Çelik donatılı toprakarme istinat duvarlarının yol uygulamalarında kullanılması vaka analizi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Öncelikli olarak konuyla ilgisi olan terimlerin literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda istinat duvarlarının özellikleri ve çeşitleri, toprakarme duvar sistemlerinin özellikleri ve tarihsel gelişimi, toprakarme duvar sisteminin çeşitli avantajlarının ve dezavantajları, toprakarme duvar sistemlerinde kullanılan malzemenin seçimi, Türkiye'de toprakarme duvar sistemlerinin kullanıldığı çalışmalara örnekler ve donatılı sistemlerin duvar hesabı hakkında bilgi vermek amacıyla çeşitli alt başlıklar oluşturulmuştur. İstinat duvarlarının kullanım hedeflerine bakıldığı zaman çeşitli kotlarda bulunan farklı tür zeminlerin duruş şekillerini dikleştirmek ve herhangi bir göçmenin önüne geçebilmek amacıyla tercih edildiği sonucuna varılmıştır. İstinat duvarlarının temel özellikleri incelendiği zaman iki çeşit kısma ayrıldığı görülmektedir. Bu kısımlar temel ve gövde olarak isimlendirilmektedir. Ayrıca bu yapı üzerinde yer alan farklı bölümler olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. İstinat duvarlarının kütle olmayan ve kütle olan istinat duvarları olmak üzere isimlendirildiği sonucuna erişilmiştir. Bu iki grubunda kendi içlerinde alt sınıflara ayrıldığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Araştırma konusunun uygulama kısmında 'Gölbaşı – Adıyaman – Kahta Yolu (Km 0+000-44+500 ve Km 59+000-98+000) Yapım İşi' kapsamındaki Havaalanı Kavşağı KM = 15+945.000 - 16+919.542 çalışması seçilmiştir. Seçilen tez kapsamı doğrultusunda öncelikli olarak arazinin özellikleri ve geoteknik açıdan verileri incelenmiştir. Yapılan bu tez çalışmasında geoteknik açıdan elde edilen veriler zemin profili ve parametreleri, kavşak köprüsüne ait sonuçlar, kavşak köprüsü kapalı kesim yaklaşım dolguları, donatılı toprak duvar betonarme duvarı analizi gibi farklı alt başlıklara ayrılarak verilmiştir. Havaalanı Kavşağı'nda (KM = 15+945.000 - 16+919.542) donatılı toprak duvar ile geçilen köprü kesimine ait geoteknik değerlendirmeler sonuç olarak verilmiştir. Ayrıca yapılan araştırma da havaalanı ve Alibeyköy yollarına ait olan geoteknik değerlendirmeler bu tez projesinde yer almamaktadır. Bu çalışmada havaalanı kavşağı için SK-1, SK-2, SK-3, SK-4 ve SK-5 olmak üzere toplam 5 adet sondaj kuyusu açılmıştır. Bu duruma ek olarak ise SK-2 ve SK-3 Kavşak Köprüsü'nün olduğu kısımdaki sondajlardır. Araştırma çalışmaları ışığında; zemin idealize edilerek ilk 6 metrelik kesimin marn ve çamurtaşı birimlerin ayrışması sonucu oluşmuş kil birim tabakası, alt kotların ise marn-çamurtaşı birimler olduğu öngörülmüştür. Yapılan taşıma gücü ve oturma analizlerine göre ayrışma ürünü olan kil birimin Km: 16+260.00-16+660 (sağ ve sol kesimler) aralığında 2 metre sıyrılarak yerine iyileştirme malzemesi olarak suya hassas olmayan çakıl nitelikli ariyet malzemesi ile teşkil edilmesi gerektiği bulgusuna varılmıştır.
First, a literature review of the terms related to the subject was made. In this direction, there are various types of retaining walls to provide information about the characteristics and types of retaining walls, different types of retaining walls, the characteristics and historical development of reinforced earth wall systems, the various advantages and disadvantages of the reinforced earth wall system, the selection of the material used in the reinforced earth wall systems, examples of studies in Turkey and the wall calculation of reinforced systems were researched. Considering the usage objectives of retaining walls, it was concluded that different types of floors at various levels were preferred to straighten their posture and to prevent any immigrants. When the basic features of the retaining walls are examined, it is seen that they are divided into two types. These parts are called the base and the body. It was concluded that there are different sections on this structure. It is seen that retaining walls are basically divided into 2 main groups as non-mass and mass retaining walls. It was concluded that these two groups were divided into subclasses within themselves. In the thesis study, in the application part of the research topic, the Airport Junction KM = 15+945.000 - 16+919.542 study within the scope of 'Gölbaşı – Adıyaman – Kahta Road (Km 0+000-44+500 and Km 59+000-98+000) Construction Work' was chosen. In line with the scope of the selected thesis, primarily the characteristics of the land and its geotechnical data were examined. In this thesis, the data obtained from the geotechnical point of view are given by dividing into different sub-headings such as soil profile and parameters, results of the intersection bridge, closed section approach fills of the intersection bridge, reinforced soil wall reinforced concrete wall analysis. The geotechnical evaluations of the bridge section crossed by the reinforced earth wall at the Airport Junction (KM = 15+945.000 - 16+919.542) were given as a result. In addition, the geotechnical evaluations of the airport and Alibeyköy roads are not included in this thesis project. In this study, a total of 5 boreholes, SK-1, SK-2, SK-3, SK-4 and SK-5, were drilled for the airport junction. In addition to this situation, there are drillings in the part of the SK-2 and SK-3 Junction Bridge. In the light of research studies, by idealizing the ground, it was predicted that the first 6-meter section was the clay unit layer formed because of the decomposition of marl and mudstone units, and the lower elevations were marl-mudstone units. According to the bearing capacity and settlement analyzes, it was found that the clay unit, which is the product of weathering, should be stripped 2 meters in the range of Km: 16+260.00-16+660 (right and left sections) and formed with pebble quality loan material which is not sensitive to water as a remediation material.
First, a literature review of the terms related to the subject was made. In this direction, there are various types of retaining walls to provide information about the characteristics and types of retaining walls, different types of retaining walls, the characteristics and historical development of reinforced earth wall systems, the various advantages and disadvantages of the reinforced earth wall system, the selection of the material used in the reinforced earth wall systems, examples of studies in Turkey and the wall calculation of reinforced systems were researched. Considering the usage objectives of retaining walls, it was concluded that different types of floors at various levels were preferred to straighten their posture and to prevent any immigrants. When the basic features of the retaining walls are examined, it is seen that they are divided into two types. These parts are called the base and the body. It was concluded that there are different sections on this structure. It is seen that retaining walls are basically divided into 2 main groups as non-mass and mass retaining walls. It was concluded that these two groups were divided into subclasses within themselves. In the thesis study, in the application part of the research topic, the Airport Junction KM = 15+945.000 - 16+919.542 study within the scope of 'Gölbaşı – Adıyaman – Kahta Road (Km 0+000-44+500 and Km 59+000-98+000) Construction Work' was chosen. In line with the scope of the selected thesis, primarily the characteristics of the land and its geotechnical data were examined. In this thesis, the data obtained from the geotechnical point of view are given by dividing into different sub-headings such as soil profile and parameters, results of the intersection bridge, closed section approach fills of the intersection bridge, reinforced soil wall reinforced concrete wall analysis. The geotechnical evaluations of the bridge section crossed by the reinforced earth wall at the Airport Junction (KM = 15+945.000 - 16+919.542) were given as a result. In addition, the geotechnical evaluations of the airport and Alibeyköy roads are not included in this thesis project. In this study, a total of 5 boreholes, SK-1, SK-2, SK-3, SK-4 and SK-5, were drilled for the airport junction. In addition to this situation, there are drillings in the part of the SK-2 and SK-3 Junction Bridge. In the light of research studies, by idealizing the ground, it was predicted that the first 6-meter section was the clay unit layer formed because of the decomposition of marl and mudstone units, and the lower elevations were marl-mudstone units. According to the bearing capacity and settlement analyzes, it was found that the clay unit, which is the product of weathering, should be stripped 2 meters in the range of Km: 16+260.00-16+660 (right and left sections) and formed with pebble quality loan material which is not sensitive to water as a remediation material.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
İstinat Duvarı, Toprakarme Duvar Sistemi, Geoteknik, Retaining Wall, Reinforced Earth Wall System, Geotechnical