Kadın hareketinin tarihsel gelişimi ve hukuka etkileri
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Uygar dünyamızdaki tüm devletler günümüzde insan haklarının temel bir hak olduğunu kabul etmektedirler. Çağdaş metinlerde cinsiyet söz konusu edilmeden tüm insanların eşit olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Geçmişten günümüze çeşitli toplumlarda ve coğrafyalarda kadınların erkeklere nazaran hukuka ulaşmaları inişli çıkışlı bir yol izlemiştir. Kadınlar zamanla organize olarak hukuksal haklarını talep etmeye başlamışlardır. Bu çalışma kapsamında kadının ikinci sınıf insan olarak görülmesinden, gelinen güne kadar zaman içerisinde kadın hareketlerinin hukuka yansımaları incelenmiştir. İlk bölümde kadının toplumdaki yeri ve mitolojik metinlerde, dinlerde, halk hikâyelerinde, düşünürlerin söylemlerinde kadına bakışın toplumsal algıyı nasıl etkilediği incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümde kadın hareketlerinin erken dönemleri incelenmiş, üçüncü bölümde kadın hareketlerinin bazı dönüm noktaları ele alınmıştır. Dördüncü bölümden itibaren kadın hareketlerinin hukuksal yansımaları ele alınarak ülkemizdeki kadın hareketlerinin gelişimi eski Türk toplumlarından başlayarak günümüze kadar incelenmiştir.
All the countries in our civil world today accept that human rights are a basic right in modern texts. it is regarded that all human beings are equal without paying attention to gender. From past to present, in various societies and geographies, women's access to law has followed a undulant path compared to men. Therefore, women have started to demand their legal rights in an organized. Within the scope of this study, the reflections of women's movements on the law over time, have been studied from the fact that women are seen as second-class people to the present day. In the first part, the place of women in society and how the perception of women in mythological texts, religions, folk tales and the rhetorics of the philosophers affect social perception is investigated. In the second part, the early periods of the women's movements were addressed, and in the third part, some landmark points of the women's movements were taken up. Starting from the fourth part, the development of women's movements in our country has been studied starting from the old Turkish societies to the present day by taking into account the legal reflections of women's movements.
All the countries in our civil world today accept that human rights are a basic right in modern texts. it is regarded that all human beings are equal without paying attention to gender. From past to present, in various societies and geographies, women's access to law has followed a undulant path compared to men. Therefore, women have started to demand their legal rights in an organized. Within the scope of this study, the reflections of women's movements on the law over time, have been studied from the fact that women are seen as second-class people to the present day. In the first part, the place of women in society and how the perception of women in mythological texts, religions, folk tales and the rhetorics of the philosophers affect social perception is investigated. In the second part, the early periods of the women's movements were addressed, and in the third part, some landmark points of the women's movements were taken up. Starting from the fourth part, the development of women's movements in our country has been studied starting from the old Turkish societies to the present day by taking into account the legal reflections of women's movements.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Kamu Hukuku Ana Bilim Dalı, Kamu Hukuku Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kadın Hareketi, Kadına Sanal Şiddet, Sufrajet, Women's Movement, Virtual Violence Against Women, Sufrajet