Zırh çeliklerinin robotik MIG/MAG kaynağı ile birleştirilmesinde ilave metallerin mikroyapı ve mekanik özelliklere etkisinin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasında savunma sanayiinde yoğun miktarda kullanılmakta olan 15 mm kalınlığındaki MIL-A 46100 (Protection 500 serisi) sınıfı zırh çeliği plakaları Metal İnert Gaz (MIG) ve Metal Aktif Gaz (MAG) kaynağı ile ferritik, paslanmaz ve dubleks yapıya sahip kaynak telleri kullanılarak birleştirilmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar analiz edilerek birbirleri ile kıyaslanmıştır. Ana malzeme olarak ülkemizde Erdemir Miilux firmasından yerli olarak üretilen Protection 500 serisi zırh çeliği plakaları kullanılmıştır. Kaynak telleri olarak ise 1,2 mm çaplarında ticari isimleri GeKa SG3, ELOX 309LSi, ELOX SG2209 ve ER110S-G olan ilave metaller kullanılmıştır. Koruyucu gaz olarak da ferritik yapıdaki SG3 ve ER110S-G kaynak telleri için ArCo18, dubleks paslanmaz yapıdaki ELOX SG2209 ve östenitik paslanmaz yapıdaki ELOX 309LSi kaynak telleri için ise ArCO2,5 kullanılmıştır. Zırh çeliklerinin kaynaklı birleştirmelerinde en önemli kriterlerden birisinin ısı tesiri altındaki bölgelerde oluşan mekanik zayıflamaların olabildiğince minimuma indirilmesi nedeniyle tüm kaynak işlemleri sabit bir ısı girdisi elde etmek amacıyla 6 eksenli kaynak robotu ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Burada ayrıca operatör kaynaklı hataların önüne geçilmesi ve buna bağlı olarak da hatasız kaynakların eldesi hedeflenmiştir. Elde edilen kaynaklı birleştirmelere yüzeysel veya hacimsel kaynak hatalarının olup olmadığının tespiti için ilk olarak görsel muayene, sıvı penetrant muayene ve radyografik muayene işlemleri uygulanmıştır. Akabinde ise sıvı soğutmalı sanayi tipi şerit testere kullanılarak kimyasal analiz, metalografik incelemeler ve tahribatlı testler için numuneler çıkartılmıştır. Kullanılan ilave metallerin ve kaynaklı birleştirmelerin kimyasal analizlerini belirlemek amacıyla Optik Emisyon Spektrometresi (OES), Azot Oksijen (N/O) Cihazı ile kimyasal analiz testleri uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca, kaynak bölgesindeki element değişimlerini incelemek amacıyla da X-ışını Floresans (XRF) cihazı ile makro numuneleri üzerinden kaynak metalinin farklı bölgelerinde noktasal kimyasal analiz testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kaynak bölgesinde ve ısı tesiri altında kalan bölgede oluşan mikro yapısal değişimleri gözlemlemek amacıyla stereo mikroskop, optik mikroskop ve taramalı elektron mikroskobu kullanılarak metalografik incelemeler yapılmıştır. Son olarak kaynaklı birleştirmelerin mekanik performanslarını karşılaştırmak amacıyla ulusal & uluslararası standartlara uygun olarak Vickers sertlik, çekme, darbe çentik ve eğme testleri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, Robotik MIG/MAG kaynağı ile minimum düzeyde hata içeren uygun kaynak dikişlerinin elde edilebileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Sonuç olarak; en yüksek akma dayanımı ve çekme dayanımı değerleri, ER110 ilave metali ile yapılan kaynaklarda, en düşük akma ve çekme dayanım değerleri ise SG3 ilave metali ile yapılan kaynaklarda elde edilmiştir. Çentik darbe test sonuçlarına göre ise çekme testinin tersine en düşük tokluk değerleri ER110 ilave metali ile yapılan kaynaklarda elde edilirken, en yüksek tokluk değerleri östenitik 309LSi ilave metali ile yapılan kaynaklarda elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bütün kaynaklı birleştirmelerde ITAB bölgesinin tokluk değerlerinin kaynak metalinden çıkartılan numunelere kıyasla daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Fakat, tüm kaynaklı birleştirmelerde tokluk değerleri ana malzeme için -40°C'de belirtilen 20J değerinden daha yüksek çıkmıştır.
In this thesis, 15 mm thick MIL-A 46100 (Protection 500 series) class armor steel plates, which are used extensively in the defense industry, were joined with Metal Inert Gas (MIG) and Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding using ferritic, stainless and duplex welding wires, and the results were analyzed and compared with each other. Protection 500 series armor steel plates produced locally from Erdemir Miilux company were used as the base material. As welding wires, filler metals with the trade names GeKa SG3, ELOX 309LSi, ELOX SG2209 and ER110S-G with a diameter of 1.2 mm were used. Welding processes were performed in a shielding gas of ArCo18 for SG3 and ER110S-G, and ArCO2,5 for ELOX SG2209 and ELOX 309LSi, respectively. All welding operations were carried out with a 6-axis welding robot in order to obtain a constant heat input, since one of the most important criteria in the welding of armor steels is to minimize the mechanical weakening that occurs in heat-affected regions. Here, it is also aimed to prevent operator-related problems and, accordingly, to obtain defect-free welds. Visual inspection, liquid penetrant inspection and radiographic inspection processes were first applied to the obtained welded joints to determine whether there were surface or volumetric welding defects. Subsequently, samples were taken for chemical analysis, metallographic examinations and destructive tests using a liquid-cooled industrial band saw. In order to determine the chemical analysis of the weld metals and welded joints used, chemical analysis tests were carried out with Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) and Nitrogen Oxygen (N/O) Device. In addition, in order to examine the element changes in the weld area, point chemical analysis tests were carried out on different parts of the weld metal on macro samples with X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) device. In order to observe the micro-structural changes in the weld zone and the heat-affected zone, metallographic examinations were carried out using a stereo microscope, optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. Finally, in order to compare the mechanical performances of the welded joints, Vickers hardness tests, tensile tests, Charpy impact tests and bending tests were applied in accordance with national & international standards. The obtained results revealed that suitable welding seams with minimum defects can be obtained with Robotic MIG/MAG welding. As a result; the highest yield and tensile values were obtained in the welds made with ER110 welding wire, and the lowest yield tensile values were obtained in the welds made with SG3 weld metal. According to the notch impact test results, on the contrary to the tensile test, the lowest toughness values were obtained in welds made with ER110 welding wire, while the highest toughness values were obtained in welds made with austenitic 309LSi welding wire. In addition, it was observed that the toughness values of the ITAB region in all welded joints were lower than the samples extracted from the weld metal. However, in all welded joints, the toughness values were higher than the 20J value specified for the base material at -40°C.
In this thesis, 15 mm thick MIL-A 46100 (Protection 500 series) class armor steel plates, which are used extensively in the defense industry, were joined with Metal Inert Gas (MIG) and Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding using ferritic, stainless and duplex welding wires, and the results were analyzed and compared with each other. Protection 500 series armor steel plates produced locally from Erdemir Miilux company were used as the base material. As welding wires, filler metals with the trade names GeKa SG3, ELOX 309LSi, ELOX SG2209 and ER110S-G with a diameter of 1.2 mm were used. Welding processes were performed in a shielding gas of ArCo18 for SG3 and ER110S-G, and ArCO2,5 for ELOX SG2209 and ELOX 309LSi, respectively. All welding operations were carried out with a 6-axis welding robot in order to obtain a constant heat input, since one of the most important criteria in the welding of armor steels is to minimize the mechanical weakening that occurs in heat-affected regions. Here, it is also aimed to prevent operator-related problems and, accordingly, to obtain defect-free welds. Visual inspection, liquid penetrant inspection and radiographic inspection processes were first applied to the obtained welded joints to determine whether there were surface or volumetric welding defects. Subsequently, samples were taken for chemical analysis, metallographic examinations and destructive tests using a liquid-cooled industrial band saw. In order to determine the chemical analysis of the weld metals and welded joints used, chemical analysis tests were carried out with Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) and Nitrogen Oxygen (N/O) Device. In addition, in order to examine the element changes in the weld area, point chemical analysis tests were carried out on different parts of the weld metal on macro samples with X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) device. In order to observe the micro-structural changes in the weld zone and the heat-affected zone, metallographic examinations were carried out using a stereo microscope, optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. Finally, in order to compare the mechanical performances of the welded joints, Vickers hardness tests, tensile tests, Charpy impact tests and bending tests were applied in accordance with national & international standards. The obtained results revealed that suitable welding seams with minimum defects can be obtained with Robotic MIG/MAG welding. As a result; the highest yield and tensile values were obtained in the welds made with ER110 welding wire, and the lowest yield tensile values were obtained in the welds made with SG3 weld metal. According to the notch impact test results, on the contrary to the tensile test, the lowest toughness values were obtained in welds made with ER110 welding wire, while the highest toughness values were obtained in welds made with austenitic 309LSi welding wire. In addition, it was observed that the toughness values of the ITAB region in all welded joints were lower than the samples extracted from the weld metal. However, in all welded joints, the toughness values were higher than the 20J value specified for the base material at -40°C.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Makine Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Zırh Çeliği, Robotik MIG/MAG Kaynağı, Masif Kaynak Telleri, Mikroyapı Karakterizasyonu, Tahribatlı Muayene, Tahribatsız Muayene, ITAB Zayıflama, Armor Steel, Robotic MIG/MAG Welding, Solid Welding Wires, Microstructural Characterization, Destructive Testing, Non-Destructive Testing, HAZ Softening