve modernleşme kavramlarının açıklanmasının ardından erken Cumhuriyet dönemi modernleşme sürecinde Türk mimarlığının öncü isimlerinden biri olan İzmit Halkevi binasının mimarı Seyfi Arkan'ın modernlik bağlamında mimarlık yaşamı ve uygulamaları ele alınarak modern anlayışının üzerinde durulmuştur. Dördüncü bölümde, erken Cumhuriyet dönemi modernleşme sürecinin ülkede bir yansıması olarak nitelendirilebilecek halkevleri irdelenmiştir. 1930'lu yıllarda gündelik ve sosyal hayatta yaşanan batılılaşmanın mimaride karşılığı halkevi binaları ile olmuştur ve bu bağlamda halkevlerinin hem çalışmaları hem de mimari özelliklerinin üzerinde durulmuştur. Modernleşme süreciyle birlikte mimarlıkta "modern" anlayışı benimsenmiş ve bu bağlamda yeni halkevi binaları projelendirilmiştir. Bu kısımda halkevi olarak projelendirilen binaların konumları, mimari plan özellikleri, malzeme ve yapım teknolojileri irdelenerek dönemin mimari özellikleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Beşinci bölümde ise Seyfi Arkan'ın projelendirdiği İzmit Halkevi binası, dördüncü bölümde belirlenen kriterler doğrultusunda ele alınarak irdelenmiştir. Bu kısımda erken Cumhuriyet dönemi İzmit'in gelişimi, İzmit Halkevi binasının oluşturduğu yapılı çevre, mimari özellikleri, malzeme ve yapım teknolojisi ele alınarak dönemin modern mimarlığı ve İzmit Halkevi binasının mimari özellikleri anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Altıncı bölümde, modernleşme döneminde inşa edilen halkevlerinin, yapılan analiz ve grafikler ile genel mimari özelliklerine değinilmiştir. Bu bağlamda yapılmış örnekler ele alınarak dönemin mimarisinin getirdiği biçim ve özellikler karşılaştırılmış ve sonuç olarak erken Cumhuriyet döneminde modernleşme sürecinin hem soyut hem de somut olarak en nitelikli ürünlerinden biri olan halkevi binaları vurgulanmıştır.
In this study, it is aimed to reveal the reflections of the institutionalization and the changing state ideology in the early Republican period modernization process on architecture and to explain to what extent this process affects the architectural activities. One of the most important examples of the modernization project realized within the framework of the nation-state ideology in Turkish architecture in the 1930s was the community school buildings. In this context, the subject has been examined with the example of community school buildings and Izmit Community School, designed by Seyfi Arkan. It can be said that the period called the Early Republican period was a transition period for Turkish architecture. With the modernization process, there were changes in every field and the construction process of buildings in accordance with the new ideology in the field of architecture was started. In this context, a quick glance is made on the reflections of the changes that took place in the construction process on the architectural environment. In this period, "Modern Architecture" movements were dominant in the world and their influence was increasing. Modern architecture, which is a representation of the point of view of societies, was compatible with the ideologies and principles of the newly established Republic of Turkey. Thus, in the 1930s, it is seen that the Ottoman architecture was transformed from the formation of the western style to the modern architecture. This study, which aims to examine the architectural features of the community school buildings and Izmit Community School building, which are the reflections of the early Republican period modernization on architecture, consists of six main sections. After the introduction, in which the purpose, scope and method of the research are introduced, there are sections on modernization and architecture, Seyfi Arkan's modernist line, community school, Izmit Community School building, conclusion and inference. In the first chapter, the importance of the subject and the method of its handling are explained, and the research scope and research methods are explained. In the second part, the reflections of the concepts of modern, modernity and modernization, which determine the subject of the study, on the architectural environment in the early Republican period are discussed. In this context, the modernization process in the West, the changes and developments in architectural education, and practices in the country are emphasized. In the third chapter, after explaining the concepts of modern, modernity and modernization, the architectural life and practices of Seyfi Arkan, the architect of the Izmit Community School, who was one of the leading names of Turkish architecture in the modernization process of the early Republican period, are discussed in the context of modernity and his modern understanding is emphasized. In the fourth chapter, the community school, which can be described as a reflection of the modernization process of the early Republican era in the country, are examined. The architectural equivalent of the westernization experienced in daily and social life in the 1930s was with the community school buildings, and in this context, both the work and the architectural features of the community school are emphasized. With the modernization process, the concept of "modern" was adopted in architecture and in this context, new community school buildings were designed. In this section, the locations of the buildings designed as community school, architectural plan features, materials and construction technologies are examined and the architectural features of the period are emphasized. In the fifth chapter, the Izmit Community School building, designed by Seyfi Arkan, is discussed in line with the criteria determined in the fourth chapter. In this section, the development of Izmit in the early Republican period, the built environment created by the Izmit Community School building, its architectural features, materials and construction technology are discussed and the modern architecture of the period and the architectural features of the Izmit Community School building are tried to be understood. In the sixth chapter, the analysis and graphics and general architectural features of the community school built during the modernization period are mentioned. In this context, by considering the examples made, the forms and features brought by the architecture of the period are compared and as a result, the community school buildings, which were one of the most qualified products of the modernization process in the early Republican period, both abstractly and concretely, are emphasized.
In this study, it is aimed to reveal the reflections of the institutionalization and the changing state ideology in the early Republican period modernization process on architecture and to explain to what extent this process affects the architectural activities. One of the most important examples of the modernization project realized within the framework of the nation-state ideology in Turkish architecture in the 1930s was the community school buildings. In this context, the subject has been examined with the example of community school buildings and Izmit Community School, designed by Seyfi Arkan. It can be said that the period called the Early Republican period was a transition period for Turkish architecture. With the modernization process, there were changes in every field and the construction process of buildings in accordance with the new ideology in the field of architecture was started. In this context, a quick glance is made on the reflections of the changes that took place in the construction process on the architectural environment. In this period, "Modern Architecture" movements were dominant in the world and their influence was increasing. Modern architecture, which is a representation of the point of view of societies, was compatible with the ideologies and principles of the newly established Republic of Turkey. Thus, in the 1930s, it is seen that the Ottoman architecture was transformed from the formation of the western style to the modern architecture. This study, which aims to examine the architectural features of the community school buildings and Izmit Community School building, which are the reflections of the early Republican period modernization on architecture, consists of six main sections. After the introduction, in which the purpose, scope and method of the research are introduced, there are sections on modernization and architecture, Seyfi Arkan's modernist line, community school, Izmit Community School building, conclusion and inference. In the first chapter, the importance of the subject and the method of its handling are explained, and the research scope and research methods are explained. In the second part, the reflections of the concepts of modern, modernity and modernization, which determine the subject of the study, on the architectural environment in the early Republican period are discussed. In this context, the modernization process in the West, the changes and developments in architectural education, and practices in the country are emphasized. In the third chapter, after explaining the concepts of modern, modernity and modernization, the architectural life and practices of Seyfi Arkan, the architect of the Izmit Community School, who was one of the leading names of Turkish architecture in the modernization process of the early Republican period, are discussed in the context of modernity and his modern understanding is emphasized. In the fourth chapter, the community school, which can be described as a reflection of the modernization process of the early Republican era in the country, are examined. The architectural equivalent of the westernization experienced in daily and social life in the 1930s was with the community school buildings, and in this context, both the work and the architectural features of the community school are emphasized. With the modernization process, the concept of "modern" was adopted in architecture and in this context, new community school buildings were designed. In this section, the locations of the buildings designed as community school, architectural plan features, materials and construction technologies are examined and the architectural features of the period are emphasized. In the fifth chapter, the Izmit Community School building, designed by Seyfi Arkan, is discussed in line with the criteria determined in the fourth chapter. In this section, the development of Izmit in the early Republican period, the built environment created by the Izmit Community School building, its architectural features, materials and construction technology are discussed and the modern architecture of the period and the architectural features of the Izmit Community School building are tried to be understood. In the sixth chapter, the analysis and graphics and general architectural features of the community school built during the modernization period are mentioned. In this context, by considering the examples made, the forms and features brought by the architecture of the period are compared and as a result, the community school buildings, which were one of the most qualified products of the modernization process in the early Republican period, both abstractly and concretely, are emphasized.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı, Mimarlık Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Modern Mimarlık, Modernleşme ve Mimarlık, Seyfi Arkan, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Mimarlığı, Halkevi, İzmit Halkevi, Modern Architecture, Modernization and Architecture, Seyfi Arkan, Architecture of the Republican Era, Community School, Izmit Community School