Kooperatif ürünlerinin tüketici satın alma tutumlarını etkileyen faktörlerinin incelenmesi: Ankara ili Çankaya ilçesinde bir uygulama
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İnsanlık tarihinin en başından günümüze kadar dayanışma ve birlikte üretme, toplumsal hayatta yaşanan eşitsizliklerle birlikte yan yana varlığını koruyabilmiştir. Modern kapitalizmle birlikte dayanışma ekonomilerinin en fazla öne çıkan modellerinden biri ise kooperatiflerdir. Kooperatifler, pek çok düşünür tarafından eşitsiz hiyerarşik bir toplumsal yapıyla mücadele etmenin, ücretli emeğin insani bir gelişim çizgisinde hayatını yeniden üretebilmesinin, emek ve sermaye gelirleri arasındaki eşitsizliğin minimize edilmesinin, ulusal ve kırsal bağlamda ekonomik kalkınma ve sosyal adaletin tesisinin, doğayla uyumlu ve ekolojik kaygılar güden bir üretim sürecinin stratejik anlamda bir aracı olarak görülmektedir. Hatta kimi düşünürler tarafından kooperatifler, dayanışmaya dayanan bir karşı sistemin ve sömürüsüz bir toplum modelinin anahtarıdır. Dünyada modern anlamda kooperatifçilik, 1844 yılında İngiltere'nin Rochdale kasabasında yirmi sekiz dokuma işçisinin ortaklığıyla kurulan bir tüketim kooperatifiyle başlamış ve çeşitli gelişim aşamalarından geçerek günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Gelişim aşamaları dikkate alındığında kooperatiflerin tüketim, üretim ve kredi alanında yoğunlaştığı görülse de 2000'lerden itibaren her alanda kooperatifleşmenin mümkün olduğu kooperatif deneyimlerinden anlaşılmaktadır. Kooperatifler üretici ile tüketiciyi birbirine yaklaştırarak yerleşik piyasa ilişkilerinin bir alternatifi olarak öne çıkarlar. Kooperatif ortakları olan doğrudan üreticiler, ürünlerini aracılara ihtiyaç duymadan doğrudan kooperatif kanalıyla piyasaya arz ederken çoğu durumda daha adil bir fiyattan ürününü satma imkanı elde ederler. Tüketiciler de benzer biçimde aracısız, kaliteli ve daha uygun fiyatlı ürün ihtiyacını karşılama imkanı elde ederler. Tedarik zincirinden aracıların çıkarılmasıyla üretici ve tüketicilerin refahını maksimize etmeye dönük bir sistemin olmazsa olmazlarından biri olarak kooperatifler ekonomik bünyedeki yerini almış olurlar. Meseleye özellikle de tarım ve gıda kooperatifleri açısından bakıldığında günümüzde tüketicilerin güvenli ve sağlıklı gıdaya en hızlı, ekonomik yoldan ulaşma isteğinin karşılanmasında kooperatif ürünlerinin öne çıktığı görülmektedir. Bu durumda kooperatiflerin tüketici davranışlarını, karar alma süreçlerini ve bu kararları etkileyen faktörleri dikkate alarak hareket etmesi önem arz etmektedir. Covid-19 pandemisi ile birlikte tüketicilerin satın alma davranışlarında yaşanan değişim, kooperatiflerin satış ve pazarlama, markalaşma gibi sorunlarının çözümü açısından çeşitli fırsatlar sunabilme potansiyeli taşımaktadır. Ankara ili Çankaya ilçesinde kooperatif ürünlerinin tüketici satın alma tutumlarını ve bu tutumları etkileyen faktörleri incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilen çalışmada ölçek içerisinde yer alan sorular örneklem grubuna yöneltilmiş ve online olarak cevaplamaları istenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda tüketicilerin kooperatif ürünlerini, güvenilir ve uygun fiyatlı olduğu için tercih ettiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
From the very beginning of human history to the present day, solidarity and co-production have been able to survive side by side with the inequalities experienced in social life. One of the most prominent models of solidarity economies with modern capitalism is cooperatives. Cooperatives are seen by many thinkers as a strategic means of combating an unequal hierarchical social structure, reproducing paid labor along a human development line, minimizing inequality between labor and capital incomes, establishing economic development and social justice in a national and rural context, and a production process that is compatible with nature and has ecological concerns. In fact, by some thinkers, cooperatives are the key to a counter-system based on solidarity and a model of an inexploitative society. Co-operativeism in the modern sense in the world started in 1844 with a consumption cooperative established in rochdale, England in partnership with twenty-eight weaving workers and has extanted various stages of development. Although it is seen that cooperatives are concentrated in the field of consumption, production and credit when the stages of development are taken into account, it is understood from cooperative experiences that cooperativeization is possible in all areas since the 2000s. Cooperatives stand out as an alternative to established market relations by bringing the producer and the consumer closer together. Direct producers who are cooperative partners have the opportunity to sell their products at a fairer price in most cases while offering their products directly to the market through the cooperative without the need for intermediaries. Consumers similarly have the opportunity to meet the need for intermediary, quality and affordable products as much as possible. By removing intermediaries from the supply chain, cooperatives take their place in the economic structure as one of the essentials of a system aimed at maximizing the well-being of producers and consumers. Since the issue is especially viewed from the point of view of agriculture and food cooperatives, it is seen that cooperative products stand out in meeting the desire of consumers to reach safe and healthy food in the fastest, most economical way. In this case, it is important for cooperatives to act taking into account consumer behavior, decision-making processes and factors affecting these decisions. With the Covid-19 pandemic, the change in purchasing behavior of consumers has the potential to offer various opportunities for solving the problems of cooperatives such as sales and marketing and branding. In the study, which was carried out to examine the consumer purchasing attitudes of cooperative products and the factors affecting these attitudes in Cankaya district of Ankara province, the questions contained in the scale were directed to the sample group and they were asked to answer online. As a result of the research, the cooperative products of consumers; because it is reliable and affordable, it has been concluded that it prefers.
From the very beginning of human history to the present day, solidarity and co-production have been able to survive side by side with the inequalities experienced in social life. One of the most prominent models of solidarity economies with modern capitalism is cooperatives. Cooperatives are seen by many thinkers as a strategic means of combating an unequal hierarchical social structure, reproducing paid labor along a human development line, minimizing inequality between labor and capital incomes, establishing economic development and social justice in a national and rural context, and a production process that is compatible with nature and has ecological concerns. In fact, by some thinkers, cooperatives are the key to a counter-system based on solidarity and a model of an inexploitative society. Co-operativeism in the modern sense in the world started in 1844 with a consumption cooperative established in rochdale, England in partnership with twenty-eight weaving workers and has extanted various stages of development. Although it is seen that cooperatives are concentrated in the field of consumption, production and credit when the stages of development are taken into account, it is understood from cooperative experiences that cooperativeization is possible in all areas since the 2000s. Cooperatives stand out as an alternative to established market relations by bringing the producer and the consumer closer together. Direct producers who are cooperative partners have the opportunity to sell their products at a fairer price in most cases while offering their products directly to the market through the cooperative without the need for intermediaries. Consumers similarly have the opportunity to meet the need for intermediary, quality and affordable products as much as possible. By removing intermediaries from the supply chain, cooperatives take their place in the economic structure as one of the essentials of a system aimed at maximizing the well-being of producers and consumers. Since the issue is especially viewed from the point of view of agriculture and food cooperatives, it is seen that cooperative products stand out in meeting the desire of consumers to reach safe and healthy food in the fastest, most economical way. In this case, it is important for cooperatives to act taking into account consumer behavior, decision-making processes and factors affecting these decisions. With the Covid-19 pandemic, the change in purchasing behavior of consumers has the potential to offer various opportunities for solving the problems of cooperatives such as sales and marketing and branding. In the study, which was carried out to examine the consumer purchasing attitudes of cooperative products and the factors affecting these attitudes in Cankaya district of Ankara province, the questions contained in the scale were directed to the sample group and they were asked to answer online. As a result of the research, the cooperative products of consumers; because it is reliable and affordable, it has been concluded that it prefers.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı, İşletme Yönetimi Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kooperatif, Kooperatif Ürünleri, Tüketici, Tüketici Tutumları, Cooperative, Cooperative Products, Consumer, Consumer Attitudes