Pendik ilçesi ortaokullarında öğrenim gören çocukların fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri, beden kütle indeksi ile benlik saygısı ilişkilerinin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Değişen yaşam alışkanlıklarımız ve teknolojik gelişmelere dayalı ihtiyaçlar sosyal yaşantımızı da etkilemeye başlamış ve toplumları yeni sağlık sorunlarıyla karşı karşıya getirmiştir. Son yıllarda hareketsiz yaşam ve obezite ülkemizi ve Dünya'yı tehdit eden unsurlar haline gelmiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı seçilen örneklem düzeyinde ortaokul çocuklarının, temelde fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin incelenmesidir. Bu bağlamda, alanyazından yararlanarak ortaokul çocuklarının fiziksel aktivite düzeylerini etkilediği düşünülen sosyoekonomik durum, beden kütle indeksi ve benlik saygıları ilişkileri araştırılmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırmanın yapılabilmesi için İstanbul İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü'nden ve Üniversite Etik Kurulu'ndan gerekli izinler alınmıştır. Bu araştırma, İstanbul ili, Pendik ilçesinde sosyoekonomik verilere (sosyoekonomik durum (SED) anketi, emlak rayiç bedelleri, Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü verileri vb.) göre üst, orta ve alt sınıf olmak üzere belirlenen üç ortaokuldaki, araştırmaya katılmalarına aileleri tarafından izin verilen ve de kendi isteğiyle de araştırmaya katılabileceğini belirten çocuklarla yürütülmüştür. Katılımcılara Bouchard'ın Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyi (FAD) Kaydı Ölçeği, Coopersmith Benlik Saygısı (BS) Ölçeği uygulanmış ve Beden Kütle İndekslerini (BKİ) belirlemek amacıyla boy ve ağırlık ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmaya, alt-orta-üst olmak üzere üç farklı SED kategorisindeki ortaokullardan rastgele yöntemle seçilen katılımcılar (N:346; Kız: 162, Oğlan: 184) alınmıştır. Katılımcıların yaş ortalamaları sınıflara göre 5. sınıf: 10,84 ±0,51, 6. sınıf: 11,78 ±0,54, 7. sınıf: 12,78 ±0,50 ve 8. sınıf: 13,85 ±0,50 olarak bulunmuştur. Katılımcıların sınıflara göre ağırlık, boy ve BKİ değerleri incelendiğinde oğlanların (5.sınıf: 1,44 m ±0,08, 6. sınıf: 1,52 m ±0,08, 7. sınıf: 1,55 m ±0,07, 8. sınıf: 1,59 ±0,06 m) kızlara (5.sınıf: 1,43 m ±0,08, 6. sınıf:1,48 m ±0,08, 7. sınıf: 1,58 m ±0,09, 8. sınıf: 1,63 m ±0,08) göre daha uzun olduğu; yine oğlanların (5.sınıf: 40,03 kg ±11,96, 6. sınıf: 45,72 kg ±8,91, 7. sınıf: 46,70 kg ±8,73, 8. sınıf: 55,60 kg ±13,23) kızlardan (5.sınıf: 39,44 kg ±11,54, 6. sınıf: 44,44 kg ±12,66, 7. sınıf: 53,68 kg ±12,72, 8. sınıf: 57,45 kg ±15,49) daha ağır olduğu görülmüştür. Altıncı ve yedinci sınıflarda kızların (6.sınıf: 20,05 ±3,97, 7. sınıf: 21,44 ±4,12) oğlanlardan (6.sınıf: 19,69 ±2,98, 7. sınıf: 19,36 ±2,72) daha fazla BKİ değerine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç: Araştırma sonucunda; katılımcıların sosyoekonomik durumlarına göre ağırlık, boy ve beden kütle indekslerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir değişim olmadığı; üst sosyoekonomik düzey kategorisine doğru ağırlık, boy ve BKİ değerlerinde artış eğilimi gözlenmesine rağmen bu eğilimin anlamlı olmadığı; sınıflara göre fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri incelendiğinde 6. sınıfların 8. sınıflara göre daha yüksek MET değerlerine sahip olduğu; sınıflar ile benlik saygısı puanı arasında negatif bir ilişki olduğu; BKİ'ne göre kızların % 20'si, oğlanların % 7'sinin obezite sınıfında oldukları gözlenmiştir.
Purpose: The obesity and inactive lifestyle has become a great treatment for our country and whole world on last years. The new social needs based on changed life-style and technologic development, influence the life and facing us with new health issues. The purpose of this research is to investigate the physical activity levels of secondary school children. In this context, the investigation formed on the relation between socio-economic statuses, body mass index and self-esteem, in the light of the previous researches. Method: The research is permitted by the Istanbul local education authority and by the Gedik University ethic council. The research was implemented at three secondary school with different socio-economic status which was classified by the information taken from local education authority, socio-economic status (SET) survey, and current residence values. The participants choosed randomly and asked to get permission from their legal guardians. The ones who declared verbally that don't want to join the research, even though has the permission from their legal guardians, didn't implicate into the research. The Bouchard's Physical Activity Level Entry (PAL), Coopersmith Self-esteem scale executed and to estimate the body mass index (BMI), the height and weight were measured. The results of the study were analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 Statistical Program (p<0,05). Results: There were randomly choosen N: 346 (Girls: 162, Boys: 184) students from three different socioeconomic statuses (low-middle-high income). The participants' mean age was found as 5th grade: 10,84 ±0,51, 6th grade.: 11,78 ±0,54, 7th grade: 12,78 ±0,50 ve 8th grade: 13,85 ±0,50. It was found that boys(5th grade: 1,44 m ±0,08, 6th grade: 1,52 m ±0,08, 7th grade: 1,55 m ±0,07, 8th grade: 1,59 ±0,06 m; ) are higher than the girls (5th grade: 1,43 m ±0,08, 6th grade:1,48 m ±0,08, 7th grade: 1,58 m ±0,09, 8th grade: 1,63 m ±0,08) when the hight measurement were taken into considiration (p<0,05). Additionally, boys (5th grade: 40,03 kg ±11,96, 6th grade: 45,72 kg ±8,91, 7th grade: 46,70 kg ±8,73, 8th grade: 55,60 kg ±13,23) are heavier than girls in the contex of weight measurement (p<0,05). Therefore, on the 6 th and 7th grade the girls (6th grade: 20,05 ±3,97, 7th grade: 21,44 ±4,12) have higher body mass index values than the boys (6th grade: 19,69 ±2,98, 7th grade: 19,36 ±2,72) on the same grades(p<0,05). Conclusion: In conclusion it was found that statistically there is insgnificant differences on weight, hieght and body mass index values when the socioeconomic status were taken into considiration; there is insignificant increasing trend of weight, hieght and body mass index values towards to high-socioeconomic status; in addition to that, it was found that on 6th grade the students has higher MET values than the 8th grade students. However, there was found a negative relation between grades and self-esteem. According to the body mass index values, it was found that 20% of girls, and 7 % of boys are in the category of obese.
Purpose: The obesity and inactive lifestyle has become a great treatment for our country and whole world on last years. The new social needs based on changed life-style and technologic development, influence the life and facing us with new health issues. The purpose of this research is to investigate the physical activity levels of secondary school children. In this context, the investigation formed on the relation between socio-economic statuses, body mass index and self-esteem, in the light of the previous researches. Method: The research is permitted by the Istanbul local education authority and by the Gedik University ethic council. The research was implemented at three secondary school with different socio-economic status which was classified by the information taken from local education authority, socio-economic status (SET) survey, and current residence values. The participants choosed randomly and asked to get permission from their legal guardians. The ones who declared verbally that don't want to join the research, even though has the permission from their legal guardians, didn't implicate into the research. The Bouchard's Physical Activity Level Entry (PAL), Coopersmith Self-esteem scale executed and to estimate the body mass index (BMI), the height and weight were measured. The results of the study were analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 Statistical Program (p<0,05). Results: There were randomly choosen N: 346 (Girls: 162, Boys: 184) students from three different socioeconomic statuses (low-middle-high income). The participants' mean age was found as 5th grade: 10,84 ±0,51, 6th grade.: 11,78 ±0,54, 7th grade: 12,78 ±0,50 ve 8th grade: 13,85 ±0,50. It was found that boys(5th grade: 1,44 m ±0,08, 6th grade: 1,52 m ±0,08, 7th grade: 1,55 m ±0,07, 8th grade: 1,59 ±0,06 m; ) are higher than the girls (5th grade: 1,43 m ±0,08, 6th grade:1,48 m ±0,08, 7th grade: 1,58 m ±0,09, 8th grade: 1,63 m ±0,08) when the hight measurement were taken into considiration (p<0,05). Additionally, boys (5th grade: 40,03 kg ±11,96, 6th grade: 45,72 kg ±8,91, 7th grade: 46,70 kg ±8,73, 8th grade: 55,60 kg ±13,23) are heavier than girls in the contex of weight measurement (p<0,05). Therefore, on the 6 th and 7th grade the girls (6th grade: 20,05 ±3,97, 7th grade: 21,44 ±4,12) have higher body mass index values than the boys (6th grade: 19,69 ±2,98, 7th grade: 19,36 ±2,72) on the same grades(p<0,05). Conclusion: In conclusion it was found that statistically there is insgnificant differences on weight, hieght and body mass index values when the socioeconomic status were taken into considiration; there is insignificant increasing trend of weight, hieght and body mass index values towards to high-socioeconomic status; in addition to that, it was found that on 6th grade the students has higher MET values than the 8th grade students. However, there was found a negative relation between grades and self-esteem. According to the body mass index values, it was found that 20% of girls, and 7 % of boys are in the category of obese.
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fiziksel Aktivite, Beden Kütle İndeksi, Benlik Saygısı, Obezite, MET, Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, Self-Esteem, Obesity, MET