Geri tepme kuvvetlerinin yivli ve yivsiz tüfeklerde ölçümü, analizi ve karşılaştırması
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ateşli silahlar yüzyıllardır insanlığın savunma araçlarından biri olmuştur. Ateşli silahlar içerisinde ise tüfekler, insanların bireysel savunma araçlarının başında gelmiştir. Bugün kullanılan tüfekler ile ilgili ilk geliştirmeler yüz yıldan uzun süre öncelerde başlamış, bugün hala devam etmektedir. Bugün ise tüfeklerin gelişimi genel mekanizma ve çalışma düzenlerinden öte, detaylı mühendislik hesapları desteğiyle birlikte konfor ve müşteri ihtiyaçları ile yön değiştirmekte ve geliştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada ise tüfeklerin geri tepme kuvvetlerinin ölçümü ve analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Farklı tüfek tipleri ve çalışma mekanizmaları incelenmiş, çalışma adımları açıklanmıştır. Geri tepme kuvvetlerinin oluşumu ve etkileri ile ilgili incelemeler yapılarak, bu kuvvetlerin nasıl ölçülebileceği ile ilgili araştırma ve literatür taraması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ölçüm için gerekli olan deneysel altyapı bir piezoelektrik kuvvet sensörü, sinyal şartlandırıcı, veri toplama sistemi ve bu çalışma için Visual Basic .NET yazılım dili ile geliştirilen bir yazılımın kullanıldığı bir bilgisayar ile oluşturulmuştur. Tüm bu donanımı ve atış yapılacak tüfekleri bir araya getirecek bir ölçüm aparatı tasarımı yapılmış ve imal edilmiştir. Bu aparat ve donanımlar ile birlikte poligonda 28 farklı tüfek ile 600'den fazla atış yapılmıştır. Atışlar 35 kHz ölçüm kapasitesine sahip piezoelektrik sensör vasıtası ile ölçülmüş ve tüm veriler gerçek zamanlı olarak kaydedilmiştir. Bu tüfek ve atışlardan bir kısmı değerlendirmeye alınarak incelenmiş ve karşılaştırmalı olarak analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan ölçümler, tüfeklerin çalışma mekanizmaları, namlu boyları, ağırlıkları ve geri tepme kuvvetlerine etki edebilecek diğer bileşenler göz önüne alınarak değerlendirilmiş ve anlamlandırılmıştır. Ölçümlerden alınan sonuçlara göre, bir tüfeğin geri tepme kuvvet grafiğinden çekirdeğin namluyu terk ettiği anın tespit edilebileceği tespit edilmiştir. 12GA kalibreye sahip gaz çevrimi, kinetik ve hibrit yarı otomatik av tüfekleri karşılaştırmasında, hibrit tüfeğin en az geri tepme enerjisine sahip olduğu görülmüş ve bunun sebebinin namlu içi basınç kontrolü olduğu öngörülmüştür. Kinetik yarı otomatik tüfek ise en yüksek geri tepme enerjisine sahip model olmuştur. Ayrıca kinetik tüfeklerin atalet yayları ile mekanizma içi hareketlerinin de geri tepme kuvvet grafiğinde izlenebileceği öngörülmüştür. Benzer tüfekler farklı namlu boyları ile atışlar yapılarak karşılaştırılmış, namlu boyunun geri tepme kuvveti üzerindeki etkisi görülmüştür. Namlusunda gaz deliği bulunan hibrit ve gaz çevrimli modellerde namlu boyunun uzaması ile birlikte geri tepme kuvveti azalma eğilimi gösterirken, kinetik tüfeklerde ise tam tersi görülmüştür. Yivli tüfekler ile yapılan namlu freni parçasının denemelerinde, namlu freninin geri tepme kuvvetinin en yüksek değeri üzerinde %49'a kadar etkili olabileceği, toplam grafik alanını ise %22 kadar azaltabileceği görülmüştür.
Firearms have been one of the defense tools of humanity for centuries. Among firearms, rifles and shotguns have become one of the primary choices for home defense. The first developments regarding the rifles used today started more than a hundred years ago and are still continuing today. Today, the development of rifles is more than general mechanism and system design. It changes direction with comfort and customer needs with the support of detailed engineering calculations. In this study, measurement and analysis of recoil forces of the rifles and shotguns were carried out. Different rifle and shotgun types and working mechanisms have been examined, and their mechanical systems are explained. By investigating the formation and effects of recoil forces, research and literature review on how these forces can be measured has been carried out. The experimental infrastructure required for measurement was created with a piezoelectric force sensor, signal conditioner, data acquisition system and a computer using software developed for this study in Visual Basic .NET programming language. A measuring fixture has been designed and manufactured to bring together all these equipment and the rifles to be shot on. With this fixture and equipment, more than 600 shots were made with 28 different rifles on the range. The shots were measured by a piezoelectric sensor with a measurement capacity of 35 kHz and all data were recorded in real time. Some of these rifles and shots were evaluated, examined and analyzed comparatively. The measurements made were evaluated and interpreted by considering the working mechanisms of the rifles, barrel lengths, weights and other components that may affect the recoil forces. According to the results obtained from the measurements, it has been determined that the moment when the bullet leaves the barrel can be determined from the recoil force graph of a gun. In the comparison of 12GA caliber gas operated, kinetic and hybrid semi-automatic shotguns, it was seen that the hybrid shotgun had the least recoil energy and it was predicted that the reason for this was the pressure control in the barrel. The kinetic semi-automatic shotgun was the model with the highest recoil energy. In addition, it is predicted that the movements of the inertia springs of the kinetic shotgun and the movements within the mechanism can be observed in the recoil force graph. Similar shotguns were compared by shooting with different barrel lengths, and the effect of the barrel length on the recoil force was observed. While the recoil force tends to decrease with the length of the barrel in hybrid and gas cycle models with gas holes in the barrel, the opposite is observed in kinetic rifles. In the trials of the muzzle brake part made with rifles, it has been seen that the muzzle brake can be effective up to 49% on the peak value of the recoil force, while reducing the total graphic area by 22%.
Firearms have been one of the defense tools of humanity for centuries. Among firearms, rifles and shotguns have become one of the primary choices for home defense. The first developments regarding the rifles used today started more than a hundred years ago and are still continuing today. Today, the development of rifles is more than general mechanism and system design. It changes direction with comfort and customer needs with the support of detailed engineering calculations. In this study, measurement and analysis of recoil forces of the rifles and shotguns were carried out. Different rifle and shotgun types and working mechanisms have been examined, and their mechanical systems are explained. By investigating the formation and effects of recoil forces, research and literature review on how these forces can be measured has been carried out. The experimental infrastructure required for measurement was created with a piezoelectric force sensor, signal conditioner, data acquisition system and a computer using software developed for this study in Visual Basic .NET programming language. A measuring fixture has been designed and manufactured to bring together all these equipment and the rifles to be shot on. With this fixture and equipment, more than 600 shots were made with 28 different rifles on the range. The shots were measured by a piezoelectric sensor with a measurement capacity of 35 kHz and all data were recorded in real time. Some of these rifles and shots were evaluated, examined and analyzed comparatively. The measurements made were evaluated and interpreted by considering the working mechanisms of the rifles, barrel lengths, weights and other components that may affect the recoil forces. According to the results obtained from the measurements, it has been determined that the moment when the bullet leaves the barrel can be determined from the recoil force graph of a gun. In the comparison of 12GA caliber gas operated, kinetic and hybrid semi-automatic shotguns, it was seen that the hybrid shotgun had the least recoil energy and it was predicted that the reason for this was the pressure control in the barrel. The kinetic semi-automatic shotgun was the model with the highest recoil energy. In addition, it is predicted that the movements of the inertia springs of the kinetic shotgun and the movements within the mechanism can be observed in the recoil force graph. Similar shotguns were compared by shooting with different barrel lengths, and the effect of the barrel length on the recoil force was observed. While the recoil force tends to decrease with the length of the barrel in hybrid and gas cycle models with gas holes in the barrel, the opposite is observed in kinetic rifles. In the trials of the muzzle brake part made with rifles, it has been seen that the muzzle brake can be effective up to 49% on the peak value of the recoil force, while reducing the total graphic area by 22%.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Mekatronik Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tüfekler, Geri Tepme, Kuvvet Sensörü, Piezoelektrik Sensör, Veri Toplama, Sinyal İşleme, Rifles, Recoil, Force Sensor, Piezoelectric Sensor, Data Acquisition Tool, Signal Processing