Buharlı güç santrallerinin performans değerlendirmesinin eksergoekonomik yaklaşımla incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Enerji sistemlerine termodinamik ve maliyet analizinin birlikte uygulanması neticesinde ortaya çıkan eksergoekonomik analiz, dünyamızın içerisinde bulunduğu ekonomik ve enerji sorunları ile her geçen gün önemi daha da artan en önemli konulardan biridir. Termodinamik analiz bir sistemin sadece performansını değerlendirir. Eksergoekonomik analizde, sistemde kullanılan komponentlere ekserji analizi yapılır. Daha sonra aynı komponentler için maliyet denklemleri kurulur ve birim ürün ekserji maliyetleri belirlenir. En sonunda da sistemin birim ürün ekserji maliyeti bulunur ve sisteme etki eden parametreler tespit edilir. Bu nedenle termodinamik analiz ile maliyet etkisi birlikte değerlendirilerek optimum dizayn şartlarının belirlenmesi gerekir. Böylece, sistemin önce termodinamik analizi yapılıp daha sonra da maliyet analizi ile ekonomik şartlar belirlenir ve hem termodinamik açıdan, hem de ekonomik açıdan en uygun çözümler elde edilebilir. Bu da, eksergoekonomik analiz kavramının temelini oluşturur. Bu çalışmada, eksergoekonomik analiz metodu uygulanarak Türkiye'de çalışmakta olan buharlı güç santralinin ünite ekipmanlarının değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Uygulama bölümünde ise buharlı güç santralinin ünitesinde belirlenen yirmi yedi düğüm noktasının termodinamik özellikleri belirlenmiş ve her bir düğüm noktasının enerji ve ekserji değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bulunan sonuçlar ile her ekipmanın ayrı ayrı enerji ve ekserji dengeleri kurularak ortalama ekserji maliyetleri belirlenmiştir. Kayıp ve tahrip olan enerji ve ekserjileri bulunur, yok olan ekserji oranı belirlenerek eksergoekonomik faktörler çıkarılmıştır. Bütün bu verilerin doğrultusunda sonuçlar grafiksel olarak değerlendirilmiş ve ekipmanlar birbirleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır.
Exergoeconomic analysis resulting from the combined application of thermodynamics and cost analysis to energy systems is one of the most important subjects that are increasing in importance day by day with the economic and energy problems in our world. Thermodynamic analysis only evaluates the performance of a system. In the exergoeconomic analysis, exergy analysis is performed to the components used in the system. Then, cost equations for the same components are established and the unit product exergy costs are determined. In the end, the unit product exergy costs are found and the parameters affecting the system are determined. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the optimum design conditions by evaluating thermodynamic analysis and cost effect together. Thus, the thermodynamic analysis of the system first is done and then the economic conditions are determined by cost analysis and the most suitable solutions can be obtained from both thermodynamic and economically. This is the basis of the concept of exergoeconomic analysis. In this study, evaluation of a steam power plant equipment unit working in Turkey was made by applying the exergoeconomic analysis method. Thermodynamic properties of the twenty-seven nodes determined in the unit of the steam power plant and energy and exergy values of each node were calculated. The average exergy costs were determined by establishing individual energy and exergy balances of each equipment with this results. The lost and destroyed energy and exergy were found and the exergoeconomic factors was emerged by determining the exergy rate. As a result of all these data, the results were evaluated graphically and the equipments were compared with each other.
Exergoeconomic analysis resulting from the combined application of thermodynamics and cost analysis to energy systems is one of the most important subjects that are increasing in importance day by day with the economic and energy problems in our world. Thermodynamic analysis only evaluates the performance of a system. In the exergoeconomic analysis, exergy analysis is performed to the components used in the system. Then, cost equations for the same components are established and the unit product exergy costs are determined. In the end, the unit product exergy costs are found and the parameters affecting the system are determined. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the optimum design conditions by evaluating thermodynamic analysis and cost effect together. Thus, the thermodynamic analysis of the system first is done and then the economic conditions are determined by cost analysis and the most suitable solutions can be obtained from both thermodynamic and economically. This is the basis of the concept of exergoeconomic analysis. In this study, evaluation of a steam power plant equipment unit working in Turkey was made by applying the exergoeconomic analysis method. Thermodynamic properties of the twenty-seven nodes determined in the unit of the steam power plant and energy and exergy values of each node were calculated. The average exergy costs were determined by establishing individual energy and exergy balances of each equipment with this results. The lost and destroyed energy and exergy were found and the exergoeconomic factors was emerged by determining the exergy rate. As a result of all these data, the results were evaluated graphically and the equipments were compared with each other.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Makine Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji Analizi, Ekserji Analizi, Eksergoekonomi, Buharlı Güç Santrali, Energy Analysis, Exergy Analysis, Eksergoeconomics, Steam Power Plants