Pediatrik rast testi ile wingate anaerobik bisiklet testi ve tek bacak basamak testinin karşılaştırılarak incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, anaerobik adım testinin Wingate anaerobik test ve pediatrik RAST testleri yerine kullanılabilirliğini belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, ?stanbul?da bir Futbol Kulübü?ndeki yaş ortalamaları 10,93±1,81 olan 25 erkek futbolcu gönüllü olarak yer almıştır. Tüm katılımcıların, boy uzunluğu (cm), vücut kütlesi (kg) ve deri kıvrım kalınlıkları ölçüldü, Pediatrik Step, Pediatrik RAST ve Wingate Anaerobik testleri sistemli bir sırayla gerçekleştirildi. Pediatrik RAST, 30 saniyelik Wingate anaerobik testini (WAnT) bir bisiklet ergometresinde ve Anaerobik Adım Testini sistemli bir sırayla tamamlayan 25 sağlıklı çocuğun verileri analiz edildi. Testler için birincil sonuç ölçütleri Ortalama güç olarak hesaplanmıştır. Yaş, Step, pediatrik RAST ve WAnT performansı ile güçlü bir şekilde ilişkiliydi (Spearman'ın rho değerleri 0.70 ila 0.85, tüm katsayılar için p <.001). Ortalama güç için Step Testi ile pediatrik RAST performansı ve WAnT performansı arasında yüksek korelasyon katsayıları saptandı (Spearman'ın rho değerleri 0.85'den 0.90'a, tüm katsayılarda p <.001) 0.91; p <.001). Anaerobik Step testi sağlıklı çocuklarda ve ergenlerde anaerobik performansı değerlendirmek için geçerli ve karmaşık olmayan bir saha testi olarak kullanılabilir. Klinik değerlendirme amacıyla, WAnT ve Pediatrik RAST yokluğunda glikolitik gücü değerlendirirken pediatrik Anaerobik Step ortalama gücünü kullanmanızı öneririz.
This study was conducted to determine the usability of the anaerobic step test instead of the Wingate anaerobic test and pediatric RAST tests. In the study, 25 male football players with a mean age of 10.93 ± 1.81 in a Football Club in Istanbul voluntarily participated. All participants' height (cm), body mass (kg) and skin fold thickness were measured. Pediatric Step, Pediatric RAST and Wingate Anaerobic tests were performed in a random order. Pediatric RAST analyzed data from 25 healthy children who completed the 30-second Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) on a bicycle ergometer and the Anaerobic Step Test in a systematical order. The primary outcome measures for the tests were calculated as mean Power(MP). Age was strongly associated with Step, pediatric RAST and WAnT performance (Spearman's rho values were 0.70 to 0.85, p <.001 for all coefficients). High correlation coefficients were found between the Step Test for pediatric RAST performance and WAnT performance for MP (Spearman's rho values from 0.85 to 0.90, p <.001 at all coefficients) 0.91; p <.001). Anaerobic Step test can be used as a valid and uncomplicated field test to evaluate anaerobic performance in healthy children and adolescents. For clinical evaluation, we recommend using the pediatric Anaerobic Step MP when evaluating glycolytic power in the absence of WAnT and Pediatric RAST.
This study was conducted to determine the usability of the anaerobic step test instead of the Wingate anaerobic test and pediatric RAST tests. In the study, 25 male football players with a mean age of 10.93 ± 1.81 in a Football Club in Istanbul voluntarily participated. All participants' height (cm), body mass (kg) and skin fold thickness were measured. Pediatric Step, Pediatric RAST and Wingate Anaerobic tests were performed in a random order. Pediatric RAST analyzed data from 25 healthy children who completed the 30-second Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) on a bicycle ergometer and the Anaerobic Step Test in a systematical order. The primary outcome measures for the tests were calculated as mean Power(MP). Age was strongly associated with Step, pediatric RAST and WAnT performance (Spearman's rho values were 0.70 to 0.85, p <.001 for all coefficients). High correlation coefficients were found between the Step Test for pediatric RAST performance and WAnT performance for MP (Spearman's rho values from 0.85 to 0.90, p <.001 at all coefficients) 0.91; p <.001). Anaerobic Step test can be used as a valid and uncomplicated field test to evaluate anaerobic performance in healthy children and adolescents. For clinical evaluation, we recommend using the pediatric Anaerobic Step MP when evaluating glycolytic power in the absence of WAnT and Pediatric RAST.
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anaerobik, Wingate, Rast, Anaerobik Step, Erkek Çocuklar, Anaerobic, Wingate, Rast, Anaerobic Step, Boys