Otizmli bireylerde spor eğitiminin sosyal ve akademik becerilere etkisinin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
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Bu araştırma otizmli bireylerde spor eğitiminin sosyal ve akademik becerilere etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya spor eğitimi alan 10 otizmli bireyin spor aktivitesi sırasında eşlik eden velilerinden biri katılmıştır. Çalışmada standartlaştırılmış açık uçlu görüşme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Görüşmelerde Sosyal Beceri Görüşme Soruları ve Akademik Beceri Görüşme Soruları kullanılmıştır. Görüşmeler bilgisayar ortamında Office Programı Word 2019 Uygulaması kullanılarak yazıya dökülüp analiz edilmiştir. Sporun sosyal becerilerden iletişim, oyuna katılma, sosyal ilişki, davranış sorunları ve sıra bekleme, vücut farkındalığı ve denge kontrolü, ilgi alanları, kurallara ve komutlara uyma, yönerge alma gibi becerilerde katkısı olduğu görülmüştür. Sporun etkinlikten etkinliğe geçiş becerisinde ise otizmli bireylerin birkaçına katkısı görülmezken, bazılarında yavaş olsa da otizmli bireylerin birçoğunda olumlu katkısı görülmüştür. Sporun akademik becerilerde ise algı çalışmaları, ilk okuma yazmaya hazırlık, ses kelime ve cümle, dinleme, nesneler arası ilişkiler, ritmik sayma gibi becerilerde katkısı olduğu görülmüştür. Sporun isim yazma, dil bilgisi, doğal sayılar, işlemler, ölçüler gibi becerilerde ise bireylerin bir kısmına katkı sağladığı bir kısmına katkı sağlamadığı görülmüştür. İlerleme göstermeyenlerin genelinin yaşının küçük olduğu görülmüştür. Bölme işlemi ve hesap makinesi kullanarak işlem yapma becerilerine sporun katkısı görülmemiştir. Araştırmada; spor eğitiminin otizmli bireylerin sosyal ve akademik becerileri üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
This study was conducted to examine the effects of sports education on social and academic skills in individuals with autism. One of the accompanying parents of 10 individuals with autism who received sports training participated in the study. Standardized open-ended interview method was used in the study. Social Skills Interview Questions Form and Academic Skills Interview Questions Form were used in the interviews. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed in computer environment using the Microsoft Office 2019 Word application. It has been observed that sport contributes to social skills such as communication, joining the game, social relations, behavioral problems and waiting turn, body awareness and balance control, interests, obeying rules and commands, and taking instructions. In the skill of transition among activities, sports did not contribute to a few individuals with autism, and although some of them were slow, positive contribution was observed in the majority of the individuals with autism. It was observed that sports contributed to academic skills such as perception studies, preparation for first reading and writing, phonemes, words and sentences, listening, relations between objects, rhythmic counting. It was observed that sports contribute to some of the individuals in skills such as writing names, grammar, natural numbers, operations, and measures, but for the rest, no significant progress was observed, where the general age of the latter group was small. No contribution of sports to the skills of dividing and using calculators was observed. In this study, it was concluded that sports education has a positive effect on the social and academic skills of individuals with autism.
This study was conducted to examine the effects of sports education on social and academic skills in individuals with autism. One of the accompanying parents of 10 individuals with autism who received sports training participated in the study. Standardized open-ended interview method was used in the study. Social Skills Interview Questions Form and Academic Skills Interview Questions Form were used in the interviews. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed in computer environment using the Microsoft Office 2019 Word application. It has been observed that sport contributes to social skills such as communication, joining the game, social relations, behavioral problems and waiting turn, body awareness and balance control, interests, obeying rules and commands, and taking instructions. In the skill of transition among activities, sports did not contribute to a few individuals with autism, and although some of them were slow, positive contribution was observed in the majority of the individuals with autism. It was observed that sports contributed to academic skills such as perception studies, preparation for first reading and writing, phonemes, words and sentences, listening, relations between objects, rhythmic counting. It was observed that sports contribute to some of the individuals in skills such as writing names, grammar, natural numbers, operations, and measures, but for the rest, no significant progress was observed, where the general age of the latter group was small. No contribution of sports to the skills of dividing and using calculators was observed. In this study, it was concluded that sports education has a positive effect on the social and academic skills of individuals with autism.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Otizm, Sosyal Beceri, Akademik Beceri, Spor Eğitimi, Autism, Social Skills, Academic Skills, Sports Education