"Kökü mazide olan atiyim": Terakkici bir muhafazakâr olarak Ali Fuad Başgil'in siyasal felsefi düşüncesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Muhafazakârlık, 19. Yüzyılın ilk yarısı itibariyle politik alanda değer kazanmaya başlayan bir düşünce akımı olmuştur. Bu düşünce temel olarak Aydınlanma Düşüncesi, Fransız Devrimi ve Sanayi Devrimi'nin yaymış olduğu siyasi, felsefi ve toplumsal düşüncelere karşı bir tepki olarak şekillenmeye başlamıştır. Bu doğrultuda Aydınlanma Düşüncesinin aklı ve bilimi tek güvenilir rehber olarak kabul ederek dini ön yargıları dışlaması, Fransız Devrimi'nin monarşi, gelenek ve tarihi bir birikimin sonucu oluşan kurumlar karşısındaki yıkıcı tutumu ve son olarak sanayileşme sürecinin geleneksel toplum yapısı üzerinde meydana getirmiş olduğu tahribat muhafazakârlar tarafından tepkiyle karşılanmıştır. Ancak bu noktada muhafazakâr düşüncenin modern bir olgu olduğunu ve bu doğrultuda modernitenin ve kapitalizmin en önemli yüzlerinden biri haline geldiğini de vurgulamamız gerekir. Her ülkenin kendine has tarihi, siyasi ve ekonomik koşullarına göre şekillenen muhafazakâr düşünce temelde Kıta Avrupası Muhafazakârlığı (Otoriter) ve Anglo-Amerikan Muhafazakârlığı (Liberal) olmak üzere iki yol izine ayrılmıştır. Muhafazakârlığın Türk düşünce tarihindeki seyrini inceleyen Tanıl Bora, Türk muhafazakârlığında beş yol izi saptamıştır. Bunlar sırasıyla kültürel, İslamcı, milliyetçi, liberal ve Bora'nın en belirsiz ve kesikli güzergâh olarak adlandırdığı muhafazakâr devrim yol izidir. Biz tezimizin temel konusu olan Ali Fuad Başgil'in muhafazakâr düşüncesine ışık tutmada bu yol izlerini birer yol gösterici olarak benimsedik. Ancak bu yol izlerinin katı ve tartışmasız olmaktan ziyade geçişken olduğuna da dikkat çekmeye çalıştık. Zira kendisini "terakkici bir muhafazakâr" olarak niteleyen Başgil'in fikri yapısını incelediğimizde onun muhafazakârlığında yer yer milliyetçi ve İslamcı tınılar yakalamış olsak da esas olarak Anayasal düzlemde ortaya koymuş olduğu fikirleriyle muhafazakâr düşüncenin liberal yol iziyle bütünleştiği sonucuna ulaştık.
Conservatism, as a political ideology, began to gain significance in the field of politics during the first half of the 19th century. It gradually took shape as a reactionary response to the political, philosophical, and societal ideas propagated by the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. The essence of this ideology lies in its opposition to Enlightenment Thought's inclination to exclusively embrace reason and science as reliable guides, disregarding religious biases. Additionally, conservatism opposes the destructive stance adopted by the French Revolution towards monarchy, tradition, and established institutions that were the outcome of historical accumulation. Furthermore, conservatism is critical of the detrimental effects caused by the process of industrialization on traditional societal structures. However, it is important to acknowledge that conservatism is a modern phenomenon and has become a crucial facet of modernity and capitalism. The path of conservative thought diverges into two main streams, namely Continental European Conservatism (Authoritarian) and Anglo-American Conservatism (Liberal), depending on each country's distinct historical, political, and economic conditions. In examining the trajectory of conservatism in Turkish intellectual history, Tanıl Bora identifies five distinct paths: cultural, Islamist, nationalist, liberal, and the path of conservative revolution, which he describes as the most elusive and fragmented. In shedding light on Ali Fuad Başgil's conservative thought, which serves as the central focus of our thesis, we have adopted these paths as guiding principles. However, it is worth noting that these paths should not be perceived as rigid and absolute, but rather as fluid and transitional. While analyzing Başgil's intellectual framework, who describes himself as a "progressive conservative", we observe intermittent nationalist and Islamist undertones within his conservatism. Nonetheless, our research leads us to the conclusion that his conservative thought predominantly integrates with the liberal path through the constitutional ideas he espouses.
Conservatism, as a political ideology, began to gain significance in the field of politics during the first half of the 19th century. It gradually took shape as a reactionary response to the political, philosophical, and societal ideas propagated by the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. The essence of this ideology lies in its opposition to Enlightenment Thought's inclination to exclusively embrace reason and science as reliable guides, disregarding religious biases. Additionally, conservatism opposes the destructive stance adopted by the French Revolution towards monarchy, tradition, and established institutions that were the outcome of historical accumulation. Furthermore, conservatism is critical of the detrimental effects caused by the process of industrialization on traditional societal structures. However, it is important to acknowledge that conservatism is a modern phenomenon and has become a crucial facet of modernity and capitalism. The path of conservative thought diverges into two main streams, namely Continental European Conservatism (Authoritarian) and Anglo-American Conservatism (Liberal), depending on each country's distinct historical, political, and economic conditions. In examining the trajectory of conservatism in Turkish intellectual history, Tanıl Bora identifies five distinct paths: cultural, Islamist, nationalist, liberal, and the path of conservative revolution, which he describes as the most elusive and fragmented. In shedding light on Ali Fuad Başgil's conservative thought, which serves as the central focus of our thesis, we have adopted these paths as guiding principles. However, it is worth noting that these paths should not be perceived as rigid and absolute, but rather as fluid and transitional. While analyzing Başgil's intellectual framework, who describes himself as a "progressive conservative", we observe intermittent nationalist and Islamist undertones within his conservatism. Nonetheless, our research leads us to the conclusion that his conservative thought predominantly integrates with the liberal path through the constitutional ideas he espouses.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Muhafazakârlık, Liberal Muhafazakârlık, Ali Fuad Başgil, Conservatism, Liberal Conservatism, Ali Fuad Başgil