Robotik tel ark eklemeli imalat yöntemi ile östenitik paslanmaz çelik ve sert dolgu kaynak teli kullanılarak üretilen bimetal parçanın karakterizasyonu
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Robotik ark kaynağı ile eklemeli imalat (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, WAAM) bilgisayar ortamında üç boyutlu CAD verisi hazırlanmış parçanın, MIG/MAG kaynak yöntemi kullanılarak katman katman üretildiği robotik sistemlerin kullanıldığı bir eklemeli imalat yöntemidir. Geleneksel yöntemlerle üretilemeyen büyük ölçekli metal parçaların üretimi bu yöntemle sağlanmaktadır. WAAM ile ilgili birçok araştırma olmasına rağmen bu yöntemle bimetal üretimi dünyada yenidir. Bimetal yapılar, birbirinin avantajlı özelliklerini bir araya getirip fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerinde iyileşme sağlamaktadır. Robotik ark kaynağı ile eklemeli imalat yöntemi otomotiv, denizcilik, savunma sanayi ve havacılık alanlarında farklı ürünlere dönüştürülmektedir. Robotik ark kaynağı kullanılarak fonksiyonel bimetal malzemelerin üretilerek savunma sanayisinde üstün özellikli ürünler elde edilebilir. Bu çalışmada 5220023 numaralı TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1505 Üniversite-Sanayi iş birliği ile Bimetal Malzemelerin Özlü/Masif Tel Beslemeli Robotik Ark Kaynağı ile Eklemeli İmalat Sistemlerinin Geliştirilmesi projesi kapsamında tasarlanan robotik tel ark eklemeli imalat hücresi kullanılmıştır. Hücrede OTC-Daihen FD-B6L kaynak robotu ve GeKaMac Power MIG GPS WB P500L kaynak makinesi yer almaktadır. Östenitik paslanmaz çelik ve sert dolgu kaynak telleri katman katman biriktirilerek WAAM yöntemiyle bimetalik yapı üretilmiştir. Üretilen bimetalik yapıya ilk olarak görsel muayene ve dijital radyografik muayene uygulanmıştı. Sonrasında üretilen parçadan alınan numunelere makroyapı analizi, mikroyapı analizi, sertlik ve çekme ve çentik darbe testleri yapılmıştır. Bimetal yapının arayüz bölgesi incelenmiştir.
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) with robotic systems is an additive manufacturing method that uses MIG/MAG welding to produce a three-dimensional CAD model in a computer environment. This method enables the production of large-scale metal parts that cannot be produced with traditional methods. Although there are many studies on WAAM, bimetal production with this method is relatively new in the world. Bimetal structures combine the advantageous properties of each metal to improve their physical and mechanical properties. The robotic welding method is used to convert various products in the automotive, maritime, defense and aerospace industries. By using robotic arc welding, functional bimetal materials can be produced, and superior products can be obtained for the defense industry. When the literature is examined, there are studies that generally prefer laser as the heat source for bimetal material production. In this study, the robotic wire arc additive manufacturing cell designed within the scope of TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1505 University-Industry cooperation project with the number 5220023 was used. The OTC-Daihen FD-B6L welding robot and GeKaMac Power MIG GPS WB P500L welding machine are used in the cell. Bimetallic structures were produced by deposited austenitic stainless steel and 600 G welding wires layer by layer using the WAAM method. The produced bimetallic structure was first subjected to visual inspection and digital radiographic examination, and then microstructure analysis, hardness, and tensile tests were performed on the samples taken from the produced part. The interface region of the bimetal structure was examined.
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) with robotic systems is an additive manufacturing method that uses MIG/MAG welding to produce a three-dimensional CAD model in a computer environment. This method enables the production of large-scale metal parts that cannot be produced with traditional methods. Although there are many studies on WAAM, bimetal production with this method is relatively new in the world. Bimetal structures combine the advantageous properties of each metal to improve their physical and mechanical properties. The robotic welding method is used to convert various products in the automotive, maritime, defense and aerospace industries. By using robotic arc welding, functional bimetal materials can be produced, and superior products can be obtained for the defense industry. When the literature is examined, there are studies that generally prefer laser as the heat source for bimetal material production. In this study, the robotic wire arc additive manufacturing cell designed within the scope of TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1505 University-Industry cooperation project with the number 5220023 was used. The OTC-Daihen FD-B6L welding robot and GeKaMac Power MIG GPS WB P500L welding machine are used in the cell. Bimetallic structures were produced by deposited austenitic stainless steel and 600 G welding wires layer by layer using the WAAM method. The produced bimetallic structure was first subjected to visual inspection and digital radiographic examination, and then microstructure analysis, hardness, and tensile tests were performed on the samples taken from the produced part. The interface region of the bimetal structure was examined.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Makine Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eklemeli İmalat, MIG/MAG, Tel Ark Eklemeli İmalat, CAD, Robot Kaynak Metodu, Additive Manufacturing, MIG/MAG, Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, CAD, Robotic Welding Method