İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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Öğe A comparative analysis on the role of culture and language in the early phases of nation building in the middle east(Istanbul Aydin University, 2024) Sezer, SelimAs most of the nationalism studies indicate, language and culture are among the crucial elements of the nation-building process. The revival or construction of the national language and culture played a significant role in the formation of national identities of 20th century’s Syria, Lebanon and Israel as well, and these processes find their origins in the late 19th century. Syrian intellectuals developed a multi-faced cultural awakening pattern called as Nahda, in which the Arabic language had a pivotal place. Lebanese Maronite elites planted the first seeds of Phoenicianism, which saw the ancient Phoenicia as the genuine origin of Lebanon. This meant that the Lebanese had their unique identity, which is separate from the Arabs, and this brought the efforts to have a new historiography. At the same period, the pioneers of cultural Zionism – Jewish intellectuals who did not live in the region at the beginning – made huge efforts for the revival of Hebrew language, and this paved the way for the efforts of the political Zionism. Despite significant differences and unique aspects, these three currents had also many points that were similar to each other and to other nation-building efforts in the world, and they all played significant roles in the shaping of new nation-states.Öğe Bilişim sektöründe çalışanların sorumluluk ve dığerkamlık duygusu üzerine bir araştırma(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2025) Erdoğan, Duygu; Özcan, Ali; Erkasap, AhmetBu çalışma, bilişim sektöründe çalışanların sorumluluk ve diğerkamlık duygusunun iş yerindeki davranışlar üzerindeki etkisini incelemektedir. Günümüzde giderek daha fazla firma, rekabet gücünü artırmak amacıyla yapay zeka teknolojilerini kullanmaktadır. Veri madenciliği, endüstriyel robotik ve insan kaynakları yönetimi gibi alanlarda yapay zeka yaygın olarak benimsenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, çalışan sorumluluğu önemli bir teşvik mekanizması haline gelmiş ve hem dışsal hem de içsel motivasyon unsurları üretmiştir. Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk, çalışanlarla olan ilişkilerin güçlendirilmesine ve firma ile çalışanlar arasında karşılıklı yarara dayalı bir bağ kurulmasına katkı sağlamaktadır. Araştırma, Türkiye’deki bilişim sektöründe çalışanların sorumluluk ve diğerkamlık duygusunun değişim üzerindeki etkisini analiz etmektedir. Veriler, kolayda örnekleme yoluyla 210 çalışandan toplanmıştır. Yapılan regresyon analizi sonucunda, sorumluluk ve diğerkamlık ile çalışanların sorumlu davranışları arasında 0,01 önem seviyesinde anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu görülmüştür. Özellikle diğerkamlık alt boyutları olan özveri ve bencillik arasında orta kuvvette pozitif bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcıların %93,33’ü kendilerini özverili olarak tanımlamış, bu da çalışanların iş yerinde diğerkamlık içeren davranışlar sergileme konusunda içsel bir motivasyona sahip olduklarını göstermektedir.Öğe Turkey’s convergence analysis of selected OECD countries in the tourism sector(Istanbul University, 2024) Yavuz, Yağmur; Çağlayan, Sevcan; Erkan, MehmetTourism is a crucial source of foreign income for many developed and developing countries and is a sector required for development. Turkey is a competitive country in the tourism sector because of its strategic geopolitical location. Therefore, Turkey has become one of the top destinations for international tourist arrivals and tourism revenues. In this context, international arrivals and tourism revenues are critical to a country’s economic activities and competitiveness. This study tests Turkey’s convergence hypothesis with OECD countries by using tourism revenues and the number of international arrival data. The linearity tests of Harvey and Leybourne (2007) and Harvey et al. (2008), as well as Fourier-Kruse (2019), and a new unit root test developed as an extension of the test, are used. The results demonstrate that the convergence hypothesis is not valid. This result supports the statistics that Turkey has a more competitive advantage in the tourism sector than selected OECD countries and is a top international destination for tourism.Öğe Authoritarian tendencies versus democratization: evidence from Turkey(Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) Karakoç, Jülide...Öğe ICAIS’24 international conference on artificial intelligence studies “future trends in AI: academy meeting with industry”(Istanbul Gedik University Press, 2024) Köseoğlu, Ahmet Murat; Özdemir, İsmail; Akkaş, Zuhal; Kökçü, GizemIn this era of rapidly advancing science and technology, it is exciting to see that artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of real life from science fiction stories and is transforming more areas daily. Today, the impact of AI on our lives has undoubtedly gained great momentum. These effects are deeply felt in social, industrial, and academic areas worldwide. With its computing power and data processing capacity, artificial intelligence has become one of the most important inventions in human history. It has brought groundbreaking innovations in technology and engineering, health, law, economy, agriculture, art, education, aviation, and many other disciplines. The innovations that artificial intelligence brings to these disciplines not only make life more efficient, safer, and more comfortable but also offer the potential to find solutions to social problems. However, another critical issue to be considered when developing and using artificial intelligence technologies is ethical and legal responsibilities. The primary priorities to be emphasized are that artificial intelligence systems are fair, transparent, and accountable in their decision-making processes. While maximizing the potential benefits of AI, it should never be forgotten that social rights must be protected, individual privacy must be respected, and human rights must be respected. At this point, the concepts of rights, law, and ethics must be blended with AI to ensure that it is developed and implemented responsibly. This conference emphasizes that artificial intelligence technologies are a power that should be discovered and used not only by scientists and researchers but also by the industry, business world, and public sector. The presentations, discussions, and workshops we will hold here today will reveal where artificial intelligence can reach in the future, in which sectors it will be used more, and how it can transform life. Our conference was shaped by the fact that artificial intelligence touches every discipline. From engineering to medicine, law to education, agriculture to art, the opportunities and innovations offered by artificial intelligence in every field, as well as the ethical and legal responsibilities encountered in these fields, were discussed.Öğe From “Criminal Citizens” to “Traitors”: The last of the Kurdish Bandits in Modern Turkey, 1950–1970(University of Toronto Press, 2024) Özcan, AhmetThe mass banditry that emerged in Turkey's Kurdish regions between 1950 and 1970 was labelled a "national problem" in state discourse. Banditry and bandits were thus an integral part of the Turkish nation-state building process and the politico-moral economy of the region. Turkish state policies with regard to banditry, after the transformation of bandits from "criminal citizens" into "traitors" in state discourse, culminated in massive military operations to disarm and suppress the peoples of these regions. This last period of Kurdish banditry, the result of the destabilization of traditional Kurdish society, was a source of political contention between the state elite and Kurdish communities.Öğe Relationship between external debt and economic growth: an econometric analysis of the Turkish economy(Istanbul University, 2024) Yavuz, Yağmur; Polat, MehmetsıddıkThe phenomenon of economic growth being a leading indicator of economic progress in developing countries has long been accepted by economists and policymakers. In contrast to advanced economies, in developing economies, the pursuit of growth based on limited savings and capital accumulation often requires overcoming challenges through the utilisation of external resources, leading countries in this group, including Turkey, to resort to foreign borrowing. The contribution of external debt to economic growth after acquisition varies depending on the countries' existing domestic resources and the areas in which the borrowed funds are utilised. Similarly, population growth and openness to foreign trade are key economic sources for many developing countries with limited productive resources. In this study, the external debt-economic growth relationship is discussed using economic variables based on the 1973-2021 period for the Turkish economy. Traditional unit root tests, namely the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test and the Phillips-Perron Unit Root Test, are employed in the analysis. This study also investigates the stationarity of variables using the Narayan and Popp (2010) Unit Root Test, which considers structural breaks, and the non-linear Fourier Kruse Unit Root Test developed by G & uuml;rig(2019), where structural breaks are modelled using Fourier functions. Furthermore, the long-term relationships between variables is examined using the ARDL Bound Test. The results indicate that external debt and population growth rate have a statistically significant and negative impact on economic growth, whereas the effect of openness to foreign trade on economic growth is statistically significant and positive.Öğe Co2 emisyonlarını etkileyen faktörlerin zamanla değişen katsayılı parametrik olmayan panel veri modelleri ile analizi(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2023) Güriş, Selahattin; Çağlayan, Sevcanİklim değişikliğinin, küresel ısınmanın ve çevresel bozulmanın bir nedeni olarak karbondioksit (CO2) emisyonlarından oluşan sera gazları gösterilmektedir. CO2 yeryüzüne insan faaliyetleri nedeniyle yayılarak genellikle çevreye zarar verir ve iklim değişikliğine veya küresel ısınmaya yol açar. Bu sebeple CO2 emisyonlarını etkileyen ekonomik ve ekonomik olmayan birçok sosyal faktör araştırmalara konu olmuştur. Ancak çoğu araştırmada CO2 emisyonları konusunda hem ekonomik büyüme hem de enerji kullanımı gibi ana faktörleri de etkileyen ekonomik belirsizlik dikkate alınmamıştır. Bu çalışmada kişi başına düşen CO2 emisyonları ve başta ekonomik belirsizlik (dünya belirsizlik indeksi ile ölçülen) olmak üzere diğer değişkenler arasındaki ilişki ele alınmıştır. 14 OECD ülkesinin 2000-2021 yılları arasındaki verileri zamanla değişen katsayılı parametrik olmayan panel veri modeliyle incelenmiştir. Trend fonksiyonları ve parametrik olmayan katsayı fonksiyonları tahmin edilerek doğrusal olmayan sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Parametrik olmayan katsayı fonksiyonlarının CO2 emisyonları üzerinde etkisi zaman içerisinde değişiklik göstermektedir. Sonuçlarımıza göre ele alınan dönem boyunca ekonomik belirsizlik ile CO2 emisyonları arasında ters yönlü bir ilişki bulunmaktadır ve zaman içerisinde düşüş eğiliminde devam etmektedir. Kişi başına düşen GSYH, nüfus ve yenilenebilir enerjinin parametrik olmayan katsayıları zaman içerisinde negatif ve pozitif olarak değişmektedir. Ticaret 2000’li yıllarında başında anlamsız bir değişken olmasına rağmen 2009-2013 yılları arasında anlamlı bir değişkendir, ancak 2021 yılında etkisi tekrar anlamsızlaşmıştır.Öğe Navigating humanitarian aid in syria: challenges, complexities, and paths to sustainable solutions(SETA Foundation, 2024) Baroud, Saeed; Karsavuran, Orhun Cem; Atar, EmrahThis study explores the role of foreign aid as a soft power tool by providing an understanding of the interrelation between foreign policy and aid. The study is based on interviews with aid experts. The findings of the study unambiguously demonstrate that aid and foreign policy are intertwined since, in most cases, foreign aid falls under the responsibility of foreign ministries. Besides the humanitarian imperative, the geopolitical account has a crucial importance in the decision-making process that cascades down from the general foreign policy agenda. In addition, the strategic interests of the donor country are contributing to the decision-making. The prominent themes are national security, tackling terrorism, preventing immigration influx, and economic goals. The study also demonstrates the extent to which aid can be politicized in its extreme form by focusing on Russian vetoes in the UN Security Council and the Syrian government’s weaponization of aid.Öğe Hızlı feribot taşımacılığında algılanan hizmet kalitesinin müşteri memnuniyetine etkisi(2019) Karadeniz, Mustafa; Pektaş, Güzide Öncü Eroğlu; Gürce, Merve YanarDenizyolu ulaşımında artan yolcu sayısı ve rekabet, firmaların, müşterilerin beklentilerini anlamalarını zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bu pazarda, kendilerini iyi bir biçimde konumlandırmak isteyen firmalar için müşteri memnuniyeti en önemli faktördür. Buna göre, gerçekleştirilen çalışmada, hızlı feribot taşımacılığında algılanan hizmet kalitesinin müşteri memnuniyetine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada, İstanbul ilinde yaşayan ve hızlı feribot taşımacılığından yararlanan 348 yolcuya yüz yüze anket uygulanmış ve SPSS programı ile Frekans Analizi, Faktör Analizi, Güvenirlik Analizi ve Korelasyon Analizi yapılmıştır. Modelin anlamlılık ve güvenirliğini test etmek için ise LISREL yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda uyum iyilik değerleri, t değerleri ve standardize edilmiş çözüm değerleri incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre, müşteri memnuniyetini etkileyen en önemli faktörün güven olduğu görülmektedir.Öğe Dermatological and psychiatric manifestations in heroin and bonsai use disorder(Pacini Editore, 2020) Can, Yeşim; Kıvanç Altunay, İlknur; Mercan, Sibel; Evren, Cüneyt; Pospos, Özlem Helin; Özkur, EzgiBackground: In in cases of substance use disorder (SUD), dermatological findings may provide significant information about the mental state of the patients involved. Awareness of cutaneous signs together with psychiatric manifestations may be an effective way to address the issue of treating substance use. Aims: This study aims to detect cutaneous signs and mental state of patients with heroin and bonsai use disorder through dermatological and psychiatric examinations. Methods: 156 male inpatients with SUD (heroin, n=104 and bonsai, n=52) were included. A standart personal information form, the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) were filled out by each patient. Assessment of patients' psychiatric condition and their dermatological examinations were performed by the same psychiatrists and the same dermatoalogist. Tattoos and self-inflicted scars (SIS), which were the result of self-harm behavior (SHB) were rated separately. Results: The most frequent and dramatic findings in all SUD cases were tattoos (n=70), SIS (n=64), traumatic scars (n=59), cutaneous infections (n=49), acne (n=42), and vascular lesions (n=18). Injection scars, and vascular lesions were detected at higher rates in heroin users, while acne lesions were significantly more frequent in bonsai users (p =.022). The rates recorderd for having tattoos were 32.7% (n=17) in bonsai users and 51% (n=53) in heroin users. The age of onset for first substance use, and regular substance use, besides the patients' age at first treatment were both lower in tattoo patients than in those without tattoos. From subscale scores of SCL 90-R, the somatization, depression, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety scores were all higher in heroin users than in bonsai users. Conclusions: Physicians should be aware of dermatological clues in SUD patients. Evaluation of dermatological findings including tattoos is important in detecting SUD and obtaining information on the mental state of the patients.Öğe Depression, hopelessnessand suicidality in psoriasis patients(Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 2019) Kıvanç Altunay, İlknur; Deniz, Fatma; Mercan, Sibel...Öğe The impact of Turkey's policy toward Syria on human security(Pluto Journals, 2015) Karakoç, Jülide; Doğruel, FulyaTurkey's changing policy toward Syria since the start of the Syrian uprisings in March 2011 has had major cultural, economic, social, and political implications for the people of the city of Hatay, which is located on the Turkey-Syria border and is home to people of diverse ethnicities and religions. This article explores how the problematic relations between Syria and Turkey following the uprisings in Syria have shaped perceptions of human security, examining in particular the impact of the discourse used and the policies followed by Turkey during the civil war in Syria on the security perceptions of the people of Hatay. It is suggested that Turkey's policy toward Syria and the resulting social, economic, and political repercussions for Hatay have fueled perceptions of insecurity for both Syrian refugees and the residents of the city.Öğe Cause-related marketing and it's effects on consumers' attitudes(International Organization Center of Academic Research, 2016) Kırçova, İbrahim; Yanar Gürce, Merve...Öğe Dermatological manifestations in heroin and bonsai use disorder(Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 2019) Kıvanç Altunay, İlknur; Can, Yeşim; Mercan, Sibel; Özkur, Ezgi; Şekerlisoy, Gül...Öğe Alcohol use disorder and emotional abuse: the mediating role of early maladaptive schemas(Cumhuriyet University, 2019) Can, Yeşim; Anlı, İrem; Evren, Cüneyt; Yılmaz, DoğanObjective: Studies have shown a relationship between the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD) and the existence of childhood traumas (CT). In this study, in order to gain a better understanding of the association between CT and AUD, the relationship between CT and AUD was analyzed. Further, it was investigated whether Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) play a mediating role in the relationship between emotional abuse (EA) and AUD. Methods: The participants were consecutively admitted male alcohol-dependent inpatients (n=220) and healthy controls (n=108). The participants were investigated with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ-28), Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form (YSQ-SF) and Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST). Mediation analyses were conducted in order to evaluate the mediating effect of EMS between the relationship of AUD and CT. Results: The difference between CT total score and the EA score between the control group and the AUD group were statistically significant. An analysis of different types of traumas in the correlation with AUD revealed EA as the main predictor of AUD both directly and through its mediating effect with the EMS. In addition, it was determined that in the relationship between EA and AUD, EMS such as Enmeshment, Emotional Inhibition, Dependence and Insufficient Self-Control had mediating effect. Discussion: CT, especially EA are quite common in male inpatients with AUD and the negative effects of EA may play an important role in the development of AUD by causing EMS. Our findings imply that those with EA history in childhood may be particularly vulnerable to the development of AUD in adulthood. Therefore, in the prevention of the development and in the treatment of AUD, it may be useful to take into consideration EA experiences, to screen EMS that may mediate such relationship through scales and to conduct interventions in this regard.Öğe A comparative analysis of the post-Arab uprisings period in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya(Palgrave, 2015) Karakoç, JülideThe uprisings that began in Tunisia in late 2010 quickly spread to other Middle Eastern countries. The emphasis during these protests was socioeconomic and political inequality. The crony capitalist policies of longstanding authoritarian regimes in these countries, which deprived the majority of people of political participation and access to economic opportunities, fueled people’s grievances. Following the manifestation of large-scale protests, first Tunisian leader Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and then Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak had to relinquish power. As for the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, he was killed when protesters lynched him following NATO’s intervention. This wave of uprisings also affected other countries that remain out of the scope of this chapter. For instance, in Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh had to resign due to intensifying protests. While uprisings were violently oppressed in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, they caused a civil war in Syria.Öğe Political claustrophobia in Lars von Trier's Europa and America Trilogies(University of Pittsburgh, 2018) Denli, ÖzlemThis essay aims to trace the specific kind of political pessimism, that can be termed 'political claustrophobia' underlying the filmography of the Danish director Lars von Trier. Elements of this worldview are traced by analyzing two clusters of films categorized under Europa and America trilogies; namely, The Element of Crime, Epidemic, Europa, Dogville and Manderlay. Trier portrays a particularly bleak picture of the European civilization in the aftermath of the II World War. An equally claustrophobic outlook also characterizes his depiction of the life and relationships in American small towns during the 1930s. In both settings, attempts at reform and change are thwarted by entrenched social reality; leading the audience to the conclusion that there can be no political outside to the existing world.Öğe Preventive and therapeutic mental health care after the earthquake-expert opinion from the Psychiatric Association of Turkey 2(Turkish Association of Nervous and Mental Health, 2023) Yıldız, Mevhibe İrem; Başterzi, Ayşe Devrim; Yıldırım, Ejder Akgün; Yüksel, Şahika; Aker, Ahmet Tamer; Semerci, Bengi; Çakıroğlu, Süleyman; Yazgan, Yankı; Sercan, Mustafa; Erim, Burcu RahşanTwo major earthquakes hit Turkey at the Kahramanmaras region on February 6th 2023. The earthquakes affected almost 15 million individuals, resulting in more than forty thousand deaths, thousands of wounded and the destruction of ancient cities of humankind. Immediately after the earthquakes, the Psychiatric Association of Turkey organized an educational event to address the needs for a guidance on how to approach a trauma of such a big scale. The experts in this educational event summarized their presentations and prepared this review to guide the mental health professionals serving victims of this disaster. The review summarizes the early symptoms of trauma, and puts a framework on the principles of psychological first aid, the approach at the initial stages of the disaster, principles of planning, triage, and psychosocial support systems and the proper use of medications. The text covers the evaluation of the impact of trauma, aligning psychiatric practice with psychosocial interventions, the improvement of counseling skills and methods to better understand the mind during the acute post trauma phase. A set of presentations highlight the challenges in child psychiatry, brings a systematic overview to the earthquake and discuss the symptomatology, first aid and intervention principles in children and adolescents. Last, the forensic psychiatric perspective is presented, followed by a piece on the essentials of delivering bad news and the review is concluded with the emphasis on burnout, a syndrome to avoid particularly for field professionals, and possible preventive measures.Öğe Authoritarianism in the middle east before and after the Arab uprisings introduction(Palgrave, 2015) Karakoç, Jülide...
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