Kanal içi tahribatsız muayene maksatlı Ni-Ti temelli soft robotik sistem tasarımı
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İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi
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İnsanlarla kolay etkileşime girebilen ve günlük hayatta doğal ortama uyum sağlayabilen robotlar evde, hastanelerde ve endüstride yardımcı cihazlar olarak giderek hayatımızın vazgeçilmez bir parçası olmaktadır. Bu robotların herkes tarafından kolay kullanılabilmesi, güvenilir ve verilen görevlerin ulaşılabilir, çevreye zarar vermeyen stabil sistemler olması gerekmektedir. Yapılan gözlemler ve deneyler sonucu tasarlanan en stabil ve görevlerini kusursuz yerine getiren cihazların biyo ilham robotlar olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada kanal içi tahribatsız muayene maksatlı Ni-Ti temelli soft robot tırtıllardan ilham alınarak tasarlanmıştır. Zor şartlar ve ortamlarda deforme olmayan yapısı ile Ni-Ti Şekil Bellekli Alaşım (ŞBA) aktüatörleri her ortam şartında sorunsuz verim alınan, robotun üzerinde bulunan kablosuz veri aktarımı sağlayan kamera sayesinde karanlık kanallarda dahi görevini yerine getirebilmektedir. Soft robotun üzerindeki kablosuz veri aktarımı yapan kamerasından alınan görüntüler ile kanalın içindeki kaynak yırtıkları, deformeler, delikler ve göçükleri tespit edebilmektedir. Soft robotun içine entegre edilmiş iki adet Ni-Ti ŞBA yay sayesinde sistematik kasılma hareketi yaparak tıpkı bir tırtıl gibi hareket etmektedir. Geliştirilen soft robot 60 saniyede 129 mm yol almasıyla doğadaki tırtıllara göre çok daha hızlı hareket etmektedir. Ayrıca bünyesinde barındırdığı lityum iyon batarya sayesinde kablolara ihtiyaç duymadan çalışabilmektedir. Lityum iyon bataryaları çalışma süresini uzatmakta ve çalışma alanını genişletmektedir. Yalınlaştırılmış tasarımı sayesinde kablo kargaşasını ortadan kaldırarak daha rahat bir çalışma ortamı oluşturmaktadır. Kablosuz veri aktarımı özelliğiyle diğer robotlara göre avantaj sağlamaktadır. Soft yapısı deformelere ve yırtılmalara karşı dayanaklı olması kısa sürede arızalanmasının önüne geçmektedir. Bu alanda yapılan diğer sistemlere göre düşük maliyetli olması tercih edilebilirliğini artırmaktadır.
Robots, which can interact with people easily and adapt to the natural environment in daily life, are increasingly becoming an indispensable part of our lives as assistive devices at home, hospitals and industry. These robots must be easy to use by everyone, reliable and stable systems that do not harm the environment, are reliable and the tasks given must be accessible. As a result of the observations and experiments, it has been observed that the most stable and flawlessly performing devices are bio-inspired robots. In this study, Ni-Ti-based soft robot was designed with inspiration from caterpillars for nondestructive testing in the canal. With its non-deforming structure in harsh conditions and environments, Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuators can perform their duties even in dark channels, thanks to the camera on the robot that provides smooth data transfer under all environmental conditions. With the images taken from the wireless data transfer camera on the soft robot, it can detect weld tears, deformities, holes and dents in the canal. Thanks to two Ni-Ti SMA springs integrated into the soft robot, it moves like a caterpillar by making systematic contraction movements. The developed soft robot moves much faster than caterpillars in nature, traveling 129 mm in 60 seconds. In addition, thanks to the lithium-ion battery it contains, it can operate without the need for cables. Lithium-ion batteries extend the working time and expand the working area. Thanks to its simplified design, it eliminates cable clutter and creates a more comfortable working environment. It provides an advantage over other robots with its wireless data transfer feature. Its soft structure is resistant to deformations and tears and prevents it from failing in a short time. Its low cost compared to other systems made in this field increases its preferability.
Robots, which can interact with people easily and adapt to the natural environment in daily life, are increasingly becoming an indispensable part of our lives as assistive devices at home, hospitals and industry. These robots must be easy to use by everyone, reliable and stable systems that do not harm the environment, are reliable and the tasks given must be accessible. As a result of the observations and experiments, it has been observed that the most stable and flawlessly performing devices are bio-inspired robots. In this study, Ni-Ti-based soft robot was designed with inspiration from caterpillars for nondestructive testing in the canal. With its non-deforming structure in harsh conditions and environments, Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuators can perform their duties even in dark channels, thanks to the camera on the robot that provides smooth data transfer under all environmental conditions. With the images taken from the wireless data transfer camera on the soft robot, it can detect weld tears, deformities, holes and dents in the canal. Thanks to two Ni-Ti SMA springs integrated into the soft robot, it moves like a caterpillar by making systematic contraction movements. The developed soft robot moves much faster than caterpillars in nature, traveling 129 mm in 60 seconds. In addition, thanks to the lithium-ion battery it contains, it can operate without the need for cables. Lithium-ion batteries extend the working time and expand the working area. Thanks to its simplified design, it eliminates cable clutter and creates a more comfortable working environment. It provides an advantage over other robots with its wireless data transfer feature. Its soft structure is resistant to deformations and tears and prevents it from failing in a short time. Its low cost compared to other systems made in this field increases its preferability.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Mekatronik Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Mekatronik Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ni-Ti, ŞBA, Soft Robot, Biyo-İlham, Robotik Sistem Tasarımı, Ni-Ti, SMA, Soft Robot, Bio-Inspired, Robotic System Design