Hayvan gübresinden biyogaz üretim potansiyelinin belirlenmesi: Ankara, Gaziantep, Kars*
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TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odası
Erişim Hakkı
Gelişen teknoloji ve artan nüfusa paralel olarak enerji talebi gün geçtikçe hızla artış göstermiştir. Enerji talebinin artışı bu alanda yapılan çalışmalara hız kazandırmıştır. Halihazırda emre amade kullanılan konvansiyonel enerji kaynakları tükenebilme riski ve olumsuz çevre etkileri nedeniyle kullanımına sınır getirilmek istenen enerji kaynakları durumuna gelmiştir. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları bu anlamda konvansiyonel enerji kaynaklarına alternatif oluşturmuşlardır. Tükenme riski olmayan çevre dostu yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları son dönemlerde sıklıkla çalışılan konulardandır. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynağı olarak biyokütlenin kullanılması tarım ve hayvancılık alanında gelişmeye sebep olmuştur. Yapılan tarım ve hayvancılıkta atık olarak görünen ürünler değerlendirilerek, geri kazanım sağlanmış olacaktır. Hayvan dışkısı doğada kaldığı sürece açığa çıkan metan gazı sera etkisi yaratarak küresel ısınmaya neden olur. Suya karıştıktan sonra insan sağlığına zararlı hale gelir. Bu nedenle elektrik ve ısı enerjisi elde ederek geri dönüşümlü olarak bertaraf edilmesi önem arz etmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışma kapsamında ülkemizin farklı bölgelerinde bulunan Ankara, Gaziantep ve Kars illerindeki hayvan dışkısının toplanabilirliği dikkate alınarak biyogazdan elde edilebilecek potansiyel elektrik enerjisi araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, Ankara ilinden 375.497,55 Mega Watt Saat Elektrik /Yıl (MWhe/yıl), Gaziantep ilinden 115.452,27 MWhe/yıl, Kars ilinden de 198.691,4 MWhe/yıl elektrik enerjisinin biyogazdan elde edilebilme potansiyeline sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir.
Developing technology and increasing population trigger the increasing of the energy demand. As a result, increase in energy demand has accelerated the studies in this field. Conventional energy sources were used currently as usual however it was desired to be limited due to the risk of depletion and negative environmental effects. Therefore, environmentally friendly and no risk of depletion renewable energy sources have created an alternative to conventional energy sources were the frequently studied topics recently. The use of biomass as a renewable energy source has led to development in agriculture and animal husbandry. Products that appear as waste in agriculture and animal husbandry will be evaluated and recycled. If animal feces remain in nature, the methane gas released creates a greenhouse effect and causes global warming. It becomes harmful to human health after mixing with water. For this reason, it is important to obtain electrical and heat energy and dispose of it recyclable. Within the scope of this study, the potential electrical energy that can be obtained from biogas was investigated, considering the collectability of animal feces in Ankara, Gaziantep and Kars provinces located in different regions of our country. In this context, it has been determined that 375,497.55 Mega Watt Hour Electricity (MWhe/year ) from Ankara, 115,452.27 MWhe/year from Gaziantep, and 198,691.4 MWhe/year from Kars have the potential to obtain electrical energy from biogas.
Developing technology and increasing population trigger the increasing of the energy demand. As a result, increase in energy demand has accelerated the studies in this field. Conventional energy sources were used currently as usual however it was desired to be limited due to the risk of depletion and negative environmental effects. Therefore, environmentally friendly and no risk of depletion renewable energy sources have created an alternative to conventional energy sources were the frequently studied topics recently. The use of biomass as a renewable energy source has led to development in agriculture and animal husbandry. Products that appear as waste in agriculture and animal husbandry will be evaluated and recycled. If animal feces remain in nature, the methane gas released creates a greenhouse effect and causes global warming. It becomes harmful to human health after mixing with water. For this reason, it is important to obtain electrical and heat energy and dispose of it recyclable. Within the scope of this study, the potential electrical energy that can be obtained from biogas was investigated, considering the collectability of animal feces in Ankara, Gaziantep and Kars provinces located in different regions of our country. In this context, it has been determined that 375,497.55 Mega Watt Hour Electricity (MWhe/year ) from Ankara, 115,452.27 MWhe/year from Gaziantep, and 198,691.4 MWhe/year from Kars have the potential to obtain electrical energy from biogas.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyogaz, Enerji, Biyokütle, Yenilenebilir Enerji, Elektrik, Biogas, Energy, Biomass, Renewable Energy, Electric
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