Plastik enjeksiyonla üretimde yangın riskleri ve yangın güvenliği
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde plastik kullanımı, ekonomik ve başka birçok sebeple sürekli artış göstermektedir. Bunu, alışveriş yaptığımız yerlerde, özellikle kullan-at ambalajların artması şeklinde ya da ev temizlik ürünlerinin ambalajlarının, motorlu araçların motorları dâhil malzemelerinin, beyaz eşyada ve küçük ev gereçlerinde, mobilyalarda kullanılan parçaların plastiğe dönmesiyle görmekteyiz. Bundan önceki yıllarda bu malzeme ve parçalar cam, metal ya da tahtadan yapılmaktaydılar. Plastik enjeksiyon ise bu parça ya da ambalajların üretilmesinde günümüzde en çok kullanılan yöntem olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Plastik enjeksiyon tekniğinin kullanımının artışı doğal olarak bu sektörde çalışan kişi ve firma sayısını, bunun yanında ise sektörün iş güvenliği ve yangın riskinin boyutunu büyütmektedir. Özellikle firmaların büyümesi olası yangının sonuçlarını ağırlaştırmaktadır. Günümüzde önemli boyutlara ulaşan yangınların sayısının azaltılarak, güvenli çalışma koşulları sağlamak ve böylece çalışanların yaşamasını, sağlığını ve maddi unsurları korumak mümkündür. Elektrik enerjisi, plastik enjeksiyon tekniği ile, hatta plastiğin diğer üretim teknikleriyle üretildiği yerlerde, yangını başlatan asıl etken olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu araştırmada yangın riskleri ve yangın güvenliği işlenirken yangın risk değerlendirmesi yapılmış, özellikle elektrik enerjisi mercek altına alınmış ve uygulama elektrik enerjisi üzerine yapılmıştır. Araştırma neticesinde, çalışma yapılan tesiste, üst yönetimin, yakın çevresinde de yangına şahit olmasının da etkisiyle yangın konusunda duyarlı olması olumlu olarak görülmüştür. Firmada, sigara ve çakmak kullanımının kontrol altına alınması konusunda alınan önlemler, birçok firmaya örnek olabilecek düzeydedir. Yangın önlemeye duyarlılığı ve kişisel koruyucu donanım sağlama konularında, ayrıca da çalışan personelin yangın duyarlılığı açısından iyi uygulamalara da rastlanmıştır. Çalışmada, risk analizi, elektrik iç tesisat uygunluk raporu ve termal kamera ölçüm sonuçlarına göre tespit edilen uygunsuzluklar, çözüm yolları ve öneriler verilmiştir. Araştırma konusu uyarınca firmanın en önemli sorununun aslında, yangın konusunda birçok açıdan önlem almış olmasına rağmen günlük, haftalık, aylık kontrollerin etkin yapılmaması olduğu görülmektedir. Bunun etkisi olay yaşandığı zaman hissedilebilecektir. Bu sorun ise kontroller için bir sorumlunun görevlendirilmesi ve de bu görevlinin kontrol sonucu elde ettiği bilgilerin sorunla ilgili alandaki sorumlunun eğitime alınması, yazılı talimatların hazırlanıp uygulanması ve gerekirse uyarılması şeklinde çözümlenmelidir. Firmada, akım koruma rölelerinin sadece aydınlatma panolarında olması, tüm panolarda olmaması ve topraklama değerlerinin istenilen seviyede olmaması nedeniyle teknik eksikliklere; termal kamera ölçüm sonuçlarına göre bazı pano, busbar ve baralarda , aşırı ısınmış kablo ve bağlantı noktalarına rastlanmıştır. Bu araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bilgiler ve öneriler, firmanın İSG kurul toplantısına sunulup tartışılmış ve çözümler değiştirilmeden oybirliği ile kabul edilmiştir. Özellikle termal kameranın yangın tehlikesinin, proaktif bir şekilde, önceden fark edilmesini sağladığı kabul edilerek belirli periyotlarda hemen uygulanmasına, gereken tedbirlerin alınmasına karar verilmiştir. Böylece yapılan çalışmanın özellikle elektrik tesisatlarındaki yangınların önlenmesi bakımından plastik enjeksiyon sektörü ve benzeri sektörlere uygulanabilir bir çözüm olabileceği kanaatindeyim.
Today plastic consumption is increasing based on economic and many other reasons. We can observe this fact in the markets and groceries in the form of increased usage of disposable packages and in the change from other materials towards plastic on the packaging of household cleaning materials, motor and other vehicle parts, white goods parts and small household equipment and furniture parts. In previous years these materials and parts were produced with glass, metal or wood. Nowadays, plastic injection has become the most frequently used method of production of these materials and parts. The increase on the usage of plastic injection method has naturally increased the number of companies and working force employed in this sector. This fact is also increasing the job safety and fire risk of this industry. Especially the growth we observe on these companies intensifies the results of a probable fire. Now it is possible to provide safe working environment to protect the life and health of the workers and to protect the physical assets by decreasing the number of fires that reached to important levels. Electric energy emerges as the main reason of fire incidents in factories that produce with plastic injection method and even in the factories where plastic is produced with other methods. In this research, fire risk assessment is done while analysing the fire risks and fire safety. Electric energy is especially focused on and it is also chosen as the application topic. As a result of the research, it is found to be favourable that the top management has grown an awareness against fire incidents with the help of recent fire events that took place in some of the neighbouring factories. Measurements taken to control cigarette and lighter usage has reached the level of setting an example to other factories. Furthermore, good practices have been observed on providing personal safety materials and on fire awareness of the workers. Inconformities detected based on the risk analysis, electric inner installation conformity report and thermal camera measurement results are mentioned in the research along with the solutions and suggestions. It is also found out that the most important problem of the factory, regarding fire safety, is that the daily, weekly and monthly controls are not done efficiently, although important precautions have been set up against fire. The result of this can only be observed in case of fire. This problem can be solved by assigning a person in charge of these controls. The person in charge should detect the problematic areas and have the responsible persons of those areas get relevant training. The person in charge also should prepare written instructions and he should have the power of warning the workers in case it is needed. Some technical shortages have been detected such as current protection relays only being on lighting boards rather than being on all boards and grounding values of the boards not being on the required level. Furthermore, overheated cables and connection points have been detected in boards, busbars and baras based on thermal camera measurement results. The information and suggestions obtained as a result of this research have been discussed in the meeting of the comoany's Work Health and Safety Committee and the suggested solutions have been accepted by general compact without any change. It is especially decided that the thermal camera measurement should be conducted on a regular basis, starting immidiately. This decision is taken because it is observed that thermal camera measurement enables the fire risk to be detected proactively. As a result, I believe that the findings of this research, especially for the fires that start due to the electric installation problems, are applicable to plastic injection and similar industries to prevent fires.
Today plastic consumption is increasing based on economic and many other reasons. We can observe this fact in the markets and groceries in the form of increased usage of disposable packages and in the change from other materials towards plastic on the packaging of household cleaning materials, motor and other vehicle parts, white goods parts and small household equipment and furniture parts. In previous years these materials and parts were produced with glass, metal or wood. Nowadays, plastic injection has become the most frequently used method of production of these materials and parts. The increase on the usage of plastic injection method has naturally increased the number of companies and working force employed in this sector. This fact is also increasing the job safety and fire risk of this industry. Especially the growth we observe on these companies intensifies the results of a probable fire. Now it is possible to provide safe working environment to protect the life and health of the workers and to protect the physical assets by decreasing the number of fires that reached to important levels. Electric energy emerges as the main reason of fire incidents in factories that produce with plastic injection method and even in the factories where plastic is produced with other methods. In this research, fire risk assessment is done while analysing the fire risks and fire safety. Electric energy is especially focused on and it is also chosen as the application topic. As a result of the research, it is found to be favourable that the top management has grown an awareness against fire incidents with the help of recent fire events that took place in some of the neighbouring factories. Measurements taken to control cigarette and lighter usage has reached the level of setting an example to other factories. Furthermore, good practices have been observed on providing personal safety materials and on fire awareness of the workers. Inconformities detected based on the risk analysis, electric inner installation conformity report and thermal camera measurement results are mentioned in the research along with the solutions and suggestions. It is also found out that the most important problem of the factory, regarding fire safety, is that the daily, weekly and monthly controls are not done efficiently, although important precautions have been set up against fire. The result of this can only be observed in case of fire. This problem can be solved by assigning a person in charge of these controls. The person in charge should detect the problematic areas and have the responsible persons of those areas get relevant training. The person in charge also should prepare written instructions and he should have the power of warning the workers in case it is needed. Some technical shortages have been detected such as current protection relays only being on lighting boards rather than being on all boards and grounding values of the boards not being on the required level. Furthermore, overheated cables and connection points have been detected in boards, busbars and baras based on thermal camera measurement results. The information and suggestions obtained as a result of this research have been discussed in the meeting of the comoany's Work Health and Safety Committee and the suggested solutions have been accepted by general compact without any change. It is especially decided that the thermal camera measurement should be conducted on a regular basis, starting immidiately. This decision is taken because it is observed that thermal camera measurement enables the fire risk to be detected proactively. As a result, I believe that the findings of this research, especially for the fires that start due to the electric installation problems, are applicable to plastic injection and similar industries to prevent fires.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Plastik Enjeksiyon, Yangın Güvenliği, Yangın Riski, Plastik Yangınları, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Plastic Injection, Fire Safety, Fire Risk, Plastic Fire, Work Health and Safety