Atıksu çamuru külü ve kireçle iyileştirilmiş zeminlerin mukavemet özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Son yıllarda hızlı kentleşmenin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan büyük miktarlardaki atıksuların arıtılması gerekliliği ortaya çıkmıştır. Atıksu arıtımı sonucu ortaya çıkan çamurun bertaraf edilmesi için de oldukça farklı yöntemler uygulanmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerden biride, çamurun kurutulduktan sonra yakılması işlemidir. Bu işlem atık hacmini önemli bir oranda azaltsada, yakma işlemi sonucu ortaya çıkan külün de bertaraf edilmesi gerekliliği ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu tez kapsamında atıksu çamuru külü (AÇK), kireç ve ikisinin birlikte kullanıldığı farklı senaryolar ile iyileştirilmiş kil zeminlerin kür süresine bağlı olarak mukavemet, rijitlik ve sıkışma özellikleri incelenmesi tezin asıl amacını oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında birleştirilmiş zemin sınıflandırma sistemine göre yüksek plastisiteli kil olan doğal zemine toplam katkı oranı %10 olacak şekilde AÇK ve kirecin tek başına ve her ikisinin farklı oranlarda beraber kullanıldığı numuneler hazırlanmıştır. Serbest basınç ve ultrasonik titreşim deneyleri için kür süreleri 7, 14, 28, 35, 42 ve 49 gün olarak belirlenmiştir. Yapılan deneyler sonucunda en yüksek serbest basınç dayanımı, rijitlik ve ultrasonik hız ölçümleri %7.5 kireç ve %2.5 AÇK içeren (ZK75A25) numunelerden elde edilmiştir. ZK75A25 numunelerinin 28 gün kür süresinden itibaren daha yüksek dayanım kazandığı belirlenmiştir. Numunelerde kireç içeriği arttıkça daha gevrek bir kırılma oluştuğu görülmüştür. Deneysel bulgular ışığında AÇK'nın tek başına kullanımı doğal zeminin mukavemetini artırsa da kireçle beraber kullanıldığında oldukça etkin bir stabilizasyon malzemesi olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Böylece her yıl binlerce ton ortaya çıkan AÇK'nın problemli zeminlerin stabilizasyon malzemesi olarak kullanılması ile etkili bir şekilde geri dönüşümünün sağlanabileceği çıkarımı yapılmıştır.
In recent years, the necessity of treating large amounts of wastewater, which has emerged as a result of rapid urbanization, has emerged. Quite different methods are applied for the disposal of sludge resulting from wastewater treatment. One of these methods is the process of burning the sludge after drying. Although this process significantly reduced the waste volume, it also revealed the necessity to dispose of the ash generated as a result of the incineration process. In this thesis, the main purpose of the thesis is to examine the strength, stiffness and compaction properties of wastewater sludge ash (SSA), lime and clay soils improved with different scenarios where both are used together, depending on the curing time. Within the scope of the study, specimens were prepared by using SSA and lime alone and both of them together at different ratios with a total admixture rate of 10% to the natural soil, which is a high plasticity clay according to the unified soil classification system. Curing times for unconfined compression (UCS) and ultrasonic vibration tests (UPV) were determined as 7, 14, 28, 35, 42 and 49 days. As a result of the experiments, the highest unconfined compressive strength, stiffness and ultrasonic velocity measurements were obtained from the specimens containing 7.5% lime and 2.5% SSA (ZK75A25). It was determined that ZK75A25 specimens gained higher strength after 28 days curing period. It was observed that a more brittle fracture occurred as the lime content increased in the specimens. According to the experimental findings, it was concluded that although the use of SSA alone increases the strength of the natural soil, it can be a very effective stabilization material when used together with lime. Thus, it is concluted that thousands of tons of SSA generated every year can be effectively recycled by using it in the stabilization material of problematic soils.
In recent years, the necessity of treating large amounts of wastewater, which has emerged as a result of rapid urbanization, has emerged. Quite different methods are applied for the disposal of sludge resulting from wastewater treatment. One of these methods is the process of burning the sludge after drying. Although this process significantly reduced the waste volume, it also revealed the necessity to dispose of the ash generated as a result of the incineration process. In this thesis, the main purpose of the thesis is to examine the strength, stiffness and compaction properties of wastewater sludge ash (SSA), lime and clay soils improved with different scenarios where both are used together, depending on the curing time. Within the scope of the study, specimens were prepared by using SSA and lime alone and both of them together at different ratios with a total admixture rate of 10% to the natural soil, which is a high plasticity clay according to the unified soil classification system. Curing times for unconfined compression (UCS) and ultrasonic vibration tests (UPV) were determined as 7, 14, 28, 35, 42 and 49 days. As a result of the experiments, the highest unconfined compressive strength, stiffness and ultrasonic velocity measurements were obtained from the specimens containing 7.5% lime and 2.5% SSA (ZK75A25). It was determined that ZK75A25 specimens gained higher strength after 28 days curing period. It was observed that a more brittle fracture occurred as the lime content increased in the specimens. According to the experimental findings, it was concluded that although the use of SSA alone increases the strength of the natural soil, it can be a very effective stabilization material when used together with lime. Thus, it is concluted that thousands of tons of SSA generated every year can be effectively recycled by using it in the stabilization material of problematic soils.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Zemin İyileştirme, Kireç, Atiksu Çamuru Külü, Serbest Basınç Mukavemeti, Ultrasonik Titreşim Hızı, Soil Improvement, Lime, Sewage Sludge Ash, Unconfined Compression Strength, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity