Ankara ilinin şarap turizmi potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesine yönelik nitel bir araştırma
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Turizm talebi tüm dünyada sürekli değişim ve gelişimi doğrultusunda tüketici taleplerine de cevap verilmesi gerekmektedir. Özellikle son yıllarda, deniz-kum-güneş ya da tarih gibi klasik turizm anlayışı yerine, tüketici talep ve beklentilerine yönelik alternatif turizm çeşitlerindeki artış dikkat çekmektedir. Şarap turizmi, özel ilgi turizminin önemli bir alanı olarak giderek daha fazla tanınmaktadır. Destinasyonlar açısından şarap turizminin faydaları arasında; destinasyon turizminin gelişmesi, destinasyonun imajının gelişmesi ve markalaşması, turist akışını, coğrafi olarak yerleşik turizm merkezlerinden uzağa dağılarak baskının azalması ve çevre bölgelerde kalkınma başta gelmektedir. Şarap endüstrisinin bakış açısından ise, ürününün markalaşarak iç ve dış piyasada pazarlamanın kolaylaşması ve daha üst gelir grubuna hitap sayılabilir. Bu çalışmada, kent turizmine katkı sağlayan kamu kuruluşları, üniversiteler ve özel sektör temsilcilerinden oluşan 13 katılımcıyla gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat ile toplanan veriler değerlendirilerek Ankara'nın şarap turizmi potansiyeli değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, Ankara'nın şarap turizmi potansiyelinin oldukça fazla olduğu ve kentte söz sahibi tüm paydaşlarla yapılacak uzun vadeli ve büyük yatırımlı ortak çalışmalarla bu potansiyelin ortaya çıkarılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
The demand for tourism is constantly changing and developing all over the world, and in line with these changes, it is necessary to respond to consumer demands. Especially in recent years, the increase in alternative tourism types for consumer demands and expectations, rather than the classical tourism understanding such as sea-sand-sun or history, has attracted attention. Wine tourism is increasingly recognized as an important area of special interest tourism. Among the benefits of wine tourism in terms of destinations; the development of destination tourism, the development and differentiation of the image of the destination, the tourist flow, the reduction of pressure by being geographically dispersed away from the resident tourism centers and the development in the surrounding regions, can be counted. From the point of view of the wine industry, the branding of the product, facilitating its marketing in the domestic and foreign markets and appealing to the higher income group can be counted. In this study, Ankara's wine tourism potential was evaluated by evaluating the data collected through a semi-structured interview with 13 participants consisting of representatives of public institutions, universities and private sector that contribute to urban tourism. As a result of the study, it was concluded that Ankara's wine tourism potential is quite high and this potential can be revealed by long-term and large-invested joint studies with all stakeholders who arbiter on the city.
The demand for tourism is constantly changing and developing all over the world, and in line with these changes, it is necessary to respond to consumer demands. Especially in recent years, the increase in alternative tourism types for consumer demands and expectations, rather than the classical tourism understanding such as sea-sand-sun or history, has attracted attention. Wine tourism is increasingly recognized as an important area of special interest tourism. Among the benefits of wine tourism in terms of destinations; the development of destination tourism, the development and differentiation of the image of the destination, the tourist flow, the reduction of pressure by being geographically dispersed away from the resident tourism centers and the development in the surrounding regions, can be counted. From the point of view of the wine industry, the branding of the product, facilitating its marketing in the domestic and foreign markets and appealing to the higher income group can be counted. In this study, Ankara's wine tourism potential was evaluated by evaluating the data collected through a semi-structured interview with 13 participants consisting of representatives of public institutions, universities and private sector that contribute to urban tourism. As a result of the study, it was concluded that Ankara's wine tourism potential is quite high and this potential can be revealed by long-term and large-invested joint studies with all stakeholders who arbiter on the city.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Şarap Turizmi, Gastronomi Turizmi, Şarap, Turizm, Wine Tourism, Gastronomic Tourism, Wine, Tourism