İnşaat mühendislerinin depremin etkilerine karşı etkin rol üstlenmesi için alması gereken eğitim ve etik bilincinin irdelenmesi
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Dünyada yaşanmakta olan birçok doğal afet türlerinden biri olan deprem ülkemizde de birçok kez yaşanmış bir afet türüdür. Depremin engellenmesi veya tam olarak yerinin veya zamanının bilinmesi günümüz teknolojisinde bile mümkün değildir. Deprem afeti gerçeği ve üzücü sonuçları ile her an karşılaşacağımız gerçeği değişmeyeceğine göre bu afet türüne karşı gerekli önlemleri nasıl alabiliriz diye düşünerek gerekli çözüm yollarını bir an önce devreye almamız gerekmektedir. Peki, bu çözüm yolları için neler yapabiliriz veya ne gibi adımlar atabiliriz. Öncelikle toplumun deprem öncesi ve sonrası bilinçlenmesi için gerekli eğitimlerin verilmesi gerekmekte olup bu çalışmada üzerinde duracağımız konu İnşaat mühendisleri olacaktır. Bu konuda yapılacaklar arasında iyi bir lise eğitimi verilerek matematik ve fen alanında gerekli altyapıya sahip öğrenciler yetiştirilmeli ve öğrencilerin yetenekli oldukları alanlara yönlendirilmeleri gerekmektedir. Bunları takip edecek süreçte üniversite eğitimin ve etik bilincinin öğrencilere verilerek, gelecekte yapacakları her meslek dalında gerekli sorumlulukları laikiyle almaları sağlanmalıdır. Bu bilgi birikimi gerekli sorumluluk bilinci sayesinde her meslek grubunda gerekli hassasiyet ve sorumluluk ile görevlerini yapmaları sağlanmış olacaktır. Deprem can ve mal kayıplarına neden olduğu için burada en büyük sorumluluğun inşaat mühendislerine düştüğü gerçeği açık bir şekilde ortadadır. Bu durumda inşaat mühendisleri sahalara yada ofis ortamlarına geçmeden önceki süreçleri adım adım nasıl işlenmeli ve nasıl etik bilincine sahip inşaat mühendisleri yetiştirilir buna yönelik çalışmalar yapmak durumundayız. Bu çalışmada deprem gerçeğinden söz edileceği gibi lise eğitimi ve eksiklerine, inşaat mühendislerine yönelik üniversite eğitimine, mezun inşaat mühendislerinin piyasada çalışırken etik anlayışı çerçevesinde çalışıp çalışmadıklarına ve sayın hocalarımızın düşünceleri hakkında anket çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Bu anketlerin sonuçları ve analizleri de çalışmamıza eklenerek desteklenmiştir.
Earthquake, which is one of the many natural disasters in the world, is a type of disaster that has been experienced many times in our country. Even with today's technology, it is not possible to prevent an earthquake or to know its exact location or time. Since the reality of an earthquake disaster and the fact that we will face it's sad consequences at any moment will not change, we should consider how we can take the necessary measures against this type of disaster and put the necessary solutions into action as soon as possible. Well, what can we do or what steps can we take for these solutions? First of all, necessary training should be given to raise awareness of the society before and after the earthquake, and the subject we will focus on in this study will be Civil engineers. Among the things to be done in this regard, students with the necessary background in mathematics and science should be trained by giving a good high school education and students should be directed to the fields in which they are talented. In the process that will follow these, university education and ethical awareness should be given to students, and it should be ensured that they take the necessary responsibilities in every profession they will do in the future. Thanks to this knowledge and the necessary sense of responsibility, it will be ensured that every profession group performs their duties with the necessary sensitivity and responsibility. Since the earthquake caused loss of life and property, the fact that the greatest responsibility falls on civil engineers here is clearly evident. In this case, we have to work on how to process the processes before civil engineers go to the fields or office environments step by step and how to train civil engineers with ethical awareness. In this study, as the earthquake fact will be mentioned, surveys were conducted about high school education and its deficiencies, university education for civil engineers, whether graduate civil engineers work within the framework of ethical understanding while working in the market, and the thoughts of our esteemed professors. The results and analyzes of these surveys were also supported by adding them to our study.
Earthquake, which is one of the many natural disasters in the world, is a type of disaster that has been experienced many times in our country. Even with today's technology, it is not possible to prevent an earthquake or to know its exact location or time. Since the reality of an earthquake disaster and the fact that we will face it's sad consequences at any moment will not change, we should consider how we can take the necessary measures against this type of disaster and put the necessary solutions into action as soon as possible. Well, what can we do or what steps can we take for these solutions? First of all, necessary training should be given to raise awareness of the society before and after the earthquake, and the subject we will focus on in this study will be Civil engineers. Among the things to be done in this regard, students with the necessary background in mathematics and science should be trained by giving a good high school education and students should be directed to the fields in which they are talented. In the process that will follow these, university education and ethical awareness should be given to students, and it should be ensured that they take the necessary responsibilities in every profession they will do in the future. Thanks to this knowledge and the necessary sense of responsibility, it will be ensured that every profession group performs their duties with the necessary sensitivity and responsibility. Since the earthquake caused loss of life and property, the fact that the greatest responsibility falls on civil engineers here is clearly evident. In this case, we have to work on how to process the processes before civil engineers go to the fields or office environments step by step and how to train civil engineers with ethical awareness. In this study, as the earthquake fact will be mentioned, surveys were conducted about high school education and its deficiencies, university education for civil engineers, whether graduate civil engineers work within the framework of ethical understanding while working in the market, and the thoughts of our esteemed professors. The results and analyzes of these surveys were also supported by adding them to our study.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ülkemizde Deprem, İnşaat Mühendisliğinde Eğitim, İnşaat Mühendisliğinde Etik, Lise Eğitimi, Earthquake in Our Country, Education in Civil Engineering, Ethics in Civil Engineering, High School Education