Sahibi Türk olan yabancı bayraklı yatların ülke ekonomisindeki vergi ve prestij kaybının önlenmesi için uygulanabilecek yöntemlerin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Denizlerin turizm için kullanılmasından sonra yat turizmi önemli gelişmeler göstermiş ve ülke ekonomilerine büyük katkılar sağlayan bir iş kolu haline dönüşmüştür. Sahilleri iklim ve coğrafya açısından yat turizmine çok uygun bir konumda olmasına rağmen Türkiye'nin bu potansiyelden tam olarak faydalanamadığı görülmektedir. Türk bayraklı yatlardan alınan yüksek vergi oranları nedeniyle Türkiye'deki yatların yarısının yabancı bayraklı olması ülke ekonomisinde vergi ve prestij kaybına neden olmakta, dolaylı olarak ta turizmin gelişmesine engel olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada yat, yat sektörü, yatçılık ve deniz turizm tesisleri hakkında literatür taraması yapılmış, kişilerin yat alma nedenleri araştırılmış, yat alırken nelere dikkat ettikleri incelenmiştir. Literatür taramasından elde edilen bilgiler neticesinde yat sahiplerine yönelik bir anket hazırlanarak yat sahiplerinin yat alma nedenleri, yat alırken önem verdikleri kriterler ve yabancı bayraklı yat alma nedenleri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca 2009 yılında sahibi Türk olan yabancı bayraklı yatların Türk bayrağı çekmesi için yapılan uygulamanın neden yeteri kadar başarılı olmadığı ve sonrasında yapılacak uygulamaların ne çerçevede hazırlanması gerektiği yat sahiplerine sorulmuştur. Yabancı bayraklı yatların Türk bayrağı çekmesi için hükümet tarafından 03 Şubat 2017 yasal düzenleme yapılmıştır. Söz konusu düzenlemeden önce yat sahiplerine uygulanan anket çalışmasının sonuçları ile yasal düzenleme karşılaştırılarak, düzenlemenin yat sahiplerinin taleplerini ne ölçüde karşıladığı tespit edilmiştir.
Since the seas have been used for tourism, yacht tourism has shown significant developments and has become a business line providing great contributions to the country's economy. Despite the fact that the coasts are in a very favorable position for yacht tourism in terms of climate and geography, it can be seen that Turkey has not fully utilized this potential. Due to the high tax rates from Turkish flagged yachts, half of the yachts in Turkey are foreign flagged. It causes tax reveneu and prestige loss in the country's economy, and indirectly prevents the development of tourism. In this study, it was made a literature survey on yacht, yacht sector, yachting and marine tourism facilities, it was searched the reasons why people are buying yachts and which topics people are paying attention while buying yachts. As a result of the information obtained from the literature survey, a questionnaire was prepared for the yacht owners to learn the yacht owners' reasons for buying yacht and determine the buying criteria and the reasons for buying yachts with foreign flag. In addition, it was investigated why the legislative regulation for Turkish owned foreign flagged yachts to raise up Turkish flags to their yachts wasn't successful enough and it was asked to the yacht owners that the applications to be made afterwards should be prepared in which framework. The government issued a regulation on 03 February 2017 for the foreign flagged yachts to be raised up the Turkish flags. The results of the questionnaire survey applied to the yacht owners before the regulation were compared with this legal regulation and it has been determined that how much of this regulation meets the answers given by the yacht owners.
Since the seas have been used for tourism, yacht tourism has shown significant developments and has become a business line providing great contributions to the country's economy. Despite the fact that the coasts are in a very favorable position for yacht tourism in terms of climate and geography, it can be seen that Turkey has not fully utilized this potential. Due to the high tax rates from Turkish flagged yachts, half of the yachts in Turkey are foreign flagged. It causes tax reveneu and prestige loss in the country's economy, and indirectly prevents the development of tourism. In this study, it was made a literature survey on yacht, yacht sector, yachting and marine tourism facilities, it was searched the reasons why people are buying yachts and which topics people are paying attention while buying yachts. As a result of the information obtained from the literature survey, a questionnaire was prepared for the yacht owners to learn the yacht owners' reasons for buying yacht and determine the buying criteria and the reasons for buying yachts with foreign flag. In addition, it was investigated why the legislative regulation for Turkish owned foreign flagged yachts to raise up Turkish flags to their yachts wasn't successful enough and it was asked to the yacht owners that the applications to be made afterwards should be prepared in which framework. The government issued a regulation on 03 February 2017 for the foreign flagged yachts to be raised up the Turkish flags. The results of the questionnaire survey applied to the yacht owners before the regulation were compared with this legal regulation and it has been determined that how much of this regulation meets the answers given by the yacht owners.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uluslararası Ticaret Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yabancı Bayraklı Yatlar, Yatçılığın Tarihi, Yatçılığın Sorunları, Marina Çeşitleri, Deniz Turizmi, Foreign Flagged Yachts, History of Yachting, Problems of Yachting, Marina Types, Sea Tourism