Ebeveynlerin bakış açısından otizmli çocukların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımlarını etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
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Bu araştırmanın amacı ebeveynlerin bakış açısından otizmli çocukların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımlarını etkileyen faktörleri incelemektir. Araştırmaya, İzmit'te bir Özel Eğitim Uygulama Merkezi'nde eğitim alan yaşları 7-14 arasında değişen 15 otizmli çocuğun ebeveyni ile 1 otizmli çocuğun yaşam koçu katılmıştır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden odak grup görüşmesi kullanılmıştır. Yarı yapılandırılmış soruların kullanıldığı görüşmeler üç odak grup üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma verileri, tematik analiz yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Bronfenbrenner'ınsosyoekolojikkuramını temelinde araştırmada "otizmli çocukların gelişimsel özellikleri", "aile, mahalle, okul üçgeninde çocuğun fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı", "aile, mahalle, okul üçgeninde fiziksel aktiviteye katılım olanakları" ve "fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı etkileyen kurumsal politikalar" başlıklı iç içe geçmiş katmanları temsilen dört ana tema elde edilmiştir. Katmanların merkezinde yer alan yer alan ilk tema "Otizmli çocukların gelişimsel özellikleri" hareket becerilerindeki yetersizliğe işaret etmekte, otizme eşlik eden takıntılı davranışların, sosyal iletişim becerilerindeki yetersizliğin ve motivasyon eksikliğinin fiziksel aktiviteye katılıma engel olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. İkinci katmanda yer alan "Aile, mahalle, okul üçgeninde çocuğun fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı" teması kapsamında ebeveynlerinevde diğer çocukları ile işbirliği yaparak otizmli çocuğu aktif tutmak ve sosyal ortamdaki yalnızlıklarını telafi etmek için yoğun çaba gösterdiklerini ortaya koymaktadır. Ebeveynler çocuğun evde fiziksel olarak aktif olmasını desteklemelerine rağmen, araştırma sonuçları çocukların serbest zamanlarının çoğunu evde ve hareketsiz bir şekilde yalnız geçirdiğini göstermektedir. Okulbağlamında fiziksel aktiviteye katılımları teması altında "beden eğitimi" ve "teneffüs" olmak üzere iki alt temaya ulaşılmıştır. Fiziksel ortamın yetersiz oluşu, materyal eksikliği, programın yetersiz olması ve öğretmen yaklaşımları beden eğitimine katılımı engelleyen unsurlar olarak bulunmuştur. Teneffüs saatleri okulda fiziksel aktiviteye katılım fırsatı olarak görülse de, materyal ve fiziksel ortam eksikliği, öğretmenlerin eşlik etmeyişleri nedeniyle otizmli çocuklar için yararlı olamamaktadır.Mahalledefiziksel aktiviteye katılım, oyun kavramından yola çıkılarak; "büyüklerle oyun", "arkadaşlarla oyun" ve "yalnız oyun" temalarıyla ifade edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları otizmli çocukların arkadaşlarıyla oyun kurmadaki sınırlılıklarına ve olumsuz akran tutumlarına işaret etmektedir. Mahallede de evde olduğu gibi yalnız oyuna yönelimli oldukları, diğerleri ile etkileşimlerinde ise daha çok kendilerinden büyük çocuklarla oynamayı tercih ettikleri saptanmıştır. Üçüncü katmanı oluşturan "Aile, mahalle, okul üçgeninde "maddi olanaklar, ulaşım, uzman personel, fiziksel ortam ve materyal" fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı engelleyen etmenler olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Son olarak en dıştaki katman aile, okul ve mahallede fiziksel aktivite olanaklarının üniversiteler, bakanlıklar ve belediyelerle ilişkisini ele almaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda bu kurumların otizmli çocukların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımını en üst dereceye çıkaracak önlemlerin alınması konusunda gerekli yapılanmayı gerçekleştirmeleri önerilmektedir.
The aim of the study is to examine the factors that affect participation in physical activity of children with autism from the perspective of parents. In this study, participants were parents of 15 children with autism and one life coach of a child with autism between 7-14 year-old in a Special Education Center in Izmit. Semi-structured interviews were carried out on three focus groups. The research data were analyzed using thematic analysis . The research on the basis of Bronfenbrenner's socioecological theory, It was obtained the four main themes of " developmental characteristics of children with autism" "participation of children with autism in physical activity in the triangle of family, neighborhood and school ", "participation possibilities of children with autism in physical activity in the triangle of family, neighborhood and school " " and " policies that affect participation in physical activity". The first theme in the center of the layers , called " developmental characteristics of children with autism" points to the lack of movement skills and clarifies that obsessive behavior, the inadequacy of social communication skills and lack of motivation is a barrier to participation in physical activity. In the second layer, in the scope of the theme called "participation of children with autism in physical activity in the triangle of family neighborhood and school ", It is revealed that parents with a cooperation with their other children at home to keep active the child with autism and compensate for his loneliness in the social environment have made a lot of efforts. Despite the support of the parents of the child to be physically active at home, the result of the research clarified that children spend alone most of their free time at home. Under the theme of participation in physical activity in the school context, two sub-themes including "physical education" and "recess" were reached. Inadequate physical environment, lack of materials, inadequate program and teachers' approaches was found to be the factors that restrain participation in physical education. Even if recess time is seen as an opportunity to participate in physical activity at school, It is not useful for children with autism because of the lack of material and the physical environment, teachers. Participation in physical activity in the neighborhood, starting from the concept of the play, " Play with older children " "play with friends" and "solo play" expressed. The result of the research indicates the limitations of children with autism in terms of setting up a game with their peers and negative attitudes of peers. It was found that they are oriented the solo game the same as at home in the neighborhood and they prefer to play with the older children in the scope of their interaction with others. In the scope of the third layer, in the "triangle of family, neighborhood and school" material facilities, transportation, expert staff, physical environment and material " as factors that restrict participation in physical activity has revealed. Lastly, forth layer outermost has incorporated relationship of physical activity opportunities in school and neighborhood with universities ministries and municipalities. As a result, it is suggested that universities, ministries and municipalities render new regulations in order to improve the physical acitivity of children with autism.
The aim of the study is to examine the factors that affect participation in physical activity of children with autism from the perspective of parents. In this study, participants were parents of 15 children with autism and one life coach of a child with autism between 7-14 year-old in a Special Education Center in Izmit. Semi-structured interviews were carried out on three focus groups. The research data were analyzed using thematic analysis . The research on the basis of Bronfenbrenner's socioecological theory, It was obtained the four main themes of " developmental characteristics of children with autism" "participation of children with autism in physical activity in the triangle of family, neighborhood and school ", "participation possibilities of children with autism in physical activity in the triangle of family, neighborhood and school " " and " policies that affect participation in physical activity". The first theme in the center of the layers , called " developmental characteristics of children with autism" points to the lack of movement skills and clarifies that obsessive behavior, the inadequacy of social communication skills and lack of motivation is a barrier to participation in physical activity. In the second layer, in the scope of the theme called "participation of children with autism in physical activity in the triangle of family neighborhood and school ", It is revealed that parents with a cooperation with their other children at home to keep active the child with autism and compensate for his loneliness in the social environment have made a lot of efforts. Despite the support of the parents of the child to be physically active at home, the result of the research clarified that children spend alone most of their free time at home. Under the theme of participation in physical activity in the school context, two sub-themes including "physical education" and "recess" were reached. Inadequate physical environment, lack of materials, inadequate program and teachers' approaches was found to be the factors that restrain participation in physical education. Even if recess time is seen as an opportunity to participate in physical activity at school, It is not useful for children with autism because of the lack of material and the physical environment, teachers. Participation in physical activity in the neighborhood, starting from the concept of the play, " Play with older children " "play with friends" and "solo play" expressed. The result of the research indicates the limitations of children with autism in terms of setting up a game with their peers and negative attitudes of peers. It was found that they are oriented the solo game the same as at home in the neighborhood and they prefer to play with the older children in the scope of their interaction with others. In the scope of the third layer, in the "triangle of family, neighborhood and school" material facilities, transportation, expert staff, physical environment and material " as factors that restrict participation in physical activity has revealed. Lastly, forth layer outermost has incorporated relationship of physical activity opportunities in school and neighborhood with universities ministries and municipalities. As a result, it is suggested that universities, ministries and municipalities render new regulations in order to improve the physical acitivity of children with autism.
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ebeveyn, Fiziksel Aktivite, Otizmli Çocuklar, Parents, Physical Activity, Children With Autism