Gençlik Hizmetleri ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü Çalışanlarının Spor Yönetimindeki Alan Uygulamasına Bakışı
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Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi
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Türkiye’de sporun yönetiminden sorumlu kurumlar arasındaki GHSİM’ lerde iş yeri amiri olabilme potansiyeline sahip çalışanların eğitim ve görev değişkenleri açısından spor yönetimindeki alan uygulamasına bakış açısını belirlemek çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırma betimsel bir araştırmadır. Araştırma grubunu 155 GHSİM çalışanı oluşturmaktadır (61 müdür, 40 uzman ve 54 memur). Veri toplama aracı olarak Ross ve Beggs (2007) tarafından rekreasyonel spor yönetimi stajında öğrenci ve yöneticilerin bakış açılarını karşılaştırmak üzere modifiye edilen, Türkçe uyarlaması Çoknaz (2014) tarafından yapılan ölçme aracı kullanılmıştır. 5’li Likert tipi ölçme aracı 47 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Cronbach Alpha iç tutarlılık katsayısı .92’dir. Kolmogorov-Simirnov testi sonucunda veriler normal dağılmamış ve analizlerde Mann Whitney U ve Kruskal Wallis testleri kullanılmıştır. Anlamlılık düzeyi 0.05 olarak belirlenmiştir. Alan uygulamasının iş yerinin personel seçimine yardımcı olması, üniversite ve kurumlar arasındaki bağlantıyı güçlendirmesi, iş yerinin imajını ayrıca öğrencinin problem çözme becerilerini geliştirmesine yönelik spor eğitimine sahip olanların lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Uygulama yapılan iş yerinde öğrenciye eğitim, mesleki gelişim, iş planlama, program yönetme, bütçe hazırlama gibi fırsatlar sunulması gerektiği yönünde spor eğitimi alanların lehine, yine eğitim, mesleki gelişim, iş planlama ve program yönetmede ise müdürler ile uzmanlar arasında uzmanların lehine olacak şekilde fark ortaya çıkmaktadır. Öğrencilerin iletişim, insan ilişkileri, pazarlama, motivasyon ve talimatlara uyma gibi becerileri konusunda spor eğitimi alanlar ile almayanlar arasında spor eğitimine sahip olanların lehine anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Görev değişkenine göre iletişim ve insan ilişkilerinde müdür ve uzmanlar arasında uzmanlar lehine anlamlı fark çıkarken, öğrencinin 40 saatten fazla çalışmaya hazır olması konusunda müdürlerin lehine anlamlı fark bulunmaktadır. İş yerlerinin öğrencilerin becerilerini geliştirmeye istekli olması nitelikli bir uygulama süreci açısından önemlidir. Araştırmada yalnızca spor eğitimi alanlar, alan uygulamasının problem çözme becerilerini geliştirmesi gerektiğine yönelik görüş sahibidir. Bu durumda diğer beceriler konusunda farkındalık oluşturulması gerekebilir. Ancak diğer sonuçlar GHSİM’ de özellikle spor eğitimi alanların ve uzmanların alan uygulamasının sunması gereken fırsatların farkında olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bilindiği üzere uzman kadrosuna atamalarda spor eğitimi şartı aranmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda spor eğitimi alanların ve uzmanların alanın ihtiyaçlarının farkında olduklarını söylemek mümkündür. Alan uygulamasında iş yeri amiri olarak bu pozisyondaki kişilerden yararlanmak öğrencilerin gelişimi açısından daha faydalı olabilir.
The purpose of this study is to determine the views of employees who have the potential to become workplace superiors in PDYSs, one of the institutions responsible for sports management in Turkey, about field experience in sports management with regard to training and assignment variables. This is a descriptive research. Research group is composed of 155 PDYS employees. Data collection tool which was modified by Ross and Beggs (2007) in order to compare the views of the students and managers in recreational sports management internship, and later adapted into Turkish by Çoknaz (2014). 5 point Likert type scale is composed of 47 items. Cronbach Alpha internal consistency is .92. At the end of Kolmogorov-Simirnov test it is found that data is not distributed normally, and in the analysis Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests are used. Significance level is determined as 0.05. The comparisons revealed that statistically a significant difference was obtained in favor of the people who received sport education with regards to staff selection by the workplace, cooperation between universities and institutions, workplace image, and students’ problem solving skills. About the necessity of providing students with the opportunity of education, vocational development, work planning, etc. in the workplace of field experience, a significant difference was attained in favor of the people who received sport education; between managers and specialists, a significant difference was found in favor of specialists in education, vocational development, work planning and program management. About student abilities such as communication, human affairs, marketing, motivation and following instructions a significant difference was obtained in favor of the people who received sport education when compared with the people who did not receive education in sports related fields. Between specialists and managers, a significant difference was found in favor of the former in communication and human affairs in accordance with assignment variables; yet about students’ being ready to work more than 40 hours a significant difference was found in favor of the latter. It is essential to have workplaces inclined to improve students’ skills for a qualified field experience process. In this research, only the people who received sport education thought that field experience had to develop problem-solving skills. It might be necessary to create awareness about other skills. However, other results indicated that in PDYS, especially the people who received sport education and specialists were aware of the opportunities that had to be provided by field experience. As is known, sports education is mandatory in the assignments of specialists. In this respect, it is possible to say that people who received education in sports and specialists are aware of.
The purpose of this study is to determine the views of employees who have the potential to become workplace superiors in PDYSs, one of the institutions responsible for sports management in Turkey, about field experience in sports management with regard to training and assignment variables. This is a descriptive research. Research group is composed of 155 PDYS employees. Data collection tool which was modified by Ross and Beggs (2007) in order to compare the views of the students and managers in recreational sports management internship, and later adapted into Turkish by Çoknaz (2014). 5 point Likert type scale is composed of 47 items. Cronbach Alpha internal consistency is .92. At the end of Kolmogorov-Simirnov test it is found that data is not distributed normally, and in the analysis Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests are used. Significance level is determined as 0.05. The comparisons revealed that statistically a significant difference was obtained in favor of the people who received sport education with regards to staff selection by the workplace, cooperation between universities and institutions, workplace image, and students’ problem solving skills. About the necessity of providing students with the opportunity of education, vocational development, work planning, etc. in the workplace of field experience, a significant difference was attained in favor of the people who received sport education; between managers and specialists, a significant difference was found in favor of specialists in education, vocational development, work planning and program management. About student abilities such as communication, human affairs, marketing, motivation and following instructions a significant difference was obtained in favor of the people who received sport education when compared with the people who did not receive education in sports related fields. Between specialists and managers, a significant difference was found in favor of the former in communication and human affairs in accordance with assignment variables; yet about students’ being ready to work more than 40 hours a significant difference was found in favor of the latter. It is essential to have workplaces inclined to improve students’ skills for a qualified field experience process. In this research, only the people who received sport education thought that field experience had to develop problem-solving skills. It might be necessary to create awareness about other skills. However, other results indicated that in PDYS, especially the people who received sport education and specialists were aware of the opportunities that had to be provided by field experience. As is known, sports education is mandatory in the assignments of specialists. In this respect, it is possible to say that people who received education in sports and specialists are aware of.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Alan Uygulaması, Staj, Spor Yönetimi, Field Experience, internship, sports management
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