Alışveriş merkezleri ve alışveriş caddelerinin dönüşümünde gelecek yaklaşımları
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Alışveriş mekânları satın alma eyleminin yanı sıra yeme-içme, buluşma, boş zaman geçirme gibi kamusal yaşam aktivitelerinin tamamının gerçekleştiği kentsel mekânlardır. Kentin ana bileşenlerinden olan alışveriş mekânları toplumsal süreçler ile değişen toplum, kültür ve yaşam şartlarının bir ürünü olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. 2019 yılında başlayan Covid-19 pandemisi boyunca gerçekleştirilen kısıtlamalar, kentleri ve tüketicileri tüm dünyada derinden etkilemiştir. E-ticaret kullanımı artış göstermiş, AVM (alışveriş merkezi) ve AVC (alışveriş cadde)'lerin kullanım oranlarında düşüşler yaşanmıştır. Değişen tüketici anlayışı yeni mekânsal ihtiyaçları doğurmuş, alışveriş mekânlarının dönüşümünü zorunlu kılmıştır. Tarihsel süreçte kent merkezinde açık bir kentsel alanda başlayan alışveriş mekânları zaman içinde tüketim anlamında yaşanan değişimler sonucunda kent dışında ya da kentten bağımsız yapılara dönüşmüştür. Günümüzde ise uygun tasarım kriterleri ile tasarlanmamış mevcut AVM ve AVC'ler tüketicinin gelecekteki mekânsal ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamadığı gibi değişime ayak uyduramadığında yaşam döngüsü sonucunda çevreye zarar verdiği görülmektedir. Bu nedenle Covid-19 pandemisi sonrası alışveriş mekânlarının tasarımında ve dönüşümünde kent ve kullanıcı beklentileri dikkate alınarak geleceğe yönelik tasarım kriterleri ve yeni yaklaşımlar belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında AVC'lerin iyileştirilmesi ve AVM gibi yönetilmesi ile ortaya çıkan "Caddeleşen AVM", teknoloji ile geliştirilmiş "Sanal Gerçek AVM" ve internet ortamında alışveriş mekânı sunan "Sanal AVM" kavramları gelecek alışveriş mekânları yaklaşımları olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada salgının tüketici davranışına ve beklentilerine olan etkileri sonucunda doğan mekânsal ihtiyaçları tespit etmek amaçlanmaktadır. Ayrıca gelecek senaryoları düşünülerek mevcut yapıların hayatta kalması ve gelecekteki yapılar için tasarım kriterleri ortaya konulması hedeflenmektedir Tasarımdaki kalite ölçütleri insan, mekân ve yaşam arasındaki iletişimi etkilediği için çalışmanın temelini oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada yöntem olarak, kullanıcı davranışını ve mekânsal etkileşimini incelemek için alan ve anket analizi kullanılmıştır. Alan analizinde 2 adet AVM, 2 adet AVC olmak üzere 4 alan seçilmiştir. Bu alanlar kentsel mekân ve sosyal yaşam bağlamında değerlendirilmiş, tasarım kriterleri ile Jan Gehl'in evrensel kentsel mekân kalite kriterleri, kullanıcı davranışlarını haritalama, araştırma araç ve yöntemleri temelinde incelenmiş, alanların mekânsal kalite düzeylerine ulaşılmıştır. Anket analizinde ise İstanbul'da ikamet eden 201 kişiye, link aracılığıyla 42 soruluk çevrimiçi anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 25.0 istatistiksel programı ve grafikler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda kullanıcıların mekân algı ve beklentilerinin Covid-19 pandemisi etkisiyle değiştiği tespit edilmiştir. Tüketici beklentilerine göre alışveriş mekânlarındaki tasarım kriterleri, kalite ölçütleri ve gelecekteki mekânsal yaklaşım öngörüleri belirlenmiştir. E-ticaretin (elektronik ticaret) kullanımında artış görülmüş olup alışveriş mekânlarının işlevini yitirmeden önce değişmesi, gelecekteki plan, tasarım ve stratejilerinin düşünülmesinin gerekli olduğu görülmüştür. Ankette "Caddeleşen AVM" yaklaşımı her yaş aralığında katılımcılar tarafından daha çok benimsenmiştir. Ancak 3 yaklaşımın da farklı noktalarda önemli olduğu ve geleceğe yön vereceği anlaşılmıştır. Çalışmada alışveriş mekânlarının dönüşümlerinde, gelecekteki plan, tasarım ve stratejilerinde, toplumsal süreçlerin ve kullanıcının önemine dikkat çekmek istenmiştir.
Shopping spaces are urban spaces where all of the public life activities such as eating and drinking, meeting and spending free time take place, as well as the act of buying. Shopping spaces, which are one of the main components of the city, emerge as a product of social processes and changing society, culture and living conditions. Restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic, which started in 2019, deeply affected cities and consumers all over the world. The use of e-commerce has increased, and there has been a decrease in the usage rates of shopping malls and shopping streets. The changing consumer understanding has created new spatial needs and necessitated the transformation of shopping spaces. In the historical process, shopping spaces that started in an open urban area in the city center have turned into structures outside the city or independent from the city as a result of the changes experienced in terms of consumption over time. Today, it is seen that existing shopping malls and shopping streets that are not designed with appropriate design criteria cannot meet the future spatial needs of the consumer and harm the environment as a result of their life cycle when they can not keep up with the change. For this reason, it is necessary to determine future-oriented design criteria and new approaches, taking into account the city and user expectations in the design and transformation of shopping spaces after the Covid-19 pandemic. Within the scope of the study, the concepts of "Avenue Shopping Mall", which emerged with the improvement and management of shopping streets like a shopping mall, "Virtual Real Mall" developed with technology, and "Virtual Mall", which offers a shopping place on the internet, are discussed as future shopping spaces approaches. In this study, it is aimed to determine the spatial needs arising as a result of the effects of the epidemic on consumer behavior and expectations. In addition, considering the future scenarios, it is aimed to determine the survival of the existing structures and to reveal the design criteria for the future structures. As a method in the study, field and survey analysis was used to examine user behavior and spatial interaction. In the area analysis, 4 areas were selected as 2 shopping malls and 2 shopping streets. These areas were evaluated in the context of urban space and social life, the design criteria and Jan Gehl's universal urban space quality criteria were examined on the basis of mapping user behaviors, research tools and methods, and the spatial quality levels of the areas were reached. In the survey analysis, an online survey of 42 questions was applied to 201 people residing in İstanbul via the link. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 statistical program and graphics. As a result of the analysis, it has been determined that the space perception and expectations of the users have changed with the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to consumer expectations, design criteria, quality criteria and future spatial approach predictions in shopping areas were determined. There has been an increase in the use of e-commerce (electronic commerce), and it has been seen that shopping places need to change before they lose their function, and it is necessary to think about future plans, designs and strategies. In the survey, the "Avenue Shopping Mall" approach was more widely adopted by the participants in all age ranges. However, it has been understood that all three approaches are important at different points and will shape the future. In the study, it was aimed to draw attention to the importance of social processes and the user in the transformation of shopping spaces, future plans, designs and strategies.
Shopping spaces are urban spaces where all of the public life activities such as eating and drinking, meeting and spending free time take place, as well as the act of buying. Shopping spaces, which are one of the main components of the city, emerge as a product of social processes and changing society, culture and living conditions. Restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic, which started in 2019, deeply affected cities and consumers all over the world. The use of e-commerce has increased, and there has been a decrease in the usage rates of shopping malls and shopping streets. The changing consumer understanding has created new spatial needs and necessitated the transformation of shopping spaces. In the historical process, shopping spaces that started in an open urban area in the city center have turned into structures outside the city or independent from the city as a result of the changes experienced in terms of consumption over time. Today, it is seen that existing shopping malls and shopping streets that are not designed with appropriate design criteria cannot meet the future spatial needs of the consumer and harm the environment as a result of their life cycle when they can not keep up with the change. For this reason, it is necessary to determine future-oriented design criteria and new approaches, taking into account the city and user expectations in the design and transformation of shopping spaces after the Covid-19 pandemic. Within the scope of the study, the concepts of "Avenue Shopping Mall", which emerged with the improvement and management of shopping streets like a shopping mall, "Virtual Real Mall" developed with technology, and "Virtual Mall", which offers a shopping place on the internet, are discussed as future shopping spaces approaches. In this study, it is aimed to determine the spatial needs arising as a result of the effects of the epidemic on consumer behavior and expectations. In addition, considering the future scenarios, it is aimed to determine the survival of the existing structures and to reveal the design criteria for the future structures. As a method in the study, field and survey analysis was used to examine user behavior and spatial interaction. In the area analysis, 4 areas were selected as 2 shopping malls and 2 shopping streets. These areas were evaluated in the context of urban space and social life, the design criteria and Jan Gehl's universal urban space quality criteria were examined on the basis of mapping user behaviors, research tools and methods, and the spatial quality levels of the areas were reached. In the survey analysis, an online survey of 42 questions was applied to 201 people residing in İstanbul via the link. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 statistical program and graphics. As a result of the analysis, it has been determined that the space perception and expectations of the users have changed with the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to consumer expectations, design criteria, quality criteria and future spatial approach predictions in shopping areas were determined. There has been an increase in the use of e-commerce (electronic commerce), and it has been seen that shopping places need to change before they lose their function, and it is necessary to think about future plans, designs and strategies. In the survey, the "Avenue Shopping Mall" approach was more widely adopted by the participants in all age ranges. However, it has been understood that all three approaches are important at different points and will shape the future. In the study, it was aimed to draw attention to the importance of social processes and the user in the transformation of shopping spaces, future plans, designs and strategies.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı, Mimarlık Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
AVM, AVC, Caddeleşen AVM, Sanal Gerçek AVM, Sanal AVM, Covid-19 Pandemisi, Mekân Kalitesi, Shopping Centre, Shopping Street, Avenue Shopping Mall, Virtual Reality Mall, Virtual Mall, Covid-19 Pandemic, Space Quality