Turistik bir tesisin kojenerasyon sistemine dönüştürülmesi ve termoekonomik analizi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kojenerasyon sistemleri aynı enerji kaynağından güç ve ısıyı beraber sağlayan sistemlerdir. Bu çalışmada İstanbul ilindeki 3.200 m2 kapalı alana sahip, 88 yatak kapasiteli bir otele kurulan mevcut sistemin ekonomik analizi yapılmıştır. Diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak kojenerasyon sistemi olmayan bu otelin elektrik ve doğalgaz maliyet analizi yapılarak ısıtma ve elektrik için bir kojenerasyon sistemine dönüştürülmesi durumu tasarlanmıştır. Alternatif durum ile geri kazanım süresi ve enerji tasarrufu tahmini değil gerçek tüketimler ile hesaplanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda fizibilite ve yatırım maliyetlerinde kesin sonuçlara varılması amaçlanmıştır. Enerji üretimi için önem arz eden yakıt türleri detaylı olarak açıklanarak güncel kullanım durumları değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca kojenerasyon sistemlerinin Türkiye ve Dünyadaki kullanım sıklığı, teknik elemanları ve sıkça kullanılan türleri araştırılarak seçilen sistemin termo-ekonomik değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda otel için 71 kWe enerji üretebilen 109 kW ısıl güce sahip sistem seçilmesi uygun bulunmuştur. Genel yatırım maliyetleri 140.000 USD olarak tespit edilmiş ve kojenerasyon sistemin yaklaşık 5 yılda kazanç sağlamaya başlayarak kendini amorte edeceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Tez çalışmasında termoekonomik analizi yapılan tesisin uygulama ve proje aşamasında doğru şekilde analiz edilmesi ve uygulanabilirliğinin kontrolü için RevitMEP ile 3D mekanik dizaynı yapılmıştır.
Cogeneration is a process where electrical and thermal energy is produced simultaneously. In this study, economical analysis of the current system to be built in a 88 bed capacity private otel that occupies a 3.200 m2 of covered area in Istanbul. Unlike other studies, this hotel which does not have a cogeneration system, has been designed anew with electricity and gas cost analysis to transform electricity and natural gas into a cogeneration system for heating and electricity. Alternative case, recovery time and energy saving are calculated with real consumption, not estimated. For this purpose, it is aimed to reach exact results in feasibility and investment costs. Uses that are important in terms of energy have been evaluated by explaining them up-to-date. In addition, the frequency of use of cogeneration systems in Turkey and the world, technical components and the thermo-economic evaluation of the selected system was made by researching the frequently used types. As a result of the study, it was found appropriate to choose a system with a thermal power of 109 kW, which can produce 71 kWe of energy for the hotel. The overall investment costs have been determined as 140,000 USD and it has been concluded that the cogeneration system will pay for itself in approximately 5 years by starting to earn. In the thesis study, a 3D mechanical design was made with RevitMEP in order to analyze the facility, whose thermoeconomic analysis was performed, correctly during the application and project phase and to control its applicability.
Cogeneration is a process where electrical and thermal energy is produced simultaneously. In this study, economical analysis of the current system to be built in a 88 bed capacity private otel that occupies a 3.200 m2 of covered area in Istanbul. Unlike other studies, this hotel which does not have a cogeneration system, has been designed anew with electricity and gas cost analysis to transform electricity and natural gas into a cogeneration system for heating and electricity. Alternative case, recovery time and energy saving are calculated with real consumption, not estimated. For this purpose, it is aimed to reach exact results in feasibility and investment costs. Uses that are important in terms of energy have been evaluated by explaining them up-to-date. In addition, the frequency of use of cogeneration systems in Turkey and the world, technical components and the thermo-economic evaluation of the selected system was made by researching the frequently used types. As a result of the study, it was found appropriate to choose a system with a thermal power of 109 kW, which can produce 71 kWe of energy for the hotel. The overall investment costs have been determined as 140,000 USD and it has been concluded that the cogeneration system will pay for itself in approximately 5 years by starting to earn. In the thesis study, a 3D mechanical design was made with RevitMEP in order to analyze the facility, whose thermoeconomic analysis was performed, correctly during the application and project phase and to control its applicability.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Makine Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji Tüketimi, Fayda-Maliyet Analizi, Kojenerasyon, Termo Ekonomi, 3D Mekanik Dizayn, Energy Consumption, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cogeneration, Thermo Economic, 3D Mechanical Design